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#453454 - 11/07/05 09:24 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing

What brought up the SEX issue anyhow?

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#453455 - 11/07/05 09:24 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
Chi Offline
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New England

Please explain the 'poor taste comment.' It's simply a reminder of a real event - it should be on TV every night.

I agree. In addition to the images from 9/11, we should splice in footage of the terrorists training at their facilities, Osama Bin Laden, Suddam Hussein, and any other enemies of the state that we might want to include.

The segement should be called: "The Five Minutes Hate". I think it would doubleplusgood if everyone saw it every single night.
Respect It.

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#453456 - 11/07/05 09:25 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
°X° Offline
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Screaming for abstaining is not the answer. {/quote]

Actually, abstaining is the only answer. If girls would just say no - they could change the world: no more abortions, no more welfare problems, no more food stamps. Sex at a young age is behind all the ills on earth - starvation, low-income or no income over generations, etc.

So, young ladies - just say no.

or if guys could just keep it in there pants and not tempt these young ladies you are talking about. That might help too, huh?

The ladies are in full control - they should keep it in their pants. Or, are you saying that modern young girls are so hot to trot that this cannot be done?

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#453457 - 11/07/05 09:27 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing

In my seventh grade class (way back in ’82 or ’83) they DID show films that were fairly graphic. Infections, etc. Scared the crap out of me. Shaped my behavior much more than the “just wait” message. And never had the “just wait” message delivered by anyone that didn’t seem unhappy, beat down by life, and angry at the world.

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#453458 - 11/07/05 09:39 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
°X° Offline
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And never had the “just wait” message delivered by anyone that didn’t seem unhappy, beat down by life, and angry at the world. [/quote}

Now that is a very telling comment. Message 'delivery' is everything.

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#453459 - 11/07/05 09:39 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
Hated By Some Offline
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Somewhere vanilla

In my seventh grade class (way back in ’82 or ’83) they DID show films that were fairly graphic. Infections, etc. Scared the crap out of me. Shaped my behavior much more than the “just wait” message. And never had the “just wait” message delivered by anyone that didn’t seem unhappy, beat down by life, and angry at the world.

I guess that you didn't realize that the conservatives tell you what is good for you. You must be asleep at the wheel. Everybody knows this.

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#453460 - 11/07/05 10:14 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing


I guess that you didn't realize that the conservatives tell you what is good for you. You must be asleep at the wheel. Everybody knows this.

Oh, I know. I'm conservative, but a little more of the "out-of-my-wallet, out-of-my-bedroom" variety.

But now that I understand that marriage is alot more about making the mortgage payment, walking the dogs, keeping the yard & house in repair, filling up the gas tank, doing laundry, paying the bills, taking care of family, working hard at the job, etc. I'll have to admit it's a heck of a sales job to convince youngsters to "just wait" until they reach the point in life when "that" becomes just another chore, and the easiest one on the list to avoid.

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#453461 - 11/07/05 10:30 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
Jokerman Offline
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I guess that you didn't realize that the conservatives tell you what is good for you. You must be asleep at the wheel. Everybody knows this.

Ron, did your Republican parents not let you have sugar? Seriously, what is your problem?

Do you honestly think that the world would be a better place if more school-age children were having sex instead of less?

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#453462 - 11/07/05 11:02 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
straw Offline
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Ths just in

Clinton Blamed for Global Warming

Scientists have determined that the earth's average temperture increased by several degrees during the 90's, only to return to previous levels after 2001.

Scientist have attributed this to the amount of hot air the former president blew into the atmosphere. With his leaving office, that hot air has receded, allowing the earth's tempertures to return to normal.

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#453463 - 11/07/05 11:22 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
°X° Offline
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In my seventh grade class (way back in ’82 or ’83) they DID show films that were fairly graphic. Infections, etc. Scared the crap out of me. Shaped my behavior much more than the “just wait” message. And never had the “just wait” message delivered by anyone that didn’t seem unhappy, beat down by life, and angry at the world.

I guess that you didn't realize that the conservatives tell you what is good for you. You must be asleep at the wheel. Everybody knows this.

Yes, conservatives step up to express views - but only because we don't want to pay for your mistakes, e.g. kids, food stamps, welfare, etc. Now we don't care what you do or who you do it to - we just don't want to pay for your idea of fun.

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#453464 - 11/08/05 12:10 AM Re: Sex at High School Increasing



I did not have sex...

I did not have sexual relations...

Sorry, anon, but I see no difference.

Well, as you may recall I had pointed out that it was Jones' attorney that defined "sexual relations", not Clinton. Then you said that Clinton had said he didn't have "sex" and you thought he had defined that term.

But Clinton used the term "sexual relations" and the difference is that he was using the term from the deposition, not his own term. See the difference now?

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#453465 - 11/08/05 12:19 AM Re: Sex at High School Increasing


Now we don't care what you do or who you do it to

Have to call BS on that one! Conservatives were outraged when the Supreme Court struck down sodomy statutes. They also disapprove of the personal sex activity of gays. Do you deny either of these?

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#453466 - 11/08/05 02:37 AM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
straw Offline
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Hurricane Katrina - Clinton's fault

News reports indicate that Clinton's sexual escapades while in office caused an increase in storm activity in the Gulf, culminating in the devastating Katrina storm.

When asked how this could be, Clinton bashers said it must be since all bad events can be traced to Clinton's presidency.

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#453467 - 11/08/05 01:31 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc...

But Clinton used the term "sexual relations" and the difference is that he was using the term from the deposition, not his own term. See the difference now?

So prior to his deposition he didn't know what sex was? Is that what you are trying to tell me? He lied...bottom line. Continue to elevate him to whatever level you'd like to, he cheated on his wife, and lied about it on national TV, regardless of how you or he defines "sex" or "sexual relations." Wonder what you would think if your spouse came home and said they were involved in a relationship, but it isn't "sex" it is only "sexual relations."

I'm done with you...
Providing alternative truths since the invention of time

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#453468 - 11/08/05 01:35 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
*nUnZeO* Offline
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hey now lets get back on the subject Sex is still Continuing to increase in High School, clinton didn't start that, do you think that its increasing, or that teenagers are just way more open about it now then in years past, our society is becoming more and more lax on what they deem appropriate and inappropriate, kids have been doing things like this for years
"When you want some thing, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"
Paulo Coelho

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#453469 - 11/08/05 02:09 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
D2Xs Offline
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I'm not sure it is happening any more than it used to. This article just took an extreme situation to report on. How often do teens get caught for having orgies at school? I'm sure it's quite rare. They are right about the auditoriums though. I remember mine being totally dark and quiet after school. And that crawl space under the stage was pretty small...oops...I think I have said too much.
Beauty is only skin deep...but ugly goes all the way to the bone!

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#453470 - 11/08/05 03:02 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing

[quotePlease explain the 'poor taste comment.' It's simply a reminder of a real event - it should be on TV every night. So many people have virtually forgotten - especially the democrats. Does it hurt to be reminded?

HOW DARE YOU!? I am a Democrat and I have not forgotten nor have any of my brethern. You GD Republicans think you have the monopoly on so-called patriotism, etc. and in actuality your nothing more than a bunch of name-calling, bible-thumping, self-righteous blow hards. You sir are the scum of all scum.

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#453471 - 11/08/05 03:07 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing

Who hasn't stepped into a darkened place at school for a little nibble of love-muffin. LMAO! If you haven't, you might just be Republican.

(I'm kidding!)

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#453472 - 11/08/05 03:22 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
Erl of Baltimore Offline
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But Clinton used the term "sexual relations" and the difference is that he was using the term from the deposition, not his own term. See the difference now?

So prior to his deposition he didn't know what sex was? Is that what you are trying to tell me? He lied...bottom line. Continue to elevate him to whatever level you'd like to, he cheated on his wife, and lied about it on national TV, regardless of how you or he defines "sex" or "sexual relations." Wonder what you would think if your spouse came home and said they were involved in a relationship, but it isn't "sex" it is only "sexual relations."

I'm done with you...

As crazy as that last comment seems that is exactly the reasoning I got from my now ex-wife after I confronted her and she acknowledged having...what she reasoned to not be sex with someone other than me...I asked her when Bill Clinton moved into the house and became our moral compass. If it wasn't so hurtful it might have made me laugh...not. (This was in 2001)
Dear World: WE ARE BROKE!
signed: The American Public
So no more money for most of you can hate us for free!

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#453473 - 11/08/05 03:37 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing


I don't think the oral sex "craze" is directly attributable to Clinton. Some of it is based on the (incorrect) notion that it is somehow safer than actual intercourse.

I was thinking the exact same think! Girls are wanting to be "virgins" and not get pregnant so this is the new solution. However, they are still putting themselves at risk of STD's and emotional trama.

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#453474 - 11/08/05 05:08 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
Bankster Offline
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These kids are just doing what they would normally do at home, in a car, in a garage etc. They just decided to expand their horizons and do it at school, which I find strange. Good to know that they at least feel safe there. (fyi..sarcasm)
It's karma, baby.

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#453475 - 11/08/05 06:03 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
*nUnZeO* Offline
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But Clinton used the term "sexual relations" and the difference is that he was using the term from the deposition, not his own term. See the difference now?

So prior to his deposition he didn't know what sex was? Is that what you are trying to tell me? He lied...bottom line. Continue to elevate him to whatever level you'd like to, he cheated on his wife, and lied about it on national TV, regardless of how you or he defines "sex" or "sexual relations." Wonder what you would think if your spouse came home and said they were involved in a relationship, but it isn't "sex" it is only "sexual relations."

I'm done with you...

As crazy as that last comment seems that is exactly the reasoning I got from my now ex-wife after I confronted her and she acknowledged having...what she reasoned to not be sex with someone other than me...I asked her when Bill Clinton moved into the house and became our moral compass. If it wasn't so hurtful it might have made me laugh...not. (This was in 2001)

Rock when you put it in that context, or anyone for that matter (if your spouse said what clinton said to you(<--anyone) it doesn't matter what you call it(Ex:sliding down the slide)it is still is sex
"When you want some thing, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"
Paulo Coelho

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#453476 - 11/08/05 06:04 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing


[quotePlease explain the 'poor taste comment.' It's simply a reminder of a real event - it should be on TV every night. So many people have virtually forgotten - especially the democrats. Does it hurt to be reminded?

HOW DARE YOU!? I am a Democrat and I have not forgotten nor have any of my brethern. You GD Republicans think you have the monopoly on so-called patriotism, etc. and in actuality your nothing more than a bunch of name-calling, bible-thumping, self-righteous blow hards. You sir are the scum of all scum.

Hey! Go easy when using God's name in vain...that curse word is offensive...

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#453477 - 11/08/05 06:08 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing



I don't think the oral sex "craze" is directly attributable to Clinton. Some of it is based on the (incorrect) notion that it is somehow safer than actual intercourse.

I was thinking the exact same think! Girls are wanting to be "virgins" and not get pregnant so this is the new solution. However, they are still putting themselves at risk of STD's and emotional trama.

Oral sex.. is still having sex.. you don't have to be penertrated to lose your virginity.

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#453478 - 11/08/05 06:16 PM Re: Sex at High School Increasing
*nUnZeO* Offline
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that what i said anon touche
"When you want some thing, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"
Paulo Coelho

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