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Reg Z. "Billing Error Disputes" 1026.13

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Reg Z. "Billing Error Disputes" 1026.13, allows the creditor to disregard additional billing error notices from the consumer if they are substantially the same. What happens when these items are for example, are two years old? So consumer says" this is a billing error" different from the original one. Does the 60 day timeframe bar the consumer from filing the "new" error. The regulation states what to do if they're the same, it doesn't address the issue if it's not the same?

Anything outside the 60 day timeframe is not a billing error notice. You are not required to take any action, other than most likely a courtesy letter to the customer informing them of the requirement that any billing error must be submitted in that timeframe and that unfortunately, there is nothing the bank can do for them at this time for 2 year old transactions.

1026.13(b) Billing error notice. A billing error notice is a written notice from a consumer that:

(1) Is received by a creditor at the address disclosed under ยง1026.7(a)(9) or (b)(9), as applicable, no later than 60 days after the creditor transmitted the first periodic statement that reflects the alleged billing error;

First published on 04/08/2018

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