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EIN & SSN - Same Number? - Follow Up

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I read the following Guru Q&A: <a href="">EIN & SSN - Same Number?</a>, regarding overlapping EIN & SSNs. Where can you find on IRS website that it specifically states that EIN and SSN won't overlap?

You can't because it's not there. What you can find are clear instructions from the IRS to the effect that an estate must have its own EIN. Check this out.

The estate's EIN won't be the same as the individual's SSN. You are justified in requiring that the estate representative provide you a copy of the IRS letter issuing the EIN before opening an account. His or her offer of a number that is the same as his/her or the decedent's SSN is a strong suggestion that no number has been applied for.

First published on 3/08/10

First published on 03/08/2010

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