You all know that I am a BOL Learning Connect staffer, so you'll undoubtedly recognize this as a blatant plug, but it's one that I am unabashedly making, nonetheless.

I just sat in on Richard Hagar's webinar on "Mortgage Loan Scams -- When Real Estate Isn't Real." It was an eye-opener!

Richard's an expert. He knows real estate appraising inside and out, and he clearly knows where the skeletons are in the real estate lending business.

There's a lot of information in Richard's presentation, and a wealth of material accompanied it. But he delivers it in an enthusiastic, energized, even entertaining way.

If you are involved in real estate lending (primarily residential, since that's where this session is focused), as a lender, underwriter, auditor, review appraiser, or quality assurance specialist, and didn't get a chance to sit in on this presentation, you still have a chance. The webinar will be available, on a CD, in a few short weeks, in the BOL Banker Store. The CD will include Richard's presentation and slides, plus all of his accompanying materials and the follow-up Q&A document.

Check it out!
John S. Burnett
Fighting for Compliance since 1976
Bankers' Threads User #8