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Russia-related designations added

June 23, 2023

OFAC has posted a notice that it has added two Russia-related designations of individuals.

The following individuals have been added to OFAC's SDN List:

POPOV, Yegor Sergeyevich (Cyrillic: ПОПОВ, Егор Сергеевич) (a.k.a. POPOV, Egor Sergeevich; a.k.a. POPOV, Igor; a.k.a. "KONTORA, Egor"; a.k.a. "ZHUKOV, Egor"), Moscow, Russia; DOB 25 Jan 1992; POB Volgograd, Russia; nationality Russia; citizen Russia; Gender Male; National ID No. 1811675248 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].

SUKHODOLOV, Aleksei Borisovich (Cyrillic: СУХОДОЛОВ, Алексей Борисович) (a.k.a. SUKHODOLOV, Alexey Borisovich), Moscow, Russia; DOB 19 Apr 1974; POB Voronezh, Russia; nationality Russia; citizen Russia; Gender Male; Passport 100137518 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].

First published on 06/23/2023

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