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In Response To:
Thread Starter: Anonymous
Title: Re: Employee Banking

Another anon here again - by the way, when transferring the funds out from the employing bank to the elsewhere bank, I would typically use the elsewhere bank's online banking system. In other words, have the other bank pull the funds, rather than the employing bank sending the funds. Even the transfers can lead to internal alerts and absurd scrutiny and discussion (with or without you) for these unimportant triggers like:

Why was the online banking login done at 12:48am (or, why was it done at 315pm during work hours)
Why was the login done from a new PC or device not previously used to access online banking
Why are there 3 transfers this month rather than 2
Why is the "velocity of funds" so high (direct deposit in on a Friday, amount transfers out on same day = big red flag, for some systems, especially if it's a pattern)

If you choose to bank where you work and you ever deposit cash in any amount....well...good luck to you.