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Internet Banking Contingencies

Recorded on October 10, 2010

Your internet banking website is a virtual branch. It brings with it all the rewards and risks of a brick and mortar branch, plus some. This webinar is your opportunity to review these risks and evaluate what you have addressed so that proactively you will be prepared to handle the risks that come with internet banking and offering the convenience of using your website.

In this webinar we'll examine:

  • Branch reaction procedures when your customers complain of spam and phishing messages
  • Responding to reports of malware attacks
  • Responding to a breach, whether internal or external
  • Prepare for complaints of unauthorized funds transfers, what must you do
  • Handling complaints over internet banking transfers
  • Educating customers to avoid fraud in the first place
  • Letting customers know about your site's downtime, why and how
  • Review of E-Sign requirements and court cases of interest influencing your practices
  • Email retention, what is required and should you keep these messages just because you can
  • Forensics exams of the customers computer, when, why and who should pay for this

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