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If You Can't Say Something Nice...

The banking newspapers are full of what we can expect in 1991. And the forecast is for more gloom and doom. The economy is down, unemployment is up, the real estate market...well, you know the rest of it. In this time of holiday spirit and good wishes, the bankers keep looking over their shoulders, so busy trying to keep their jobs that they don't have time to do their jobs.

Customers come into our institutions and ask if they should leave their money there-"Is it safe?", they'll whisper, "Or should I move it somewhere else?"

I had a call last week from an attorney who wanted to know where he could get a list of profitable banking institutions!

We have not had to deal with these types of problems. And many bankers, from operations people, tellers and customer service representatives through presidents and chief executive officers, are not responding the way they should.

It's time to go on the offensive. We've been trying to 'put out fires', and defend our industry too long. It's time to start telling what is RIGHT about us instead of what is WRONG.

The press and the media have tried to give banking and bankers a bad name, and have caused us to have doubts in our own ability. Maybe 1991 is the time for us to remember that we are, after all, a service industry-and a darn good one at that! We care about the communities in which we work, and about our customers who are our neighbors and friends. The service we perform for them is a vital contribution to their development and prosperity.

A lot of us have been around a lot of years, and have invested ourselves, our careers and our fortunes in institutions we believe in. How is it that we have allowed our faith and the faith of others to be shaken by these outside pressures? Why do we doubt for one minute that what we are doing is right, and will be proven right in the coming days?

I would not for one minute discredit the fact that there are some institutions that have made mistakes. But all bankers should resent the fact that we are all held accountable by the press for those institutions which misbehaved! It's as if a few kids were bad in class, so everyone has to stay after school!

Start telling the world (starting with your friends, family and customers) what is RIGHT with your shop. Talk about your contribution to the community. Put articles in the paper about your civic involvements. Talk about the taxes you pay, the jobs you provide, the interest you pay, the services you offer. Talk about the number of years you have been a profitable institution (including this last one) and how your management's commitment has always been one of service.

1990 is behind us. It's time to look ahead and rebuild the faith in our industry that once was, and can be again-with our help.

Happy New Year.

Copyright © 1990 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 1, No. 12, 12/90

First published on 12/01/1990

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