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Exception Tracking Spreadsheet (TicklerTrax™)
Downloaded by more than 1,000 bankers. Free Excel spreadsheet to help you track missing and expiring documents for credit and loans, deposits, trusts, and more. Visualize your exception data in interactive charts and graphs. Provided by bank technology vendor, AccuSystems. Download TicklerTrax for free.

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Dealer financing terms SCOOS released

The Federal Reserve has released the December 2016 results of its senior credit officer opinion survey (SCOOS) on dealer financing, which collected qualitative information on changes over the previous three months in credit terms and conditions in securities financing and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets. In addition to the core questions, the survey included a set of special questions about the use of central clearing services for OTC derivatives and the ease of porting client portfolios from another clearing agent. The survey was conducted between November 15, 2016, and November 28, 2016. A summary of the survey results was also released.


Agencies make annual CRA threshold changes

The FDIC, Federal Reserve Board and OCC have announced the annual adjustment to the asset-size thresholds used to define small bank, small savings association, intermediate small bank, and intermediate small savings association under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) regulations. The annual adjustments are required by the CRA rules. Financial institutions are evaluated under different CRA examination procedures based upon their asset-size classification. Those meeting the small and intermediate small institution asset-size thresholds are not subject to the reporting requirements applicable to large banks and savings associations unless they choose to be evaluated as a large institution.

The changes will be effective on publication of the adjustments in the Federal Register. As a result of the adjustments (which have been posted to BOL's Regulations pages for Federal Reserve Regulation BB):

  • "Small bank" or "small savings association" means an institution that, as of December 31 of either of the prior two calendar years, had assets of less than $1.226 billion.
  • "Intermediate small bank" or "intermediate small savings association" means a small institution with assets of at least $307 million as of December 31 of both of the prior two calendar years and less than $1.226 billion as of December 31 of either of the prior two calendar years.

In addition to these adjustments, the FDIC is amending its CRA Notice requirements in Appendix B of its CRA regulations at 12 CFR Part 345 to reflect two technical changes concerning the manner in which the agency will receive public comments considered in the CRA examination process.


Executive Order adds 11 to SDN List

The Office of Foreign Assets Control announced yesterday that the president has issued an Executive Order (EO), "Taking Additional Steps To Address The National Emergency With Respect To Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities." The new EO amends EO 13694, “Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities.” The amendments allow for the imposition of sanctions on individuals and entities determined to be responsible for tampering, altering, or causing the misappropriation of information with the purpose or effect of interfering with or undermining election processes or institutions. Five entities and four individuals are identified in the Annex of the amended Executive Order and have been added to OFAC’s list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN List). OFAC designated an additional two individuals who also will be added to the SDN List. For details on the entities and individuals designated, see our OFAC Update.


October finance companies report

The October 2016 G.20 Finance Companies data on owned and managed receivables outstanding /auto loans: terms of credit have been released by the Federal Reserve Board.


OFAC designates two Pakistanis as Global Terrorists

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has acted to disrupt Lashkar-e Tayyiba’s (LeT) fundraising and support networks by designating two of the group’s senior leaders as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs). All property and interests in property of these two individuals subject to U.S. jurisdiction are now blocked, and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them. See our OFAC Update for details.


CFPB spotlight on debt collection complaints

The CFPB has released its monthly complaint snapshot; this report highlights consumer complaints about debt collection. It shows that the most common complaint about debt collection concerns attempts to collect on a debt that the consumer says is not owed. The report also highlights trends seen in complaints coming from Arizona.


November mortgage rates increase

The November Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Index has been released and indicates that nationally, interest rates on conventional purchase-money mortgages increased from October to November, according to several indices of new mortgage contracts:

  • The National Average Contract Mortgage Rate for the Purchase of Previously Occupied Homes by Combined Lenders Index was 3.66 percent for loans closed in late November, up 4 basis points from 3.62 percent in October.
  • The average interest rate on all mortgage loans was 3.64 percent, up 4 basis points from 3.60 in October.
  • The average interest rate on conventional, 30-year, fixed-rate mortgages of $417,000 or less was 3.80 percent, up 4 basis points from 3.76 in October.
  • The effective interest rate on all mortgage loans was 3.77 percent in November, up 5 basis points from 3.72 in October. The effective interest rate accounts for the addition of initial fees and charges over the life of the mortgage.
  • The average loan amount for all loans was $314,700 in November, up $2,000 from $312,700 in October.


FinCEN seeks nominations for BSA Advisory Group

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has published a notice in this morning's Federal Register seeking nominations from the public for membership on the FinCEN Bank Secrecy Act Advisory Group. New members will be selected for three-year membership terms. Nominations will be accepted through January 27, 2017.


November residential sale prices up

HUD and the Census Bureau have released their new residential sales report for November 2016. Sales of new single-family houses in in November 2016 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 592,000, which is 5.2 percent above the revised October rate of 563,000 and 16.5 percent above the November 2015 estimate of 508,000. The median sales price of new houses sold in November 2016 was $305,400; the average sales price was $359,900. The seasonally adjusted estimate of new houses for sale at the end of November was 250,000, which represents a supply of 5.1 months at the current sales rate.


HUD awards six states $1.8B for flood disaster recovery

HUD has announced the awarding of an additional $1.8 billion through its Community Development Bloc Grant -- Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Program to help Louisiana, West Virginia, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida to recover after severe flooding events that occurred earlier in 2016.


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