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FDIC updates Part 328 Q&A

The FDIC has issued FIL-56-2024 to alert financial institutions it has updated its Questions and Answers page for the final rule governing FDIC Official Signs and Advertising Requirements, False Advertising, Misrepresentation of Insured Status, and Misuse of the FDIC Name or Logo (part 328). The Q&As provide clarifying information on the final rule to support stakeholders in the implementation of part 328.

The Q&As cover key implementation topics that include, for example, the placement and display of the official digital sign and non-deposit sign, use of the advertising statement on various deposit-taking channels on websites, mobile apps, ATMs, and social media, as well as information on technical assistance support, such as where to obtain downloadable versions of the official digital sign.


CFPB updates Small Business Lending Filing instructions guide

The CFPB has issued the 2025 Small Business Lending Filing Instructions Guide, which updates dates used in the filing instructions to correspond with the new compliance dates for the rule. Additionally, the Action Taken Date and Application Date data point examples have been updated to reflect the new compliance dates and use year 2025.

The Bureau also updated other Small Business Lending reporting resources to reflect the extended compliance dates.


Fed enforcement actions announced

The Federal Reserve Board yesterday announced the execution of two enforcement actions —

  • A Written Agreement with Heritage Bancshares Group Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Trust, Spicer, Minnesota, and Heritage Bancshares Group, Inc., Spicer, Minnesota
  • A Written Agreement with SNB Bancshares, Inc., Eufaula, Oklahoma, and Bank of Eufaula, Eufaula, Oklahoma


Further sanctions targeting Houthi and Hizballah trade networks

The Treasury Department has reported that OFAC has sanctioned several companies, individuals, and vessels for their involvement in the shipment of Iranian commodities, including oil and liquefied petroleum gas, to Yemen and the United Arab Emirates on behalf of the network of Iran-based, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force-backed Houthi financial official Sa’id al-Jamal. OFAC also updated the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List entry for the sanctioned vessel ARTURA (IMO: 9150365), which was responsible for shipping commodities for Sa’id al-Jamal, to reflect the changing of its name to OHAR.

For the names and identification information of the designated parties, see this August 15, 2024, BankersOnline OFAC Update.


CFPB to start rule processes to kill 'doom loops' and improve chatbots

The White House has issued a Fact Sheet on a new administration effort to address "hassles that waste Americans’ time and money."

Among the initiatives listed in the Fact Sheet, there are two that could affect banks. The CFPB will initial a rulemaking to require businesses under its jurisdiction to provide consumers direct, one-button access to a live human being instead of being forced to listen to a series of long messages and menu options. The Bureau will also issue rules or guidance to crack down on ineffective and time-wasting chatbots used by some banks and other financial institutions in lieu of customer service. The CFPB will identify when the use of automated chatbots or AI voice recordings is unlawful, including in situations in which customers are led to believe they are speaking with a human being.


FTC issues final rule banning fake reviews and testimonials

The Federal Trade Commission yesterday announced a final rule that will combat fake reviews and testimonials by prohibiting their sale or purchase and allow the agency to seek civil penalties against knowing violators.

The rule prohibits:

  • Fake or false consumer reviews, consumer testimonials, and celebrity testimonials
  • Buying positive or negative reviews
  • Insider reviews and consumer testimonials
  • Company-controlled review websites
  • Review suppression
  • Misuse of fake social media indicators

The rule will become effective 60 days after it is published in the Federal Register.

Publication and effective date update: Published at 89 FR 68034 in the 8/22/2024 Federal Register, with an effective date of 10/21/2024


SEC charges Burkhalter and firm with Ponzi scheme

The SEC yesterday announced it has obtained a preliminary injunction, asset freeze, and other emergency relief against Atlanta-based Drive Planning LLC and its founder and CEO, Russell Todd Burkhalter, to halt a $300 million real estate Ponzi scheme impacting more than 2,000 investors. Additionally, a receiver was appointed over Drive Planning. The SEC alleges the defendants misappropriated millions of dollars of investor funds to fund Burkhalter’s lavish lifestyle and to make Ponzi-like payments.

The SEC’s complaint alleges that, from 2020 through at least June 2024, Drive Planning and Burkhalter raised more than $300 million for purported real estate investments, telling investors their money would be used to fund land development projects. The defendants promised 10% interest every 3 months and encouraged investors to tap their savings, retirement accounts, and even open lines of credit to invest. In reality, the defendants did not have a business capable of generating the promised returns, and they instead used investor funds to make Ponzi-like payments, according to the complaint. The complaint further alleges that Burkhalter stole investor funds to fund his luxurious lifestyle, including to buy a $3.1 million yacht and spending $4.6 million on chartering private jets and luxury car services and $2 million on a luxury condo.

The SEC seeks permanent injunctions, disgorgement of ill-gotten gains with prejudgment interest, and civil penalties against the defendants, and an officer-and-director bar against Burkhalter. The complaint also names Jacqueline Burkhalter, Burkhalter’s spouse, and several related entities as relief defendants and seeks disgorgement of ill-gotten gains from them.


FDIC notice of Labor Department's QPAM exemptions amendment

The FDIC has issued FIL-55-2024 to notify FDIC-supervised institutions of an amendment of the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Prohibited Transaction Class Exemption rule (PTE 84-14) for Qualified Professional Asset Manager (QPAM) exemptions. The QPAM Exemption (hereafter, PTE 84-14) provides broad relief for employee benefit plan and individual retirement account transactions that would otherwise be prohibited by Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA) and Title II of ERISA, as codified in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, as long as the transactions involve a QPAM. Under the prior rule, QPAMs did not need to notify the DOL that they were relying on the Exemption. However, under the newly amended rule, a one-time notice is now required in order to continue to rely on the Exemption, provided certain conditions are met.

The revised DOL QPAM Exemption PTE 84-14 was published [89 FR 23090] in the Federal Register on April 3, 2024, and became effective June 17, 2024. Among other things, PTE 84-14 will require institutions relying on the exemption to:

  • Notify DOL of their intent to rely upon the Exemption. Each QPAM that relies upon the Exemption must report its legal name (and any name the QPAM may be operating under) by email to the DOL at within an initial 90-day period from the date the Exemption became effective, with an additional 90-day period to cure inadvertent failures to report;
  • Meet the adjusted QPAM asset management and equity thresholds, which will phase in through incremental changes in 2024, 2027, and 2030;
  • Become familiar with Section I(g)(3)’s expanded list of types of misconduct and entities that may cause ineligibility for the QPAM exemption;
  • Comply with the new recordkeeping requirements in PTE 84-14 section VI(u), which would require maintaining records for six years demonstrating compliance with this exemption; and
  • Request any individual exemptions in case a bank becomes ineligible or anticipates becoming ineligible under the new PTE 84-14 section I(k).

Generally, banks have until September 24, 2024, to notify DOL of their intent to rely upon the Exemption; see the exemption amendment to PTE 84-14 for additional information.


CFPB advisory opinion: Contracts for deed subject to consumer protection laws

Yesterday, the CFPB announced it had released an advisory opinion and research report on a form of home seller financing that is often referred to as contract for deed.

Under contract-for-deed deals, the seller agrees to turn over a home’s deed only after the buyer completes a series of payments. During the contract term, the borrower often carries the responsibilities of homeownership, including repairs, property taxes, and improvements. The deals often have little oversight, and investment groups and other sellers can set a series of traps that leave buyers in unlivable homes, on the hook for tax liens and expensive repairs, and at risk of losing their down payments and homes. The advisory opinion affirms that federal home lending rules and laws cover contracts for deed and provide key consumer protections. In yesterday’s report, the CFPB traces the history of contract-for-deed lending. The CFPB has found that these products often target Black, Hispanic, immigrant, and religious communities.

The CFPB's opinion holds that these contracts are in fact covered by the federal Truth in Lending Act. This law imposes certain requirements on larger sellers – often investment groups – such that they must assess borrowers' ability to repay loans, provide informative and accurate disclosures, and limit or avoid balloon payments.

PUBLICATION UPDATE: Published at 89 FR 68086 on 8/23/2024.

The CFPB also issued a Consumer Advisory on Contracts for Deed.


OTC Link agrees to pay $1.19M for AML failures

OTC Link LLC, a New York-based broker-dealer, has agreed to pay $1.19 million to settle SEC charges that it failed to file numerous reports of suspicious financial transactions (SARs) for a period of more than three years, according to an SEC news release.

The SEC’s order finds that, from March 2020 through May 2023, OTC Link failed to adopt or implement reasonably designed anti-money laundering (AML) policies and procedures to surveil transactions conducted through its three alternative trading systems (ATSs) for possible red flags of suspicious activity. As a result, OTC Link did not file a single SAR over this time period. The three ATSs are used by broker-dealers on a daily basis to execute or facilitate tens of thousands of transactions in over-the-counter (OTC) securities, many of which are considered microcap or penny stock securities.

Without admitting or denying the SEC’s findings, OTC Link agreed to a censure and a cease-and-desist order in addition to the $1.19 million penalty. The SEC’s order also directs OTC Link to continue its engagement of a compliance consultant to review and recommend changes to the firm’s AML policies and procedures.


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