A - Z of Reg E
Why can't we hold customers liable for carrying their PIN with their card?
BOL Learning Connect conducts webinar training on every aspect of bank compliance from AML to Reg Z and every topic in between. You can rest assured that all the latest developments impacting bank compliance have been covered in one of their over 200 training programs.
Why can't we hold customers liable for carrying their PIN with their card?
FCRA lawsuits are on the rise – what claims do plaintiffs frequently bring against banks in class action suits?
Do the new instructions change how a single reportable deposit to a joint account is to be reported?
Can we hold a cashier’s check in a checking account?
The CTR includes fields in Part I for “gender” (item 7), “contact phone number” (item 18), and “E-mail address” (item 19). None of those fields are identified as “critical” fields. Do we have to ask for this information to complete the CTR?
Do we need to do a pandemic test and why?
If there is more than one grantor/trustee, as in a joint trust, upon the death of the grantor whose SSN was used, can the SSN of the surviving grantor then be used?
When do we have to make the changes to amounts for Regulation CC?
If our state is does not allow even medical marijuana, how are businesses selling these products and by-products without being arrested?
What is the single best way our bank can decrease the chances of being hit with a class action lawsuit?