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Beneficial Owners with Substantial Control—how many?

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Will there be more than one substantial control person for a company?

There could be. An individual can exercise substantial control over a reporting company in four different ways. If the individual falls into any of the categories below, the individual is exercising substantial control:

The individual is a senior officer (the company’s president, chief financial officer, general counsel, chief executive office, chief operating officer, or any other officer who performs a similar function).
The individual has authority to appoint or remove certain officers or a majority of directors (or similar body) of the reporting company.
The individual is an important decision-maker for the reporting company. See Question D.3 for more information.
The individual has any other form of substantial control over the reporting company as explained further in FinCEN’s Small Entity Compliance Guide (see Chapter 2.1, “What is substantial control?”).

Learn more about Deborah Crawford’s Beneficial Ownership: What Your Customer Needs to Know and Do webinar.

First published on 10/22/2023

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