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In Response To:
Thread Starter: David Dickinson
Title: Re: REQUIRED "Team Building"

I'd love to hear from the OP as I think there's a lot of assumptions being made that may not be accurate.

Interesting comments by many of you after Richard & I gave our positions on this. What's ironic to me, is that many of you that are against any type of Team building outside of work are also posting in the "Pet Peeves" string in the BOL Couch forum and complaining about co-workers:
Maybe if you had a strong sense of Team and better communication with your Team Members, those pet peeves wouldn't exist or you could have healthy discussions about them with your Team Members.

Think about this: How can you pour sour milk on your cereal and then complain that it tastes bad? (I'm sure that comment will light up those that already don't get it and believe this is a bad thing).