Pursuing Restitution in Employee Embezzlement Cases
When is it okay for our bank to accept or pursue restitution from bank personnel terminated for embezzlement?
When is it okay for our bank to accept or pursue restitution from bank personnel terminated for embezzlement?
A creditor notified one of our customers that an online account was opened using their personal information. They didn’t open the account and informed that bank of the same. What else should I consider doing to help my customer?
Given that most bank robbers are caught, one has to ask why would anyone robs banks anymore?
What percentage of active shooter incidents end before the police arrive?
With phishing and BEC scams becoming prevalent, we want to conduct phishing tests on our employees as part of our IT training by sending scam emails and seeing whether our employees will “click.” What are some suggestions for launching a program? Do we send out reminders to all employees reminding them to make sure they know where an email is coming from before opening or clicking on any linking, without disclosing the name of the employee who failed our test?
Can you provide some context around video surveillance systems that utilize artificial intelligence and video analytics?
I heard that banking institutions cannot be closed more than 3 consecutive days in a row – is this true?
What is "Suspense Account Fraud,” and can you explain how it works?
Do you recommend the use of "Simulated," "Dummy," or "Fake" surveillance cameras to augment genuine camera placements? Manufacturers and distributors of these non-functioning devices suggest installing one or more of these cameras is one of the best ways to provide security and reduce costs. Their marketing material suggests that dummy cameras can help deter crime when appropriately utilized with real equipment. For example: The appearance of security can be enough to scare off criminals and having some deterrence is better than having none at all, fake cameras do not require circuitry or connections and can be installed virtually anywhere, the dummy cameras will deter inexperienced, low-level criminals.
Should our bank have a CCTV system that is PCI DSS compliant?