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RDC, ACH and Electronic Banking Risk Management

Recorded on November 16, 2010

In February the FFIEC published the long awaited update to Retails Payments Examination Handbook with new sections devoted to Check-21 and Remote Deposit Capture. In May, the FFIEC published the updated BSA/AML examination manual with an increased emphasis in higher risk activities regarding Electronic Banking, Remote Deposit Capture, ACH transactions and establishing banking relationships without face-to-face contact.

The central theme from the FFIEC is the Changing Risk Model and the expectation is clear; if your risk profile has changed, meaning your institution has implemented a number of electronic initiatives that extend beyond traditional banking borders; your organization should have made already the appropriate changes. These changes should reflect your knowledge and understanding of the increased risk and how the organization is monitoring and managing a rapidly changing risk model.

This program will provide the participant with a better understanding of the FFIEC BSA/AML examination manual and the Retail Payments exam handbook as they pertain to ACH, Electronic Banking, and RDC based technologies.


Upon completion of the program, participants will understand:

  • The new doctrine included in the FFEIC guidance press release titled: The Essential Elements of Risk
  • What the new examination expectations are in regard to Check 21 and RDC
  • What specific components of BSA/AML compliance affect Electronic Banking, ACH and RDC based technologies
  • What specific components a comprehensive RDC Risk Management policy should include
  • What higher risk activities are
  • What constitutes a robust monitoring and compliance program
  • How electronic banking simplifies processing customer transactions, but also complicates banking.
  • That RDC is a technology not a product
  • How to use the FFIEC Guidance to design an effective internal audit program.

Who should attend?

The Guidance impacts the entire organization from the board room to bank operations. The lines that separate the board, senior management, and technology, and risk management are blurring. The expectations of senior managers, banking executives and the board of directors as it relates to understanding the risks associated with technology before you purchase technology has increased significantly by virtue of this guidance. Recommended attendees include CEO, CFO. CIO, internal audit, compliance and senior operations professionals. Vendors that provide this technology as a service should also attend.

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