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Reg B Section 704B of ECOA-Small Businesses

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I've been looking at the Reg B Section 704B of the ECOA. Are all financial institutions required to obtain this information on any type of loan by women-or minority-owned businesses and small businesses? If we have dealer loans for motor vehicle dealers, do we need to make sure they do this?

Compliance with this new requirement is delayed pending issuance of regulations by the CFPB. The Fed has issued guidance delaying compliance by dealers until the CFPB issues regulations on this new requirement. From the Fed's rule:

"Although the CFPB has the authority to issue rules to implement ECOA Section 704B for most entities, the Board retains authority to issue rules for certain motor vehicle dealers. This final rule excepts motor vehicle dealers subject to the Board's jurisdiction from the requirements of ECOA Section 704B until the effective date of final rules issued by the Board to implement that provision."

First published on 3/19/12

First published on 03/19/2012

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