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University Health Science Center Account

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We have an account for a state university's health science center (not the main university). Would that be considered public funds? If not, can we exempt them from CTR reporting?

The interrelationships between campus entities can be complex, and it's not automatic that the health science center is a division of the university. You need to find out if the center is 100% part of the university organization. If so, and if you have determined that the university is a government entity, you should be OK declaring the center exempt.

If you already have the university itself exempted, and the center is nothing more than a piece of the university, you may not need to separately exempt the center. Instead you could include it under the university's umbrella. Check the organizations' EINs for a clue.

Do you reasonably expect the center to have cash transactions such that an exemption is desirable? What cash activity would a health science center expect to transact?

First published on 6/23/08

First published on 06/23/2008

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