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Identity Theft Battle

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Trans Union, LLC recently showed how serious it is in helping the nation fight identity theft. It has set aside an entire department staffed by 100 people that are devoted to proactively fighting identity theft and helping its victims.

In announcing the department, Trans Union referred to the recent highly publicized case of restaurant busboy Abraham Abdallah, who was arrested in March, 2001 for identity fraud committed against such noted celebrities as Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey, Ted Turner, Martha Stewart, and Warren Buffet. Prosecutors allege that Abdallah tried to steal about $22 million from different individuals, corporations and financial institutions by assuming false identities from September of last year to March of this year.

Trans Union said it hoped to prevent similar incidents by forming partnerships with consumers to resolve cases and clear up credit files. It encourages victims to call its Fraud Victim Assistance Department (800) 680-7289 if they feel they are at risk. That department will work with the potential victim to proactively guard against further harm and help them clean up the records.

Copyright © 2001 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 11, No. 4, 4/01

First published on 04/01/2001

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