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Who should have keys to the branches? Any advice?

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We have had many discussions concerning keys to our branches. What is the recommended procedure for employee keys and key logs? Who should have access to the bank on a 24 hour basis and what procedures should we implement to know who has the keys?

This would be an excellent question to post on the Bankers' Threads message board because it's one where it would be beneficial to get input from many different institutions. I would urge you to post it there.

Keep in mind when you formulate your policy on employee access that this should become part of your information security program which you must formulate under the new guidelines for safeguarding customer information by July 1, 2001. When an individual is allowed to be alone in the bank after hours, it could pose a risk to customer information security. You must identify that potential risk, evaluate or assess its likelihood, and determine what measures you can put into place to guard against unauthorized access and other dangers to customer information security, such as destruction of records.

First published on 5/7/01

First published on 05/07/2001

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