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#268813 - 10/29/04 07:31 PM Getting rid of warts

Any suggestions for getting rid of warts? My five year old has them all over one finger and a couple on another, he also know has one on his eyelid. Tried dermatologist and some creams but no luck, he's terrified of having them cut off.

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#268814 - 10/29/04 07:55 PM Re: Getting rid of warts

Your pediatrician should be able to freeze them off without much pain to your son. If he has several and you're afraid that it would cause pain/trauma, could also try a OTC removal cream with occlusal. Worked for our kid!

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#268815 - 10/29/04 07:55 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
D2Xs Offline
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Don't cut them off. You can burn them off with liquid nitrogen. Dr. Schols now has a version of this. I find it to be the most effective and least toxic. However, it does hurt a bit. For a 5 year old it might hurt more. Make sure to use a little KY Jelly or some other stuff to keep it from sticking to the skin. Usually once you do that they don't come back in the same place. They will eventually pop up some place else because you can never completely rid yourself of them. Don't use this on the one on the eyelid though. Too dangerous. Let a doctor figure that one out. It will sting for a bit and you need a band aid for them. Make sure to hold it on long enough for it to work. If the skin is tough like the bottom of a foot you will need to hold it on longer.
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#268816 - 10/29/04 07:58 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
RR Joker Offline
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#268817 - 10/29/04 08:04 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
Rie A Offline
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This will sound crazy, if you haven't heard it before, but try a little duct tape. You cut the tape into a small circle the size of the wart. Leave it on for a week at a time. Each time you take it off soak the wart and exfoliate it. This will take a few months, but does not hurt at all. With little boys this seems to go over quite well. We talked to our dermatologist about this for our little boy and he said that the tape cuts off the air supply to the wart, eventually removing it.

Believe it or not they have actually done studies on this. It does not work as well as freezing or burning and takes longer, but there is absolutely no pain. (Well, unless you tape a few hairs that get pulled out later
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#268818 - 10/30/04 11:09 AM Re: Getting rid of warts
ITGuy Offline
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I had the same problem a few years back. My doctor prescribed me a high dosage of Tagamet (800mg) once a day for a week. The warts were gone within 3 or 4 days and have not returned. Who would have thought that ulcer medication would remove a wart? However, this is probably not the solution for a 5 year old child. Check with your pediatrician.

Also, I tried the Duct tape solution and the Dr. Scholl's products. Neither were 100% effective, but did help some. However, they kept returning.

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#268819 - 11/01/04 04:38 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
La. Lady Offline
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No...this will sound crazy to most of you...if not all of you....We have treaters. I suppose that is what you call them.. The French pronounciation is "thra tud".

In anycase, they are people who were given the "gift" of healing. As I understand it, there are some who have the power, through God, to heal such things as ear ache, others may have the power to heal stomach ache, some for warts, and some have the power to heal several things.

I had 18 warts on both hands about 36 years ago and I went to an old man. He took both of my hands in his and began to pray. He told me when I left, not to keep looking at them to see if it worked. He said to go about my usual activity. I did and I promise you that after about 1 week, each and every one of them vanished. I've never had it since...........................Crazy? Maybe so. But I've been told,and I truly believe, that one should never to under-estimate the power of prayer.
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#268820 - 11/01/04 05:56 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
Bankster Offline
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The duct tape method has worked well for me in the past.

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#268821 - 11/01/04 06:59 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
waldensouth Offline
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Tagamet did work for my daughter when she was 5 - check with your doctor for the appropriate dosage.
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#268822 - 11/01/04 08:16 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
thomasj Offline
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I had a flat wart on my forearm that really bothered me. I tried the over the counter products, duct tape, and a little self surgery (ouch!) . The thing that finally worked was a doctor's scalple (with some local anesthesia) and about 5 stitches!
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#268823 - 11/01/04 09:00 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
GLL Offline
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I worried with plantar warts on my foot for about six months. One day while visiting the chiropractor, he asked me what was going on with my foot. He said he would not let me leave the office without taking some L-Lysine (amino acid)with me. Within about three days after taking about 6 tablets a day, the plantar warts were gone!! L-Lysine is also good for cold sores.

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#268824 - 11/03/04 06:07 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
CUgirl Offline
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My 5 year old son is having the same problem. His doctor prescribed Tagament as well as Aladara cream. He is taking the Tagament twice a day. We apply the cream 3 times a week. He hates the taste of the medicine, it is very gross!!
The doc said it may take a month or two to get the virus out of his system.

I don't suggest using the Dr. Scholl's treatment. I tried it and my son's warts just spread, plus it is very painful.
After the treatment his warts spread about 30%.
My mother-in-law says the duct tape works and also to take a teaspoon of honey every morning. (I haven't tried those)
Good Luck!
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#268825 - 11/09/04 06:09 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
SwankyFrank Offline
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My 80 year old Italian Mom, passed this one to me from her father. She claimed it worked on her when she was 6 or 7, but I have never tried it, nor would I recommend it, but am posting it here for you interest/amusement or whatever.

She claims Pop took a garden slug, rubbed it vigorusly on the wart and then hung what was left of the slug on a fish hood in the basement. She claimed that as the slug dried up, so did the wart.

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#268826 - 11/11/04 09:48 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
BankerMama Offline
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I remember something my grandmother did back when I was a kid....about 45 years ago!

She called it "faithing" the best I can remember. She would say some words and have me bury a small stick for each wart and they always went away!

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#268827 - 11/16/04 05:59 AM Re: Getting rid of warts
Bengals Fan Offline
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Don't cut them off. You can burn them off with liquid nitrogen. Dr. Schols now has a version of this.

Don't waste your money on the over the counter freeze treatments, they are ineffective. However, the Duct Tape works!

The over the counter freeze stuff isn't cold enough to blister, and if it doesn't blister, the wart won't come off.

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#268828 - 11/16/04 05:24 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
RebekahL CRCM Offline
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... and if it doesn't blister, the wart won't come off.

My husband had a gigantic, awful blister on his thumb, and nothing worked to get rid of it (although we had never heard of the duck tape treatment ). As a last resort, the doctor applied -- I'm not joking -- the juice from a Blister Beetle. The resulting blister was huge and nasty, but it did the trick - the wart was gone for good. The beetle juice worked! We thought it was a crazy idea, but learned that its actually an ancient remedy for warts. Go figure! Blister Beetle link
Me, Type A? Maybe - I'm not done analyzing it yet.

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#268829 - 11/16/04 07:50 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
Don_Narup Offline

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Anyone tried Compound W? Its Salicylic Acid, available over the counter and is used to treat many skin disorders, such as acne, dandruff, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis of the skin and scalp, calluses, corns, common warts, and plantar warts.

It may take 30 to 90 days to work. Freezing is the fastest non painful process I know of.

Recommend talk to Dr. before using anything. Especially as different kinds of warts can require different treatments.
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#268830 - 12/01/04 04:14 PM Re: Getting rid of warts

I am completely frustrated with painful warts on my hands and feet. Two of my fingers are completely disfigured and I have lost a nail. It is embarassing and makes me incredibly self conscious. If anyone can help me to rid myself of this problem, please letr me know!! They making me feel like a monster.

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#268831 - 04/07/06 12:20 AM Re: Getting rid of warts

I've had Plantar Warts for 15 YEARS !!! Tried freezing about 70 times, acid 50 times, 3 months of Duct Tape, Pulsed Dye Laser, CO2 Laser (crutches for a month...) and they came back, and now have doubled !!!

Tried most immune system boosters, everything. A lot of what's out there doesn't work for everybody, like me. I am sooo sick of them.

Anything else out there ?

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#268832 - 04/07/06 01:07 AM Re: Getting rid of warts
Kathleen O. Blanchard Offline

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Kathleen O. Blanchard
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Try Acid Mantle cream. Your pharmacy can order it or you can order it over the internet. It is a PH restorer. My sister used it on her granddaughter, who was being treated by a dermatologist for many many warts, even on her face. He used medicine for genital warts for her face...that worked. The Acid Mantle got rid of the ones on her legs, a some plantar warts on her feet.
Kathleen O. Blanchard, CRCM "Kaybee"
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#268833 - 04/07/06 07:02 AM Re: Getting rid of warts
Citrus Offline
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I didn't think anyone else would say duct tape, but a few others mentioned it. My friend used the duct tape method - the silver, thick duct tape - and a week after having it on the wart, the wart was gone! I watched her do it, and I was surprised it worked - but it did.

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#268834 - 04/07/06 01:28 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
HappyGilmore Offline
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hung what was left of the slug on a fish hood in the basement.

Dang it, I don't have a basement, so this wouldn't work for me...

Seriously, the doctor did the freezing on one I had on my thimb, adn it has never returned. The most painful part was when he gave me the local shot (in the wart...ouch) to deaden the pain.
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#268835 - 04/07/06 09:27 PM Re: Getting rid of warts


I've had Plantar Warts for 15 YEARS !!! Tried freezing about 70 times, acid 50 times, 3 months of Duct Tape, Pulsed Dye Laser, CO2 Laser (crutches for a month...) and they came back, and now have doubled !!!

Tried most immune system boosters, everything. A lot of what's out there doesn't work for everybody, like me. I am sooo sick of them.

Anything else out there ?

Had a plantar's wart for almost 4 years. Did cryotherapy, salicylic acid, formaldahyde gel, duct tape, and ended up having in dug out by a surgeon. It came back after surgery (which was not fun) and about one year later went away by itself. Go figure.

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#268836 - 04/07/06 09:39 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
GenerousLife Offline
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I know several of you have serious problems with this and I'm really sorry about that. Here's one that is funny .....

My grandfather said to pee in the middle of the road and that would get rid of the warts.

Here's some humor from Snopes

Hope a little chuckle helps you through the day.
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#268837 - 04/10/06 12:29 PM Re: Getting rid of warts
hobot Offline
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How do you get plantar's warts? Is it a virus that travels from person to person? I was told once, but I forgot.

FWIW -- two former co-workers had to have them cut out after about 10 years of trying to get rid of them. The surgery was done 1 foot at a time, and they were off of work for about 3 weeks and then on crutches for another 4 weeks, then on a special boot for about 2 months. Then, the other foot. But they appear to have finally got rid of them and said it was worth it b/c the pain was so bad.

Good Luck.

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