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IRS issues taxpayer warning

The IRS issued a consumer alert yesterday following bad advice circulating on social media about a non-existent “Self Employment Tax Credit” that's misleading taxpayers into filing false claims.

Promoters and social media are marketing something they describe as the “Self Employment Tax Credit” as a way for self-employed people and gig workers to get big payments for the COVID-19 pandemic period. Similar to misleading marketing around the Employee Retention Credit, there is inaccurate information suggesting many people qualify for the tax credit and payments of up to $32,000 when they actually do not.

In reality, the underlying credit being referred to in social media is not called the “Self Employment Tax Credit.” It is a much more limited and technical credit called “Credits for Sick Leave and Family Leave.” Many people simply do not qualify for this credit, and the IRS is closely reviewing claims coming in under this provision so people filing claims do so at their own risk.


HUD charges appraiser, appraisal management company and lender with race discrimination

HUD announced yesterday that it has charged multiple entities with housing discrimination for issuing a biased appraisal and then denying a refinance loan application in Denver, Colorado. HUD's Charge against the appraiser, Maksym Mykhailyna; appraisal company, Maverick Appraisal Group; appraisal management company, Solidifi U.S. Inc.; and lender, Rocket Mortgage, LLC, alleges that the appraiser issued a discriminatory appraisal that undervalued a Black homeowner's property on the basis of her race. The Charge further alleges that, when the homeowner complained to Rocket Mortgage, Rocket Mortgage would only proceed with her refinance loan application based on the appraised value that she alleged was discriminatory.

HUD's Charge of Discrimination alleges that Maksym Mykhailyna and his appraisal company, Maverick Appraisal Group, issued an insupportably low appraisal of a duplex owned by a Black woman in a predominantly white area of Denver. Other recent appraisals of the same property had steadily increased in value, yet this appraisal resulted in a dramatic drop, despite the Denver market experiencing substantial growth in home values at that time. To reach that low number, the appraisal was rife with inaccuracies and unsupportable methodological choices (such as relying on comparable properties in neighborhoods with greater Black populations and excluding potential comparable properties in neighborhoods with greater white populations) that not only artificially lowered the appraised value but deviated from Mr. Mykhailyna's own methodology and findings about the relevant neighborhood in appraising similar, nearby properties with White owners. Both Solidifi and Rocket Mortgage reviewed the appraisal report but failed to correct it despite several red flags. When the homeowner complained to Rocket Mortgage, she was told she could only proceed with her loan application based on the appraisal that she alleged was discriminatory; ultimately, her application was denied.


NCUA Board to meet Thursday

The National Credit Union Administration has published a notice [89 FR 57946] in today's Federal Register of the next meeting of the NCUA Board, to be held at 10:00 a,m., Thursday, July 18, 2024, at the NCUA's Board Room. Matters to be considered include:

  • NCUA Rules and Regulations, Parts 701 and 741 (Succession Planning)
  • NCUA Rules and Regulations, Parts 741 and 751 (Incentive-Based Compensation Agreements)
  • Federal Credit Union Loan Interest Rate Ceiling


FHFA announces required tenant protections for multifamily properties

The Federal Housing Finance Agency on Friday announced a set of required tenant protections for multifamily properties financed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises). This announcement results from FHFA’s extensive and ongoing engagement with market participants and key stakeholders on tenant issues and represents the first time that tenant protections will be a standard component of Enterprise multifamily financing.

Covered housing providers will be required to provide tenants with:

  • a 30-day written notice of a rent increase
  • a 30-day written notice of a lease expiration
  • a 5-day grace period for rent payments

The Enterprises will monitor and enforce the tenant protections announced on Friday, and failure to comply could result in penalties under the loan agreement. These protections will be required for new loans signed on or after the policy effective date, February 28, 2025. A detailed description of the tenant protection policies is expected to be published by the Enterprises in August 2024.


OFAC releases basics video on blocked funds

OFAC has released the second video in its “OFAC Basics” video series.

My Funds Are Blocked, Now What?” provides viewers with guidance on what it means when funds are blocked in connection with OFAC sanctions, as well as recommended steps for what to do if their funds have been blocked.


Agencies release list of distressed or underserved geographies

On Friday, the federal bank regulatory agencies announced their release of the 2024 list of distressed or underserved nonmetropolitan middle-income geographies where certain bank activities are eligible for Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) credit.

Under the CRA, the agencies assess a bank’s record of meeting the credit needs of its entire community, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, consistent with safe and sound operations. The list released by the agencies includes distressed or underserved nonmetropolitan middle-income geographies where revitalization or stabilization activities are eligible to receive CRA consideration. The designations reflect local economic conditions, including unemployment, poverty, and population changes. Previous years’ lists and criteria for designating these areas are available on the FFIEC's Distressed and Underserved Tracts webpage.


FDIC issues materials for June 30 Call Reports

The FDIC yesterday issued Financial Institution Letter FIL-39-2024 with information and Supplemental Instructions related to the Call Report for the June 30, 2024, report date and guidance on certain reporting issues.

With certain exceptions, completed Call Reports must be received by Tuesday, July 30, 2024.


FFIEC publishes 2023 data on mortgage lending

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council yesterday announced it has published data on 2023 mortgage lending transactions reported under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) by 5,113 U.S. financial institutions, including banks, savings associations, credit unions, and mortgage companies.


FinCEN supplemental alert on Israeli extremist violence in West Bank

Yesterday, FinCEN released a supplemental alert (FIN-2024-Alert002), highlighting five additional red flags regarding the financing of Israeli extremist settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank.

FinCEN issued an alert (FIN-2024-Alert001) on February 1, 2024, to financial institutions related to the financing of Israeli extremist settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank. This supplemental alert provides additional red flags to assist U.S. financial institutions in identifying and reporting suspicious activity related to the financing of this violence. Additionally, this alert requests that financial institutions continue to use the existing SAR code (FIN-2024-WBEXTREMISM) when submitting SARs specific to the financing of Israeli extremist settler violence in the West Bank and reminds financial institutions of their Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) reporting obligations.


State Department designations under West Bank sanctions program

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of State reported it has imposed sanctions on three individuals and five entities under Executive Order 14115 for being involved in violence or threats of violence targeting civilians, seizure or dispossession of property by private actors, or actions that threaten the peace, stability and security of the West Bank; or being owned or controlled by an individual designated under that order.

For the names and identification information of the designated parties, see this July 11, 2024, BankersOnline OFAC Update.


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