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#354787 - 05/03/05 10:28 PM Re: Runaway Bride
doodle Offline
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I saw the interview with the fiance this morning. When he was talking about how the first thing he did when he saw her was to replace her engagement ring, all I could think was how controlling a gesture that was. It was as though he was re-inforcing that she belonged to him. (Meaning ownership not love)
You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy.~ Eric Hoffer

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#354788 - 05/03/05 10:50 PM Re: Runaway Bride

Idiots are a dime a dozen...that she becomes newsworthy shows that level of decadence that has permeated this society.

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#354789 - 05/04/05 03:09 AM Re: Runaway Bride
Jokerman Offline
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Well, wouldn't that be suspicious to you Jokerman? A woman says she is going jogging, her clothes are later found, but they still cannot find her. Her family says she wouldn't leave of her own free will. That wouldn't make you think abduction?

I'm not saying it's an unreasonable conclusion to draw. I'm saying we shouldn't find this woman guilty of a crime because we jumped to the wrong conclusion.

(Again, so far as she has committed a crime - filing a false report - feel free to prosecute. I think some sort of community service would be in order. I just don't agree that we are all accountable to the state for our whereabouts.)

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#354790 - 05/04/05 01:07 PM Re: Runaway Bride


I saw the interview with the fiance this morning. When he was talking about how the first thing he did when he saw her was to replace her engagement ring, all I could think was how controlling a gesture that was. It was as though he was re-inforcing that she belonged to him. (Meaning ownership not love)

Oh, come on! A manipulative woman who concocts such a scheme and feigns having been abducted by armed people and you're targeting the duped guy?! Get real. The guy is a complete wimp. She is not an abused baby; she's in her thirties! Please...

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#354791 - 05/04/05 01:54 PM Re: Runaway Bride
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
CNN news story last night said this is the second time she got cold feet...the first time the guy did not end up marrying her. Also, what kind of idiot plans a wedding with 600 attendees and 14 people standing? Gee, maybe a bit of Mom & Dad pressure here? I guess it is a good thing that no one came out and accused the fiance, as he would be rolling in a lawsuit tight now.

If he still marries her he has as many issues as she does.

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#354792 - 05/04/05 02:04 PM Re: Runaway Bride
Retired DQ Offline
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I wonder how many bridesmaids she'll be able to have next time? If I were one of them, I wouldn't even talk to her!
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#354793 - 05/04/05 03:43 PM Re: Runaway Bride
bluebanker Offline
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I saw the interview with the fiance this morning. When he was talking about how the first thing he did when he saw her was to replace her engagement ring, all I could think was how controlling a gesture that was. It was as though he was re-inforcing that she belonged to him. (Meaning ownership not love)

Wow! Turning it around on him. Maybe he was wanting to replace it to remind her that he'll always be there for her (which is idiotic, if you ask me). Women get so defensive sometimes and want to assume the worst. When I read that, I thought that he wanted her to know he's still committed to the relationship, not that he owns her. Someone's been watching too much Dr. Phil...
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#354794 - 05/04/05 04:34 PM Re: Runaway Bride
Bones Offline
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I heard a story on the local news this morning that hispanic groups in Albuquerque are demanding an apology from the runaway bride because she accused a hispanic man in the kidnapping report. They say that put all of the hispanic males at risk. I guess things are getting a little out of hand. I mean, she also accused a white woman, so that would also put all white women at risk too, right? Don't get me wrong, I am hispanic, but I think people are missing the point here. The fact that she made a false report should be the issue. That is what she should apologize for. I don't think it should be a race issue now.
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#354795 - 05/04/05 04:35 PM Re: Runaway Bride
bluebanker Offline
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But it's ALWAYS a race issue...
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#354796 - 05/04/05 04:52 PM Re: Runaway Bride
Bengals Fan Offline
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But it's ALWAYS a race issue...

Yeah, she was RACING to get away from her fiance.....

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#354797 - 05/04/05 04:54 PM Re: Runaway Bride
Bones Offline
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You need an attitude adjustment ---- let me get my tools!

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#354798 - 05/04/05 05:49 PM Re: Runaway Bride



I saw the interview with the fiance this morning. When he was talking about how the first thing he did when he saw her was to replace her engagement ring, all I could think was how controlling a gesture that was. It was as though he was re-inforcing that she belonged to him. (Meaning ownership not love)

Wow! Turning it around on him. Maybe he was wanting to replace it to remind her that he'll always be there for her (which is idiotic, if you ask me). Women get so defensive sometimes and want to assume the worst. When I read that, I thought that he wanted her to know he's still committed to the relationship, not that he owns her. Someone's been watching too much Dr. Phil...

I agree with Blue. I don't think he meant it in a controlling way, just that he still loves her. Having said that, it was probably not the right thing for him to do. She obviously ran because she has issues with being or getting married, so that probably wasn't the wisest thing for this guy to do. It probably added to her pressures.

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#354799 - 05/04/05 05:50 PM Re: Runaway Bride
doodle Offline
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I'm so sorry that I posted one small observation about the fiance. I really wasn't trying to place blame or "turn it around on him." This whole story is weird and that is just one part of it. (and blue, I've never watched Dr. Phil)
You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy.~ Eric Hoffer

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#354800 - 05/04/05 07:01 PM Re: Runaway Bride

I was just waiting for someone to start this thread. Since I live approximately 200 - 300 miles away from where she lives, I am assuming we are getting additional coverage of the "Runaway Bride". Sounds as if the priviledged Runaway Bride needs to grow up a bit.
I recall a similar scenario during the late 80's in suburban Chicago. Two college students who were dating went missing from the private college in which they attended. For numerous days, law enforcement, family, and friends were searching for them. Finally, the missing students contacted authorities - I believe the story was that they were carjacked. When the facts came out they were not carjacked but had spent a couple of days away from school, together and spent alot of money on Rush Street.

These kids were in their late teens (should have known better) and I think they were prosecuted. Runaway Bride is in her 30's and should face the music. Prosecute.

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#354801 - 05/04/05 07:05 PM Re: Runaway Bride
bluebanker Offline
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Well I guess with all the anti-men sentiment in the threads these days I assumed this was going to be turned into another male-bashing segment. I just read that comment as a typical women's lib comment...releasing the bride from all responsibility because men are evil...
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#354802 - 05/04/05 07:13 PM Re: Runaway Bride
Retired DQ Offline
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Well I guess with all the anti-men sentiment in the threads these days I assumed this was going to be turned into another male-bashing segment. I just read that comment as a typical women's lib comment...releasing the bride from all responsibility because men are evil...

Baby, baby, stick your head in gravy...
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#354803 - 05/04/05 07:38 PM Re: Runaway Bride
An0n Offline
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The guards won't tell me.
Of course men are evil. Women are just stupid enough to try and change us.
I don't own a computer...

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#354804 - 05/04/05 07:42 PM Re: Runaway Bride


Isn't it possible she just got on the wrong bus?

Sure. And she probably discovered it while she was gambling in Las Vegas.

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#354805 - 05/04/05 07:52 PM Re: Runaway Bride
doodle Offline
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Well I guess with all the anti-men sentiment in the threads these days I assumed this was going to be turned into another male-bashing segment. I just read that comment as a typical women's lib comment...releasing the bride from all responsibility because men are evil...

If I have participated in any man bashing and caused offence, I apologize . I don't believe that men are evil- quite the contrary. Perhaps I did not communicate what I was trying to say very well. The point of my post was that she's not the only one with issues. I was not trying to say that it was any one person's fault. (Ok, it's mostly her fault.)

It might give you a little insight to know that non-women's libbers vent about men too. You should always take man-bashing with a grain of salt and a lot of humor. This is mostly girl talk. We just don't usually let you listen.
You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy.~ Eric Hoffer

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#354806 - 05/04/05 07:54 PM Re: Runaway Bride
Retired DQ Offline
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If I have participated in any man bashing and caused offence, I apologize...

But, I don't... Oops, the Devil made me say it...


This is mostly girl talk. We just don't usually let you listen.

That was very cute!
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#354807 - 05/04/05 07:55 PM Re: Runaway Bride
pjs Offline
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Isn't it possible she just got on the wrong bus?

sure right after she called and said she was kidnapped.

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#354808 - 05/04/05 07:58 PM Re: Runaway Bride
RR Sarah Online
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"women's lib"...Haven't heard that since, what, the early 80s?
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#354809 - 05/04/05 08:10 PM Re: Runaway Bride
An0n Offline
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The guards won't tell me.
yeah we heard it in the 80's, but we've been feeling it ever since.

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#354810 - 05/04/05 08:12 PM Re: Runaway Bride
RR Sarah Online
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Sometimes you have to burn a few bridges to keep the crazies from following you.

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#354811 - 05/04/05 08:15 PM Re: Runaway Bride
Bengals Fan Offline
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Of course men are evil. Women are just stupid enough to try and change us.

Not true. Women are evil, and there is logical proof....

Premise: Any guy knows that a woman requires time and money.

Premise: Time = Money

It follows that a woman is Money squared.

And we ALL know that money is the root of all evil....

Thus women are evil, or at least require evil...

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