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Does the FFIEC APR Tool work on HELOCs?

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Does the FFIEC APR Calculator work for HELOCs?

No. The FFIEC’s APR Tool (which replaced APR-Win) is a fantastic tool to check APR accuracy, but it doesn’t work for every loan situation. It isn’t designed for open-end credit. Open-end lines receive periodic billings statements, and the APR is calculated on each one, based on the daily periodic rate and other applicable finance charges. As a result, on account opening disclosures, the interest rate and APR will typically be the same – no calculator needed!
Want to learn more about APR accuracy on these loans and more? Tune into the upcoming webinar “APY and APR Accuracy (Bonus! Using the FFIEC Calculator on TRID Loans)” on May 23, 2024!
Learn more about Rebekah Leonard’s
APY and APR Accuracy (Bonus! Using the FFIEC Calculator on TRID Loans) webinar.

First published on 05/19/2024

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