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Hotel Charge Disputed by Customer

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I have a customer disputing a hotel charge. In his letter he only states that he had unauthorized charges to this particular hotel. When we called the customer asking for more information he tells us that the hotel asked for his card number (he gave them his debit card) in case there was damage to the room. He claims that his company paid for his hotel stay, but he has also been charged. We told him that we would have to have a very detailed letter and a copy of where the bill had been paid by other means. Our customer has never responded. How do we handle this situation? Do we still need to send him a letter stating that he does not have charge back rights since he never responded to our request for the information that we needed? We did not issue provisional credit since he did not provide proof of payment.

Refer to Section 205.11(b):
A financial institution shall comply with the requirements of this section with respect to any oral or written notice of error from the consumer that:
a. Is received by the institution no later than 60 days after the institution sends the periodic statement or provides passbook documentation on which the alleged error is first reflected;
b. Enables the institution to identify the consumer’s name and account number; and
c. Indicates why the consumer believes an error exists and includes to the extent possible the type, date and amount of the error.

You must respond to this error because the customer notified you orally. His lack of response is a red flag, but not a reason to deny the claim. You can't tell him he doesn't have charge back rights because he hasn't responded to your request. I understand this puts you in between a rock and hard place, but you must continue to investigate. Unless you can provide evidence he didn't authorize this charge, you must provide credit to this customer.

First published on 9/29/08

First published on 09/29/2008

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