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Business Deposit w/ Many Checks- Verifying Payees

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Is there a reg​ulation or ​best practice ​on teller procedure ​concerning verifying payees ​when accepting a business deposit with many, many checks?

In a perfect world (over the counter and remote deposit capture) a bank employee would physically inspect every check deposited or its image to make certain the:
* date on the check was neither stale nor post dated, and
* check was signed on the front by the drawer, and
* amounts on the check were consistent, and
* check showed no evidence of alteration, and
* payee name was the same as the name on the account to which the item was being deposited, and
* check was properly endorsed by the payee, and
* endorsement contained no unacceptable words of limitation; e.g. "without recourse" or "endorsed for mobile deposit at XYZ bank."

There is no regulation that directs banks to do any or all of these things. However, any bank accepting an item for deposit without performing all of these tasks accepts a certain amount of risk of loss or, at a minimum, risk that the item will be need to be rehandled if it is returned by the drawee bank. In an imperfect world some banks accept all of these risks. Others pick and choose which pulse points they will review on each deposit.

First published on 10/22/2017

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