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Thread Starter: HappyGilmore
Title: Re: REQUIRED "Team Building"

to the original question - if it is required, and you are not an exempt employee, they are required to pay you for your time at the event - failure to do so is a violation of labor laws.

I would start with the new boss about why it is an imposition on your to attend after hours, and if it was team building could it not be done during work hours, possibly over a long lunch, this also takes away the alcohol portion. Is the bank paying for this or are you expected to pay your portion? will the bank pay for your dependent child care, if needed? depending on how the boss answers, i would be deciding whether to go to the next level or HR, if it is that important to you.

Personally - i rarely attend after hours functions that the bank hosts, because i also have a life outside of the bank, and have something almost every night i would rather be doing (even if that means sitting in front of the TV mindlessly watching nothing). I am not a fan of alcohol at bank functions, and if it is present and so am i, i never imbibe, and normally only stay long enough to "be seen" by the people who think my being there matters. I have never told someone they are required to attend a function after hours, and i don't hold it against anyone if they don't - but i know many a peer that does both, and i don't agree with it.