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#386919 - 08/04/05 12:24 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Brandy Osborne Offline
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i think we should never assume Petunia is a muggle. she has chosen to live as one, that does not mean she didn't get a letter from howarts when she was a child... it has never been said that she didn't...

i don't think the house itself is a horcrux, but it may store some that are missing. and i'm pretty sure that frank bryce was killed by LV with the good ole AV... flash of green light before harry wakes up.

i wonder if harry's insight into LV is a bit like the pensive... which allows a person to see a situation from an outside angle.

i think harry seeing the attack on arthur weasley, which was done by nagini, as an even better proof that the snake is a horcrux... his connection is to LV but if part of his soul was in the snake, could harry not see that part as well?
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#386920 - 08/04/05 02:08 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
QCL Offline
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Re: Petunia - I don't think a Muggle can take the unbreakable vow. DD put 15 yrs of magic on the Dursley house when he took Harry there. Remember, it expires on his 17th birthday. I can't find the quote right now but didn't he rely on the fact the Petunia feels blood ties to Harry because of her sister? I'll try to find the passage and post it tomorrow. Beyond letting HP back once more, IMO the Dursleys are pretty much out of it.

It's mentioned not only in book 6 but also in book 5 (I just finished rereading 5 and I'm going to read 4 this weekend - If only the new BSA manual was as interesting ). I think that there will be more mention of this in book 7.

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#386921 - 08/04/05 02:16 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
RR Becca Offline
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I think 4 and 5 are running together in my head...sorry about the mistake re: Harry's "visions."

I can't remember exactly what happened between DD and Petunia when Vernon threatened to throw Harry out in 5. Can anyone recap it off the top of their head? I'm about halfway through my reread of 4 and will get to 5 in a few days, but this has been bugging me....
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#386922 - 08/04/05 02:49 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Michelle III Offline
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DD sent a howler to Petunia. Something like "remember my last, Petunia"

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#386923 - 08/04/05 02:51 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
QCL Offline
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They are running together in my head too. I think in 5 is where a HOWLER is sent to Petunia reminding her:

"Harry darted forward to pick up the letter, but Aunt Petunia beat him to it...
"It's addressed to me," said Aunt Petunia in a shaking voice. "It's addressed to me, Vernon, look! Mrs. Petunia Dursley, The Kitchen, Number Four, Privet Drive--"
She caught her breath, horrified. The red envelope had begun to smoke...
Aunt Petunia's hand was trembling. She looked wildly around the kitchen as though looking for an escape route, but too late--the envelope burst into flames. Aunt Petunia screamed and dropped it.
An awful voice filled the kitchen, echoing in the confined space, issuing from the burning letter on the table.

We later learn that Dumbledore sent this Howler.
I think that this means that Dumbledore has sent more than one letter to Petunia.

Why would she take in Harry if she hates all things magical? Dumbledore must have written something in his letters to convince Petunia to protect her nephew.

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#386924 - 08/04/05 02:51 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
RR Becca Offline
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out of the frying pan...
That's right - and we never did get any clues into what his "last" was, did we?'s the little things like this that drive me nuts.
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#386925 - 08/04/05 02:53 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**

Yes we did find out about the last. It must be in 6. "Last" is the last letter DD sent Petunia which is the one that was left with baby HP on the Dursley's doorstep. Remember the scene where the Dursleys and HP and DD are all together discussing the letter and letting HP come back one more time? It's in there.


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#386926 - 08/04/05 04:15 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Zamboni Driver Offline
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For Harry looking through other peoples eyes, could it be because LV was doing the same. We know that LV is the "greatest legilimens" ever according to Snape. If LV was looking into someone else's mind, wouldn't Harry see that same view as well when he was visiting LV's mind? Just a thought.
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#386927 - 08/04/05 06:43 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
RR Becca Offline
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Was LV using his legilimency when Harry ~peeked in~ though? I thought Harry just happened to see what LV was doing at the time (and picked up on his thoughts and feelings later)? Again - the books are starting to run together in my head so please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
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#386928 - 08/04/05 07:06 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Kansayaku Offline
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Harry and Voldemort have a connection due to the attack on Harry. Voldemort was not hiding his thoughts from Harry until after he found out that Harry was sensing some of the things that were happening and after the whole prophecy attempt.
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#386929 - 08/04/05 07:49 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Zamboni Driver Offline
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We're not told he was, I was just speculating why Harry would see things through the eyes of someone other than LV. All we know for sure was that Harry was able to see into LV's mind until he shut Harry out.

What made me wonder about Legilimens is the snake's attack on Mr. Weasley. Even if it is a horcrux, I would assume that Harry and LV's attachment was into each other's mind, not spirit. I figured that LV was using legilimens to control the snake, and having to work hard at it, causing Harry to notice, and join LV in the snake's mind.

Like I said, it was just a thought. I'm probably way off.
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#386930 - 08/04/05 09:15 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
MountainhawkJR Offline
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If the ricocheted curse killed whatever was left in LV at that point...what happened next? Did another part magically come to "life"? If it was in a horcrux, how would it get out. Guess I'm having trouble with your theory, JR.

I didn't explain my thoughts very well, I don't think. I'm sort of guessing that maybe LV's consciousness would move from his body to one of the horcruxes when his body dies, thus leaving him disembodied but still alive - so that maybe another part does "come to life"? I'm not sure and it's definitely just a theory based on my own musings rather than anything I've been able to find from any of the books - so I guess if he were stuck in a horcrux, he'd be stuck with the problem of a) getting out, as Truffle points out, and then b) getting a body, as Becca points out, and that obviously that last one's the really difficult bit, given it took LV thirteen years to do it (I think - I'm not entirely sure on my math)... the number thirteen seems to keep popping up in the books, as well - maybe it's important? Or maybe just unlucky, and a hint that HP will prevail?
Mountainhawk, Jr.

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#386931 - 08/05/05 01:47 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Truffle Royale Offline

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Back to Petunia...I'm pretty sure she is a Muggle because she talks about how strange her sister, Lily, was and how she despised her for getting all the attention. "And then the letter came..." she was referring to when Lily got her Hogwart's letter. I just think JK has done about all she can with the Dursleys.

It would be too easy to stop at six horcruxs, JR. There's gotta be something big left for Book 7. I think what and where the seventh horcrux is is going to be it. We all know there's a battle coming and that LV will die. I'll bet Harry has to systematically eliminate all the horcruxs and they LV himself.

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#386932 - 08/05/05 02:19 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Lady Godiva Offline
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i just had a brain [censored], and I decided to share the stinkiness with all of you (lol)!!!! MHJR made a comment waaay back about the Room of Requirement as a potential hiding place for one of the Horcruxes. Also, a long time ago Rowling was asked which room she'd love to spend the most time in at Hogwarts, to which she answered that it was a room Harry had encountered before, but didn't recognize its true importance (this was said before book 5 even came out, before the RoR became a big thing in the series). Could she be referring to the RoR, and if so, couldn't the room's 'true importance' be as a hiding place for a Voldemort horcrux? Just wanted to share...

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#386933 - 08/05/05 02:33 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Lady Godiva Offline
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Re: Wormtail - do you think that DD meant that by sparing his life Harry was preserving his own soul? He makes it very clear in all the books that Harry's primary weapon/defense against LV is his capability to love, and in HBP we learn that killing another person damages your soul. Would the damage done by killing Wormtail have weakened him against LV?

I don't think Harry had anything to fear regarding his own soul in this case - it was Remus and Sirius who were going to kill Wormtail, remember? But he wouldn't want THEM to split their souls either - wonder if that gets connected w/ Sirius dying, he didn't become a killer and he died w/ a whole soul - what the heck happens to someone who's split their soul after they die? interesting...

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#386934 - 08/05/05 02:42 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Truffle Royale Offline

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I had that thought too when I was reading HP6. The Room of Requirement just SOUNDS like it has to be really important...far more than just a way into Hogwarts. IMO, there has to BE a horcrux in or very near Hogwarts. Remember, the dairy was brought in by Ginny so it doesn't count.

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#386935 - 08/05/05 02:51 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Lady Godiva Offline
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Yes we did find out about the last. It must be in 6. "Last" is the last letter DD sent Petunia which is the one that was left with baby HP on the Dursley's doorstep. Remember the scene where the Dursleys and HP and DD are all together discussing the letter and letting HP come back one more time? It's in there.


For extra elucidation, Rowling answered this question (about what she meant by 'remember my last') in the FAQ poll on her website. She said that yes, it did refer to the letter tucked in w/ baby Harry, then went on to say that other people had been thinking, 'well, if that's the case, why didn't the howler just say, "remember my letter"?' Rowling said it's because obviously, there were letters before that. (!!!) If you ask me, Petunia's a Squib, which would explain part of the reason why she hates magic so much (reminds her of the things she couldn't do), and why she tried so hard to live a normal life in a world completely devoid of any magical traces.

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#386936 - 08/05/05 02:55 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
HMS Pippii Offline
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Petunia a Squib? Oh, I like that idea!

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#386937 - 08/05/05 02:56 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Lady Godiva Offline
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What made me wonder about Legilimens is the snake's attack on Mr. Weasley. Even if it is a horcrux, I would assume that Harry and LV's attachment was into each other's mind, not spirit. I figured that LV was using legilimens to control the snake, and having to work hard at it, causing Harry to notice, and join LV in the snake's mind.

There's another possibility, you know. Voldemort could be an unregistered Animagus. It wouldn't surprise me if he ended up being a snake in his animal form, and i'm sure he wouldn't bother to register himself with the ministry (though who knows? maybe he did, while he was still Tom Riddle-ish). This way, Harry would be getting a direct link into V's mind during the Mr. Weasley attack, which would clear up any confusion about how Harry saw things through the eyes of the snake. I still like the idea of the snake being the Nagini horcrux, though, because that would explain how he has so much control over her, even beyond Parseltongue...

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#386938 - 08/05/05 03:07 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Lady Godiva Offline
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*sigh* Petunia-the-Squib theory has been stomped unceremoniously by a friend...her parents were Muggles, so she can't be a Squib, they only happen in all-magic families. But I still hold to the idea that Petunia was potentially jealous of Lily's magical talents, which drove her to seek out a world completely devoid of magic. or maybe she CHOSE not to go to Hogwarts? I'm trying to come up with a basis of reason for DD communicating with her in the past here...

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#386939 - 08/05/05 03:57 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Lady Godiva Offline
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So here's some new conversation fodder. Anyone who hasn't already read the extensive JK Rowling interview given to the founders of the Mugglenet and the Leaky Cauldron forums should REALLY READ IT....there's all sorts of interesting tidbits in there! Here's the URL:
Also, i am now officially caught up on the eight back pages of posts for this thread, lol, so hopefully I won't be re-asking or re-answering any more questions and confusing people silly me

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#386940 - 08/05/05 03:58 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
RR Becca Offline
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Interesting interview! Thanks for the link, LG.
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#386941 - 08/05/05 04:02 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Zamboni Driver Offline
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IMO, there has to BE a horcrux in or very near Hogwarts. Remember, the dairy was brought in by Ginny so it doesn't count.

Agree that Hogwarts is too tempting to LV for there not to be one. What about the knocker on the headmaster's office door? It is a Gryffin (does that make the door a Gryffin-door?) We know that the last time LV was in Hogwarts before trying to kill Harry, he knocked on the door. I'm not sure DD would have allowed him access to any other part of the school, but we know he saw the knocker, and it belonged to Godric Gryffindore. Just a thought.
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#386942 - 08/05/05 07:22 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Truffle Royale Offline

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That's a great thought, ZD. To have a horcrux so close to Dumbledore carries all kinds of probabilities!

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#386943 - 08/05/05 11:17 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
HMS Pippii Offline
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A "Gryffin-door"?
Oh owww!!!!!!!!

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