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#112605 - 09/05/03 06:13 PM PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

Ok I am addicted to the most stupid shows. Does anyone else HAVE TO watch Paradise Hotel? I just can't get over how horrible everyone is being. Hateful and childish. I am so glad Zack has to leave and I absolutely can not stand Amy. They are horrible mean people. I just wonder how embarassed their families must be, they act worse than my 8 and 2 year olds. Anyone else have anything to say???
Oh and poor Keith, he has gotten a cold shoulder since he got there. Tara is a little sl_ _ but she is playing the game and she is still there. By the way what do they win if they are the last ones??

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#112606 - 09/05/03 06:33 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

I also can't stand Amy and Zack, but my 12 year old daughter thinks they are great....which figures since they seem to act like they are 12... I think Dave is good, he seems to have some maturity about him.

I have no idea what they win. I watch the show in bits and pieces but I basically think it's pretty stupid....but I still watch it!

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#112607 - 09/05/03 07:24 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

Due to the fact that I'm completely embrassed by my Paradise Hotel addiction, I am posting anonymously. I love this show, I wish it was on every night. I actually get excited to go home and watch it. I have been disgusted these last two shows with the "visitors" being so blatently mean to the fab-four. I especially detest Toni, Zack and Alex - they are so incredibly rude and mean. I am dying to know what the ultimate prize is and who is going to be voted on Monday - I'm holding my breath for Amanda and Matt because they're the least mean and would definitely be able to vote off baby-Amy.

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#112608 - 09/05/03 07:38 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION


my 12 year old daughter thinks they are great....

Is this show appropriate for 12 year old children?

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#112609 - 09/05/03 07:47 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

It's no worse than anything else that's on anymore. I don't censor what she watches, I watch it with her and we discuss how ridiculous most of it is. Have you listened to music lately? Trust me...Paradise Hotel is TAME compared to what they listen to....

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#112610 - 09/16/03 01:13 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

So what did everyone think of the eliminations last night?

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#112611 - 09/16/03 01:53 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

I REALLY wanted Amy to get the boot....she is so two-faced. One minute she is crying saying she wants off of the show, the next minute she is saying she would never boot off a friend...and the next minute she is fighting like heck to stay on. The woman gives me a headache....

I still like Dave & Charla...can't explain why. To me, perhaps, they aren't as vocal and obnoxious as the rest of them.

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#112612 - 09/16/03 03:04 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

What about that tension between Holly-Scott-and whats her name! I was hoping Amy to be gone also, she really gets on my last nerve. Any predictions on who will be left standing? My prediction is Keith and Tara, I think they make a cute couple anyway. And why in the heck does everyone baby Amy, everyone thinks she is so great and thinks she deserves to stay, well not everyone, but I am sick of some of them fighting to keep her on. Do they not see how much of a bully/baby she is? Yuck!!

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#112613 - 09/16/03 03:25 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

People like Amy made my high school life a living you-know-what!! I can't wait to see her GONE!! I will be so disappointed if she wins. I also like the Fab-Four. They've played the game with a lot more dignity than the rest. (If you can actually play this reality game with dignity!!! )

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#112614 - 09/16/03 04:42 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

I am irritated with Paradise Hotel now because isn't so convenient that it will be Tara/Charla/Dave/Keith vs. Holly/Amy/and 2 of the guys. Isn't it convenient that it will be the 2 groups against each other even though it looked like Tara or Charla would go home last night. I'm sorry but I don't like Tara, Charla, or Dave. Keith doesn't really bother me.

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#112615 - 09/16/03 05:05 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

I also do not like Charla, Tara, or Dave. I'm also not crazy about Keith. At first, I really liked Amy, but now she is just really annoying. What is up with Scott being so mean to Holly? I really like Holly and Beau. I know they are not a couple, but it would be great if they win.

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#112616 - 09/17/03 04:36 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION
Okie Dokie Offline
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Okie Dokie
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Who do you think will be eliminated tonight? Will there be two men that have to leave?
Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown

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#112617 - 09/17/03 08:20 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

I have watched the show from the begining. I like Dave, Charla, Tara, and Keith. I think Charla and Dave or Keith should win. They have played the game the best. I like Tara but she just follows what Charla tells her to do, that is why Charla should win over her. Because Charla plays the game better. Although I do like Tara, she is a very sluty at times. She doesn't have much respect for herself to do those kinds of things on T.V. I really hope Bea goes home tonight. He is childish and just plain needs to grow up. To many people are taking this to seriously. They get offended when their friends get kicked off. It is just a game and that is the way the game is played. It is not real life. If you want to win you have to take out the big dog just like Keith did. He changed the whole game for everyone and Amy freaked out. He's goal wasn't to piss her off it was to break a strong couple up but she can't see that he is just trying to play the game. Amy is a freak, she is mean, rude, and childish. If she could only see how ridicuous she looks on TV. She acts like she is twelve. And whines and crys everytime something doesn't go her way instead of sucking it up as to that is just the way the game is played.

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#112618 - 09/18/03 12:35 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

Poor, poor Amy....all of her friends keep getting the boot. I was sorry to see Tom go, he was kinda funny. But I am glad Beau is GONE! Look out Amy....YOU ARE NEXT!

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#112619 - 09/18/03 03:15 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION
MidwestCFE Offline
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wish it was the Smoky Mountain...
I surely thought Tom had picked Dave to go home..what a surprise! I can't stand Amy, and I hope she goes soon..Frankly, I don't think I like any of them, but Amy and her posse are tactless hoosiers..
My get what you paid for..

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#112620 - 09/18/03 05:47 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

My feelings exactly. I can't wait until next show--2 hours! I will be so happy to see Amy go. Surely she is the next victim, she has no one else there.

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#112621 - 09/18/03 07:01 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION
RGS Offline
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Home of the 8 time NCAA Champ ...
Those of you who enjoy Paradise Hotel may (or may not) enjoy this article on ESPN's Page 2 by the always hilarious Bill Simmons.
Kentucky basketball isn't a matter of life and death, it's much more important than that.

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#112622 - 09/23/03 03:20 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

Did anyone see Paradise Hotel last night. I turned it on but I didn't see it. Did it even air last night? If so, can someone tell me what happened please?

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#112623 - 09/23/03 03:36 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION
Okie Dokie Offline
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Okie Dokie
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It is on for 2 hours tonight. I think the very final one is next Wednesday for 2 hours.
Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown

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#112624 - 09/23/03 04:06 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

Thanks, I don't like it when this show switches time slots. It has done that before. It's hard to keep up with the show when it keeps moving days and times.

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#112625 - 09/23/03 05:41 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

It doesn't help when even the newspaper prints the weekly TV section and says it is supposed to be on! I was frantic thinking I had somehow missed seeing Amy get her butt booted.

Adios Amy! (I hope)

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#112626 - 09/23/03 06:38 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION
Okie Dokie Offline
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Okie Dokie
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I'm not going to be home tonight, so I'll have to tape the show. I really think tonight is the night for Amy to go home (especially since all her friends already left her!) When we scheduled the "Girls Night Out" at my bank, Paradise Hotel came on Monday & Wednesday. It really stinks that they keep moving it around.
Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown

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#112627 - 09/23/03 08:42 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

Amy better get the boot. If she doesn't then something went terrible wrong. She is such a baby and a whiner. I was kind of thinking last Wednesday that I bet the producers are having a say in who is getting kicked off. I was just to convenient when Dave got picked and then the twist was he got to pick the next person to leave. It is getting to the point that you can prodict who's going and who's staying and the final ending wouldn't be as exciting if Dave or Charla, Keith or Tara weren't there. They have became the main characters and I believe they will set the ending up with those four going head to head because that will be the most dramatic ending there could be. No one cares about Amy and Scott stays in the shadows and Holly who? No one cares. What do you think will happen?

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#112628 - 09/23/03 08:48 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION
Okie Dokie Offline
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Okie Dokie
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I agree that the final four will probably be Dave, Keith, Charla and Tara. I'm not sure how the winners will be determined, but I can't wait to find out.
Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown

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#112629 - 09/24/03 03:37 PM Re: PARADISE HOTEL ADDICTION

I, too, have been hooked from the beginning. I never liked Toni, Zack or Amy. When they brought back the oldies, I thought the show had gone nuts and even thought about not watching it because the oldies were so mean. I like Dave the best, although, he has been caught in his "lies." But, everyone else has been telling a few lies also. They are all strategizing, but Dave is the only one that admits it. Like he and Keith say, "someone has to go." I just hope that Keith ousts Scott and Holly and not Dave and Charla. The final fight should be between the Barbies. At least it will be a friendly fight.

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