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Exception Tracking Spreadsheet (TicklerTrax™)
Downloaded by more than 1,000 bankers. Free Excel spreadsheet to help you track missing and expiring documents for credit and loans, deposits, trusts, and more. Visualize your exception data in interactive charts and graphs. Provided by bank technology vendor, AccuSystems. Download TicklerTrax for free.

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CFPB: Consumers pay more when pricing is complex

The CFPB on Tuesday published research that suggests consumers tend to pay more for products that have more complex pricing structures. The report is based on experiments with multiple rounds of buyers and sellers interacting in simple markets, and found that participants tended to pay more when prices were broken into sub-parts and were harder to understand. The research, said the CFPB, has implications for understanding how junk fees impede fair and competitive pricing in markets like auto loans or mortgages, where consumers have to evaluate extended warranties, add-ons, closing costs, and a wide variety of other fees instead of an all-inclusive price.

While not expected to exactly mirror real-world transactions, the CFPB found in these experiments that more complex pricing generally led to more detrimental outcomes for consumers:

  • Higher total prices: Sellers' total asking prices were 60 percent higher in markets with 16 sub-prices than in those with one price.
  • Comparing prices was more difficult: Buyers were 15 times more likely to select a higher-priced option in markets with 16 sub-prices than in those with one price.
  • Consumers paid more overall: Transaction prices were 70 percent higher in markets with 16 sub-prices than in those with one price, on average.

The CFPB has previously highlighted how the use of complex terms and pricing can pose challenges for consumers. In many instances, consumers face complex pricing when shopping for financial products and services including credit cards, checking and savings accounts, mortgages, and auto loans.


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