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In The Beginning?

A cooperative agreement has been reached between a long distance telephone company (MCI), the Appalachian State University and the Southern National Corp. Branch Banking and Trust Co. in North Carolina. 13,670 students will be issued a "SuperCard" identification card they can use at the bookstore, in vending machines, in the dining hall, and at select off-campus merchant locations. The card will also have the capability of being used as an access card to campus buildings and parking lots. Transactions involving the standard photo identification card will be handled on-line by the Honor ATM network.

The university faculty and staff will also have cards issued to them for their use. All that remains is for "Dads" to mail the checks to cover the outstanding balances on the student cards!

Board Game
Performance Research Associates, a Minneapolis-based consulting group, has created a board game designed to supplement a company's existing customer service training program.

The "Customers From Hell And The Ten Deadly Sins Of Customer Care" game unites employees to win "Customer Service Angel Wings".

Members of the winning team must successfully navigate their way through customer service trivia questions, hazardous customer service situations and then role play their way around five of the nastiest customers imaginable (within reason).

We can't vouch for the appropriateness of this game as a training tool, but if you'd like to learn more about it call (800) 359-2576 for more information.

Copyright © 1996 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 6, No. 9, 7/96

First published on 07/01/1996

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