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  • Nearly a third of victims surveyed blamed their compromised IDs on the Internet, where they think their information was exposed to hackers. By comparison, 21% said the information was pinched from their home, car, mailbox, trash or a wallet or purse.
    Nationwide Mutual Insurance, in a commissioned June, 2005 survey
  • Reportedly most phishing emails appeared to come from banks or credit card companies. However, only 42% of those surveyed were familiar with the term "phishing", though 18% in the study either had already been a victim of a phishing scam or had a friend or family member who was.
  • ATM fact: 37 years ago, in 1968, Barclays Bank introduced a machine that encoded cash on plastic cards purchased from a teller. The problem was the machine always ate the card and you had to buy another one if you wanted another transaction.
    ATM, History of the ATM
  • 60% of small businesses in the US strongly prefer online banking. Their most frequent use is for monitoring accounts, tracking checks, and transfers on a daily or weekly basis.
    Small Business Survey 2005 by Edgar, Dunn & Co. and Collective Dynamics,LLC
  • The three largest bank robberies in the world are $65 million stolen in 1987 from the Knightsbridge Safe Deposit Center in London; the $70 million heist in August, 2005 from Brazil's Central Bank in Rio de Janeiro; and about $1 billion in 2003 from the Iraqi Central Bank.
  • 51% of Americans believe that finger images are a more secure form of identity than passports, credit cards, photo IDs, birth certificates and signatures combined.
    Kelton Research Group, Los Angeles, CA, as reported on, 10/12/05
  • 33% of the 8000 people surveyed from around the world report receiving information from their banks about "phishing" attacks that falsely appeared to be their bank site.
    Research by Unisys Corporation, 11/11/05 PR

Copyright © 2005 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 15, No. 12, 12/05

First published on 12/01/2005

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