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Returning Captured ATM Cards to Customer

When the ATM "eats" a card, our policy is to log the information, and then destroy the card. Is this mandatory? Can we return the card to the customer under any circumstances?

Answer by Andy Zavoina:

It would typically be easier and less costly reissue a new card than to marry the card and prior user up. I know of no rule prohibiting this, however.


Answer by John Burnett:

What you decide to do with your own bank's cards is your business. But often our ATMs swallow cards from other banks. In these cases, we are bound by network rules (if they exist).

In general, if the machine retains a card due to a command capture (hot card, excessive PIN attempts, etc.), the network rules prohibit you from returning the card to the alleged cardholder.

However, if the card is retained due to a machine malfunction, such as a bent card (from men's wallets) that can't be ejected, some networks will allow you to return the card if you verify ID.

One caveat: I suggest that you NOT take an ATM down at other than your normal service time solely to retrieve a card if the ATM is in a remote kiosk. We are sometimes tempted to do so to appease the tourist or whoever whose card was grabbed, but we cause a security breach and/or service break when we do so.


Answer by Hussam Al-Abed :

I assume the following scenario that happens every Morning at X Branch of The bank:

A group of “ eaten “ cards is collected and handed to The Customer service Dept. within the Bank. The cards then are checked against the ATM journal that lists the reasons for capturing the cards.

We have four categories here

Cards that belong to the X Branch Customers: Those to be retained until Customers come to collect them unless they are hot cards.

Cards that belong to customers of Other Branches of the same banks: Those to be sent to The Other Branch (if they were Hot cards they should be marked or Cut)

Cards that belong to Other Banks in your area (No matter if Hot or Not): those to be sent to your head office Cards coordinator (combined by a copy of your ATM Journal explaining the reason of capture) who will Contact Other Banks and arrange for delivery or destroying those cards

Cards that Belong to International Customers (a tourist for example visiting your city): Those cards to be sent to your Head Office Cards Coordinator (combined by a copy of your ATM Journal explaining the reason of capture (e.g.: Hot card)) who will Contact Other Banks and arrange for delivery or destroying those cards

Whenever a decision was made to hand over a card to a Customer after being captured, the customer should sign a pre-printed receipt indicating he/she received his/her captured card.

Captured cards should never be ignored and should have dual control, some customers write their Pin Number on the card, Other call The Branch to enquire a Bout their captured card and when asked (for example) a Bout Their account Number. Some would give their Pin Number innocently. There should be a Policy That Covers How Much time a captured card can stay at your Branch and what should be done to Notify customers, which the captured cards belong to them.

First published on 7/21/03

First published on 07/21/2003

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