In reviewing disclosures from various banks throughout the country it seems there is no general consensus/agreement on the daily Cash withdrawal/POS limits set amongst FIs' allowing cardholder's to make transactions using their ATM debit cards. Some FIs have tiered "daily" cash limits of $500 for cash withdrawals, $2000 per PIN POS, and $7500 per signature based POS; while others have up-to-the available balance in the account>

I don' t see either card limit as truly preventing any losses from card compromise, as each day the card can be used to fraudulently take cash from a customers account and it will only be stopped when and if the cardholder finally contacts their FI.

Is there any Compliance recommendations for ATM debit card limits and what are some of the risk issues for banks with up to available balance daily card limits versus tiered Cash/PIN/SIGNATURE-based card Limits?
Last edited by ARTI; 07/27/11 07:11 PM.