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Thread Starter: Anonymous
Title: Re: CFPB HMDA site doesn't work yet

I've tried to upload my first file today. Ran into multiple inexplicable issues, like "please contact support" written across the "upload file here" box. For another filing entity, I was able to upload a file, but got 3 errors per row, stating that my data was not formatted correctly. The problem is, my data ALREADY IS formatted correctly, and was actually entered using the CFPB HMDA 2017 filing tool (in .xlsm). I can see that the correct info is there. But when I upload it to them, they detect that multiple columns somehow/suddenly don't have correct formatting. Urgh.

So I emailed them my questions. Their response: "Please allow three business days for a reply." Will they be extending the HMDA deadline by 3 business days, I wonder?

If you're planning to file by March 1st, you better start now. Beloved Director Mulvaney, we need immediate relief. The filing deadline should be postponed by 30 days, to give CFPB time to adjust and correct its own glitches and nonresponsiveness, don't you agree? While you're at it, please go ahead and strike the year 2018 fields, specifically, the ones that were NOT specified by Dodd-Frank, but which CFPB added only in the course of "pushing the envelope" as a "new cop on the beat."