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#1225279 - 07/30/09 07:59 PM Re: Health Care MB Guy
straw Offline
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Originally Posted By: I'm ah Superman
Originally Posted By: straw
When are end of life decisions made and by whom? That is what will change. For instance can a 100 year old woman get a pacemaker?....

But this is the question being posed.

He doesn't wish to discuss the merits of health care reform plans currently being discussed.

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#1225531 - 07/31/09 01:40 PM Re: Health Care straw
QCL Offline
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Originally Posted By: straw
Originally Posted By: buccs_117
I agree with you. But I'm saying that the vast majority of patient care for end-of-life patients who have chronic illnesses are centered around pain management.

I was remarking that if that's how it supposedly is going to be it will not be any different that how things are now.

When are end of life decisions made and by whom? That is what will change. For instance can a 100 year old woman get a pacemaker? Obama said she probably should have been given some pills instead of the procedure. Should be noted that woman is 105 today. This happened at one of the President's recent town halls.

Wow. Did this really happen?


Will he manage healthcare the same way that he was able to make the decision to fire CEOs of private sector. Does he or some other bureaucrat get the say on pulling the plug?

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#1225541 - 07/31/09 01:50 PM Re: Health Care MB Guy
Buccs Offline
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This is your clever attempt to get me to say that Obama is personally going to go around, Logan's Run style, personally exterminating those who he sees as past their expiration date. While completely adsurd, you still expect me to answer.

I don't support someone else deciding that someone is past their prime enough to let them die. All I'm saying is that if people think that now patients who face the terminal stage of chronic illness are usually counciled by their physicians to do anything other than manage pain you're sorely mistaken.

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#1225567 - 07/31/09 02:15 PM Re: Health Care Buccs
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Originally Posted By: buccs_117
This is your clever attempt to get me to say that Obama is personally going to go around, Logan's Run style, personally exterminating those who he sees as past their expiration date. While completely adsurd, you still expect me to answer.

No, but it's good to see you have a healthly level of paranoia.

Originally Posted By: buccs_117
I don't support someone else deciding that someone is past their prime enough to let them die. All I'm saying is that if people think that now patients who face the terminal stage of chronic illness are usually counciled by their physicians to do anything other than manage pain you're sorely mistaken.

What I am saying is that I don't think interjecting government bureaucracy into the Doctor - patient equation when it comes to level of care and/or end of life decisions where there is the possiblity of rationed care and set standards of life saving efforts that are limited due to some mandate is going to improve our healthcare system.
Giddy up.

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#1225572 - 07/31/09 02:18 PM Re: Health Care QCL
Pale Rider Offline
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Originally Posted By: QueenChop'dLiver
Originally Posted By: straw
Originally Posted By: buccs_117
I agree with you. But I'm saying that the vast majority of patient care for end-of-life patients who have chronic illnesses are centered around pain management.

I was remarking that if that's how it supposedly is going to be it will not be any different that how things are now.

When are end of life decisions made and by whom? That is what will change. For instance can a 100 year old woman get a pacemaker? Obama said she probably should have been given some pills instead of the procedure. Should be noted that woman is 105 today. This happened at one of the President's recent town halls.

Wow. Did this really happen?


Will he manage healthcare the same way that he was able to make the decision to fire CEOs of private sector. Does he or some other bureaucrat get the say on pulling the plug?

President Obama is on the record saying the 100 year old lady should not have gotten any extraordinary medical treatment... she did get the treatment and is now 105...

here it is.....
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#1225608 - 07/31/09 02:56 PM Re: Health Care MB Guy
Buccs Offline
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I was being sarcastic. That's how conservatives are making it sound, so I thought I'd try it on.

@Pale: Good for her. In all honesty if I was 100 I wouldn't want extraordinaty treatment, but that's me. Obama obviously has an opinion also. This lady's was different.

The thing is that rationing is happening now. When I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, my doctor said before my sleep study that he knew I had apnea just by looking at my throat, but the insurance company wouldn't put the cost of the machine towards my deductable (I have a high-deductable insurance plan) unless I had money spent on a sleep study. $2600 later, the insurance company approved the machine. If I hadn't had insurance, I would have passed on the study and the machine altogether. But I'm sure that by the time I was in my late 40's or early 50's I would have had a catastrophic situation such as an enlarged heart that would probably have lead to my untimely demise, because I didn't have insurance and self-rationed care.

Have you ever skipped on a procedure because the insurance pre-approval didn't go through? I'd call that rationing.

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#1225656 - 07/31/09 03:29 PM Re: Health Care Buccs
HappyGilmore Offline
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Originally Posted By: buccs_117
I was being sarcastic. That's how conservatives are making it sound, so I thought I'd try it on.

@Pale: Good for her. In all honesty if I was 100 I wouldn't want extraordinaty treatment, but that's me. Obama obviously has an opinion also. This lady's was different. But Obama is essentially saying she should have been denied treatment solely based on her age. Not only is that age discrimination, who are we to pass a law restricting treatment based on age?

The thing is that rationing is happening now. When I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, my doctor said before my sleep study that he knew I had apnea just by looking at my throat, but the insurance company wouldn't put the cost of the machine towards my deductable (I have a high-deductable insurance plan) unless I had money spent on a sleep study. $2600 later, the insurance company approved the machine. If I hadn't had insurance, I would have passed on the study and the machine altogether. But I'm sure that by the time I was in my late 40's or early 50's I would have had a catastrophic situation such as an enlarged heart that would probably have lead to my untimely demise, because I didn't have insurance and self-rationed care. That is not rationing, that is a prudent business practice. Insurance companies also may require you to get a second opinion on a procedure they think is borderline or questionable. Often this is because the doctor did a poor job providing the justification on the pre-approval.

Have you ever skipped on a procedure because the insurance pre-approval didn't go through? I'd call that rationing. Nope, never had this problem. But i wouldn't call this rationing. Rationing is when the isurance company says "well, we only allow 15 procedures of X type per month, and we've exceeded that limit.
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#1225677 - 07/31/09 03:44 PM Re: Health Care HappyGilmore
Buccs Offline
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So if I just replace "prudent business practice" for "rationing" then you'd be ok with it?

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#1225681 - 07/31/09 03:49 PM Re: Health Care Buccs
straw Offline
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Originally Posted By: buccs_117
I was being sarcastic. That's how conservatives are making it sound, so I thought I'd try it on.

@Pale: Good for her. In all honesty if I was 100 I wouldn't want extraordinaty treatment, but that's me. Obama obviously has an opinion also. This lady's was different.

Here is the difference. You are not in a position to, nor do you believe you should, decide whether that woman should have gotten that procedure. Obama is in a position and one can speculate that he beleives he should decide whether that woman should have gotten that procedure.

And what you describe is not rationing, it is diagnosing. The insurance co. wanted verification of your apnea other than through your GP's opinion. Rationing would have happened if, after diagnoses, the insurance company decided you could not have the treatment because the costs outweighed the benefit.

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#1225687 - 07/31/09 03:53 PM Re: Health Care straw
Buccs Offline
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But don't we pay doctors for their opinion?

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#1225701 - 07/31/09 04:02 PM Re: Health Care Buccs
MB Guy Offline
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Doctors, yes; politicians, no.
Giddy up.

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#1225705 - 07/31/09 04:04 PM Re: Health Care Buccs
HappyGilmore Offline
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Originally Posted By: buccs_117
So if I just replace "prudent business practice" for "rationing" then you'd be ok with it?

now your intentionally being difficult...
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#1225715 - 07/31/09 04:07 PM Re: Health Care MB Guy
Truffle Royale Offline

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We pay doctors for their opinions.
Doctors base their opinions on visual observation and use tests to confirm their diagnosis.
Insurance companies don't have the luxury of seeing you so they rely on the confirmation of the test before they pay for the treatment.
Where does the government fit into any of this?

btw, congrats on getting the CPAP and using it. My husband and son both use one and it's made a huge difference in all of our lives. Not to mention avoiding that whole heart thing.

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#1225745 - 07/31/09 04:45 PM Re: Health Care Buccs
QCL Offline
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Originally Posted By: buccs_117

@Pale: Good for her. In all honesty if I was 100 I wouldn't want extraordinaty treatment, but that's me. Obama obviously has an opinion also. This lady's was different.

And it's HER body! Shouldn't her opninion be the only one that matters?

How some can yell that same message and fight over the rights of her body when speaking of the abortion debate and then turn and ignore that very fact (that it's HER body, thus HER decision) when it suits us - i.e., it will cost too much to let her live - is simply beyond me.

I guess the Pres. is so pro-death that it pervades his every decision.

And believe me - I understand what it's like ot fight for insurance for a life saving procedure.

I oh, too well, understand the fight for a liver transplant when your child has a 105 degree fever, is septic, has dropping platelets and is fighting for her life and someone on the other end of the phone wants you to drive your child to another hospital for a second opinion. I get the red tape.

What I can't get is why the government gets an opinion.

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#1225753 - 07/31/09 04:55 PM Re: Health Care QCL
Truffle Royale Offline

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^^^^This is the best BOL example of someone who Obamacare is aimed at helping...and SHE DOESN'T WANT HIS HELP!!! What does that tell you about this plan?

Please, please, Mr. President, walk away from this. You're doing it to prove you can, not because it's the best thing for citizens. Go find a way to get people back to work. That stomach pain too many Americans have is from hunger not sickness.

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#1225783 - 07/31/09 05:33 PM Re: Health Care QCL
Buccs Offline
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Yes it should. From the beginning I said that I don't think that someone other than you or your doctor should be party to a medical decision.

I don't have the fear in my head that a government bureaucrat will review every medical decision that's being made. I guess that's just me though. When people talk about rationing in places like Canada (which isn't even an adequate example because what's being proposed in Congress isn't a single payer system) they're talking about non-medically necessary surgeries placed at the back of the line while life-threatening conditions that require treatment are moved towards the front.

But in all honesty, I think conservatives are going to "win" the debate on healthcare. I said a week ago or so that I thought there was only a 50-50 shot something would get passed. I think there's a 25% shot now. Congress is going to go home, get yelled at by both sides and there won't be enough support to pass anything but something watered down will pass that will run up the deficit and cover a handful more people. We'll still be in the same boat with healthcare in 5 years. I can almost guarantee it.

But what makes me sad about that is that I know that we are switching insurance companies AGAIN here this year because of cost. We have less than 25 employees and are paying nearly 100k annually for employee health coverage. We're also talking about dropping dental coverage to make up for rising health costs. My dad, a small business owner, has 8 employees. He pays for the entirety of all their healthcare- has since he's owned the business. He doesn't know how much longer he can do it because it costs so much. He told me it would be personally disgraceful if he couldn't pay premiums for everyone that works for him- he knows that it's not standard practice anymore but he likes to take care of the people he relies on.

I don't know what the answer is anymore. What's being proposed is so watered down I don't think it can change anything. On the flip side I don't think that free markets are a good approach to healthcare because in a free market there is rational choice, but the nature of the goods on offer and the actors in the market make it an irrational market. There isn't an adequate supply in my area to make a market truly competitive, and I imagine it's the same in a lot of other places.

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#1225793 - 07/31/09 05:38 PM Re: Health Care Buccs
HappyGilmore Offline
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But what makes me sad about that is that I know that we are switching insurance companies AGAIN here this year because of cost. We have less than 25 employees and are paying nearly 100k annually for employee health coverage. We're also talking about dropping dental coverage to make up for rising health costs

That actually sounds like a fairly low-cost plan. We spend $22,000 per year per employee for employees with families on our plan, and $9,000 per employee per year for single. Employees with families pick up $7,000 per year, and single employees pay $2,500 per year. So $100,000 per year for 25 is not much. Dental is a seperate policy paid 100% by employees, no bank supplement.

As our costs have continued to escalate, we had to decide on whether to increase employee costs, or reduce costs elsewhere. We made the decision to lower our 401(k) match from 100% to 10%, with the option of increasing the match at year end if we have good years.
Last edited by Mr. Calibrater; 07/31/09 05:40 PM.
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#1225794 - 07/31/09 05:39 PM Re: Health Care Buccs
straw Offline
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Originally Posted By: buccs_117
Yes it should. From the beginning I said that I don't think that someone other than you or your doctor should be party to a medical decision.

I don't have the fear in my head that a government bureaucrat will review every medical decision that's being made. I guess that's just me though. When people talk about rationing in places like Canada (which isn't even an adequate example because what's being proposed in Congress isn't a single payer system) they're talking about non-medically necessary surgeries placed at the back of the line while life-threatening conditions that require treatment are moved towards the front.

But in all honesty, I think conservatives are going to "win" the debate on healthcare. I said a week ago or so that I thought there was only a 50-50 shot something would get passed. I think there's a 25% shot now. Congress is going to go home, get yelled at by both sides and there won't be enough support to pass anything but something watered down will pass that will run up the deficit and cover a handful more people. We'll still be in the same boat with healthcare in 5 years. I can almost guarantee it.

But what makes me sad about that is that I know that we are switching insurance companies AGAIN here this year because of cost. We have less than 25 employees and are paying nearly 100k annually for employee health coverage. We're also talking about dropping dental coverage to make up for rising health costs. My dad, a small business owner, has 8 employees. He pays for the entirety of all their healthcare- has since he's owned the business. He doesn't know how much longer he can do it because it costs so much. He told me it would be personally disgraceful if he couldn't pay premiums for everyone that works for him- he knows that it's not standard practice anymore but he likes to take care of the people he relies on.

I don't know what the answer is anymore. What's being proposed is so watered down I don't think it can change anything. On the flip side I don't think that free markets are a good approach to healthcare because in a free market there is rational choice, but the nature of the goods on offer and the actors in the market make it an irrational market. There isn't an adequate supply in my area to make a market truly competitive, and I imagine it's the same in a lot of other places.

To all, Bucs is belying the exact thought process of the liberal elites who want to take over health care. For example

people talk about rationing in places like Canada (which isn't even an adequate example because what's being proposed in Congress isn't a single payer system) they're talking about non-medically necessary surgeries placed at the back of the line

Like hip replacements. Average wait time in Canada is 18 months and those over a certain age (can't recall off the top of my head) are prohibited. In liberal minds, these are non-medically necessary procedures, but try telling that to someone who can no longer walk.

But what makes me sad about that is that I know that we are switching insurance companies AGAIN here this year because of cost. We have less than 25 employees and are paying nearly 100k annually for employee health coverage. We're also talking about dropping dental coverage to make up for rising health costs. My dad, a small business owner, has 8 employees. He pays for the entirety of all their healthcare- has since he's owned the business. He doesn't know how much longer he can do it because it costs so much. He told me it would be personally disgraceful if he couldn't pay premiums for everyone that works for him- he knows that it's not standard practice anymore but he likes to take care of the people he relies on.

And despite several options other than governemnt care, this is the only option liberals can see. IF your father and other small businesses were allowed to pool together to improve negotiating position, costs would go down, but liberals will not allow this option.

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