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Quotes Overheard

QUOTES OVERHEARD at the Bank Administration Institute's Security and Compliance Conference in Orlando

"Fourteen Americans are currently frozen, hoping to come back to life someday. I think four of them are working at my bank!"

"Bankers don't need banking skills-they have them. They need management skills. Training middle managers is banking's biggest need."

"Departments inside financial institutions have to learn to cooperate instead of compete. I wish we could compete externally as well as we do internally!"

"When we went to go in and audit the office and heard the girls complaining that the shredder had been running all morning, we knew we were in trouble!"

"When we were looking to hire people to work in our financial institutions, we used to look for experience. Now we look for brains."

"Most bankers are over-managed and underled."

"The business of banking is lending money and then trying to get it back."

"Managing change is a skill. One that needs to be learned in order to implement change and to overcome resistance to change."

"According to those who claim to know...Banking is the world's second oldest profession!"

"Financial institutions must start filling management positions with managers-not with technical specialists who were rewarded with a management position, but know nothing about leading, motivating, or managing."

"How your employees feel will eventually be how your customers will feel. Are your employees happy?"

Copyright © 1991 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 2, No. 4, 5/91

First published on 05/01/1991

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