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Thread Starter: Anonymous
Title: Re: Construction to Perm (C2P) ARM APR Verification

Thank you both! Randy - the initial rate was a premium actually. Unfortunately, there wasn't a schedule in the file (another issue).

Richard! Thank you!! That is exactly the citation I was trying to find!

Comment 17(c)(1)-10.i

i. When creditors use an initial interest rate that is not calculated using the index or formula for later rate adjustments, the disclosures should reflect a composite annual percentage rate based on the initial rate for as long as it is charged and, for the remainder of the term, the rate that would have been applied using the index or formula at the time of consummation. The rate at consummation need not be used if a contract provides for a delay in the implementation of changes in an index value. For example, if the contract specifies that rate changes are based on the index value in effect 45 days before the change date, creditors may use any index value in effect during the 45 day period before consummation in calculating a composite annual percentage rate.