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#386744 - 07/17/05 10:02 PM HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Truffle Royale Offline

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So, I can't wait any longer!

First, I found this book much easier to read than, say Goblet. I'd read the last 1/4 of 5 on Friday and it set me up to devour 6.

Second, while I like the idea of coming back, remember, there's a painting of ** on the wall now at Hogwarts. Paintings are for ghosts. But, as shown by the one who kept putting his two cents into Dumbledore and Harry's 'lessons', there is an avenue for ** to continue to have input in 7.

Do you believe who the Half-blood Prince turned out to be? And whose side do you think he's really on?

Last, the idea of Book 7 taking place outside of Hogwarts is quite interesting, don't you think? Hogwarts has shielded the reader as well as Harry for the last 6 years. Seven could be explosive and quite twisting and turning and potentially L-O-N-G!

There, I've started the thread without spilling all the beans.


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#386745 - 07/18/05 12:23 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Brandy Osborne Offline
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okay has any one else figured out who RAB is yet? it came to me about 6 hours afrer i finished reading... i think it is sirius' brother. who if you remember was a death eater, but left and was killed... hmm so does that mean there are 3 or 4 left to find?

so what does every one think of snape... my first reaction is to hope harry kills him more than LV, but then i keep telling myself that Dumbledore knew so much of what was going on, how could he not know what Snape would have to do... and Dumbledore had such an iron clad reason to trust snape and i don't think we can discount that yet. i really hope snape doesn't let me down. notice that when he took the vow, he tried to pull away on the last part. he also did not attack anyone other then you know who (i still can't say it yet). he could have harmed harry yet he did not, he could have harmed lupin etc but he didn't, and in truth i agree with ginny and ron that snape kept luna and hermione safe....

okay hald blood prince... i'm not so sure i buy that snape is the half blood prince... 1: JK herself descriped the half blood prince months ago and that discription was that of the new MoM... also doesn't harry look at how old the book is and it's like 50 (est) years old... it is more likely that the HBP is maybe some how related to snape (prince= mother)

overall i really liked this book though i wept through the last 40 or so pages... though the end had been guessed at and following great lit history was almost neccesary (gandalf, obe-wan etc). i am going to go back and re-read now so that can get into a more indepth discussion.
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#386746 - 07/18/05 12:28 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Brandy Osborne Offline
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don't forget that dumbledore's patronus is the phoenix...
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#386747 - 07/18/05 01:06 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Truffle Royale Offline

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Good point about the phoenix, but remember Fauks left too.

I'm ok with the hbp being Snape. That makes sense and how else would he know to ask to see Harry's potions book? I also made note of how ** said "Severus" in the last chapter. (I can't bring myself to write it yet either.) It was said pleadingly, remember?

I'm betting there's 3 left to find. D, HP and RAB each got one and there's the original so 7-1-3=3. Unsure where they all are though. All I'm sure of is the cup.

You're right, I'll have to go back and reread it after MOML and my daughter each get their crack at it. JK gave Katie Couric an exclusive interview that was just excepted on the news. The full one will be tomorrow morning. She's sticking to 7 books and looking forward to life after Harry.

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#386748 - 07/18/05 12:33 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Brandy Osborne Offline
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i think that even though harry and the gang say they are not returning to hogwarts for their 7th year, i think the final battle will happen there. it was the only place LV could ever call home... i think he gave draco the task he did, not only to pay back the malfoys if he failed but also to clear the way for LV to return to hogwarts, which he would have never done otherwise.

i'm still holding out for snape... which may be a weakness in me and dumbledore... but i still think there is a much bigger reason as to why dumbldore trusted him beyond snape feeling bad about the potter's death. i mean no one would think for one min snape was sorry about James dying... Lily maybe, but i don't think dumbledore would base his trust on that. what did everyone think the whole coward thing was... i mean it was really the only thing snape freaked out about afterward with Harry...
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#386749 - 07/18/05 12:48 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
gone Offline
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What do you all think of Harry and Ginny?
This book was awesome. Very action packed, and I know there are lots of clues that I missed in my first reading.
I have never trusted Snape. I do believe fully that he is the true HBP. I don't think he used half-blood in the sense that he is half muggle born, but that his mom is a "Prince" and he is half of one. I think he likened it to being a "lord", or part royalty.
How easy is it for Voldemort to forget he is half muggle-born as well, in addition to all the death eaters. I think Snape is of the same mindset.

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#386750 - 07/18/05 01:54 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Neytiri Offline
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RAB probably is Regulus Black. I just hate it that DD had to go through drinking the poison for nothing.

Do you think DD was begging Snape not to kill him, or begging him to do what he was supposed to do and kill him? I can't imagine DD begging not to be killed; I think he would accept his fate with dignity. But I noticed when rereading that Snape said he probably would have to do what Malfoy could not. If DD was begging Snape to finish it, then there is hope that DD will be back in one form or another as with Obi Wan and Gandalf. Maybe Snape agreed to the oath to protect Draco and finish what he could not only because it fit in with his and DD's plans?

DD has complete trust in Snape. But why? I think this is one of the great mysteries of the books. However, DD did say that he knows he is very intelligent for a wizard but when he makes a mistake it is a big one. Wonder if his trust is a mistake? Is JKR trying to say you shouldn't trust evil or you should stand by those you trust no matter what? Guess we won't find out until the last book.

Wonder what will happen to Draco since he didn't complete his mission? Voldemort does not tolerate failure.

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#386751 - 07/18/05 02:38 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Brandy Osborne Offline
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i really enjoyed the "romance" of the book. and i'm glad Harry and Ginny got together. i don't thik this is the end of them either. i can't imagine Ginny backing down from Harry when Ron and Hermione refused to do so as well. also loved tonks and lupin which i DID NOT see coming at all!!!
i agree with Donna, i think DD knew he must die, perhaps he's know this all along. he's pleading was not for snape to stop, but perhaps to finish it so that draco would not have to, because DD knew draco didn't want to. i think DD will be back in one form or another... as i think sirius will as well.
i still go back to the fact that snape did nothing at the end but kill DD (as if that isn't bad enough) he did not attack any other members of the order or hagrid or even harry... he just ran with draco.

i think draco will go into hiding and wont snape be in trouble with LV for doing draco's job?
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#386752 - 07/19/05 06:32 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Michelle III Offline
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I 'm betting there's 3 left to find. D, HP and RAB each got one and there's the original so 7-1-3=3. Unsure where they all are though. All I'm sure of is the cup.

D got the ring. HP had the book. RAB has the locket. The cup. The snake. Lord V. and I'm thinking maybe HP is one, like the snake. He has an uncanny connection to the Dark Lord and some of his powers too.

If RAB is who you think, then maybe they are hidden at Harry's house, including the one RAB took.

I think Harry will return to Hogwarts for his last year as teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA). They are going to need a new teacher and he was so good at it! The kids will need a good teacher to prepare them for meeting the deatheaters.

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#386753 - 07/20/05 01:51 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**

This is a kids book, folks, and it's bubblegum fantasy to boot. Good grief. I'll wait to take my kids to the movie version.

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#386754 - 07/20/05 02:09 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
waldensouth Offline
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They're behind 3 movies - need to catch up with the movie versions. Anyone know when #4 will be released? It is a kids book - one which I enjoy. I don't spend time analyzing it tho - I can wait for the next book to tell all.
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#386755 - 07/20/05 02:28 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
gone Offline
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GOF is coming out Nov 18th. The website for the movie only has the trailer up, but the preview of what it will look like, i.e. Tri-Wizard Tournament theme, is available at

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#386756 - 07/20/05 06:14 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Zamboni Driver Offline
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I had a different take on Snape killing DD. I think DD knew that Snape had taken the Unbreakable Vow, and that Snape would die if he did not kill DD. DD sensed that Snape was thinking about not going through with it, so DD asked Snape to sacrifice DD to save himself. Seems like the type of thing DD would do. Snape was so angry at the end, and did not want to be called a coward because he was so upset that DD was willing to sacrifice himself to save Snape, and Snape actually felt like a coward.

As for the horcruxes, I agree that RAB was Sirius's brother, and that the locket is at 12 Grimuald Place. I thought I remembered the locket being mentioned in a previous book, but couldn't find it in OOTP.

Harry will end up back at Hogwarts next year. He'll feel like he has to be there to protect the school, particularly Ginny. And, I won't be surprised if Draco ends up back. Snape will have hidden him, and he will be safer there. Wouldn't it be ironic if HP ended up protecting Draco?

Oh well, enjoyed the book, and can't wait for the final installment.
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#386757 - 07/20/05 06:18 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
HMS Pippii Offline
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The locket is mentioned in book 5 - I think you're correct about it's location. It's a throw-away comment - something about a locket that they can't get to open.

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#386758 - 07/20/05 07:19 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Brandy Osborne Offline
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i think that dumbledore has some very solid reason/vow behind his trust of snape... i mean he gave ole tom riddle a chance but never trusted him, so i think he would have done something to make sure snape wasn't lying to him. perhaps an unbreakable vow of his own with snape.
i also found the whole chaper with snape and Narcissus(sp) very interesting. knowing what we know of snape, why would she see him as the kind of person who would help her and not turn her over to LV. I also found it interesting that she was willing to defy LV to save her son... maybe she understands Lily a little better now.
i think Harry et al will only return to hogwarts to defend it, i doubt he'll be the DDA teacher... though fuuny that not even snape could fight the curse of that position..
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#386759 - 07/21/05 12:33 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Truffle Royale Offline

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hey, did you see? Only 1 anon has ventured in, slung mud and left when (s)he didn't get a rise out of anyone. I told you ignoring works almost as good as a vanquishing spell. And this is the closest to a mandatory registration thread as you'll ever see on BOL!

Thanks MHS for the locket location. Any ideas how it got there? Guess I'll be reading the rest of 5 and going back to 4 before November 18th.

The whole Snape thing is really interesting and truly well written. In fact, we've probably got the majority of the pieces to the whole 7 book puzzle now we just don't know how to put them together. I've thoroughly enjoyed each book. They're well written and imaginative flights of fantasy with a moral to the each story. JK Rowling has managed to bring reading and children back together AND give us grown-ups something to enjoy reading with our kids. Take that, tv and computer games! For that, my hat's off to her and she has my sincerest gratitude.

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#386760 - 07/21/05 01:33 AM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
tahdah Offline
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Just finished reading it. I did guessed that it would be DD who died, no one else really made sense. I was certainly hoping it wasn't one of the main characters. I'm wondering though if one of the horcrux (sp) is at HP's aunt and uncles. Remember he said that he promised DD that he would return there. I alway wonder were JKR gets her imagination. But then I wonder that with horror writers like Stephen King et al. I hope that they go back to Hogwarts next book, but it seems that if she if going to wrap this up, it's going to be a really long book. I sure love to hate Snape, but it seems a little to obvious that DD trusted him and turned against him. There is something about him that DD never revealed. I also wonder if the Phoenix is really dd and he's truly not dead, that this is all a set-up for HP to win against LV. I need to go back, because it's been so far inbetween that I don't know what D.A. was, can't remember. Too bad she has had such a long period between books. Some of the people I recognized the name but couldn't remember what part they played, like I didn't remember that Sirius had a brother, hence the connection of RAB.

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#386761 - 07/21/05 12:56 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Brandy Osborne Offline
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i think we have not seen the last of DD, though i do think he died. at the most simplistic, we have his portrait in the headmasters office which we know they communicate with the living. but i also think the phoenix factor means that perhaps he will return in another form.
plus remember that DD told Draco that what better way to hide than for people to think you were dead... that is also important, i think, for RAB... in OTP sirius says that his brother was killed by death eaters, not by LV himself. could that death eater have been snape? i think Regulus will play a very big role in the coming book... alive or dead.

i think one fo things that make these books so special is that fact that every word she writes is for a reason, so something that seems throw away in book 1 may come back and be huge in book 3 or 5... so the books lend themselves to very careful reading and need to be reread when ever a new piece of the puzzle is added.
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#386762 - 07/21/05 03:03 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Raiderette Offline
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I just finished the book last night. I seriously wanted the throw the book across the room, when Snape killed Dumbledore, instead I kept reading. I cried too. This thread put together some pieces that didn't even cross my mind. I know that I'm mad at snape. Poor Harry having to witness that. Dumbledore was weak for nothing, and he could've fought back. ARGHHHH!!!!! The next book better have a happy ending.
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#386763 - 07/21/05 03:27 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Zamboni Driver Offline
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I'm curious how the next book will end. I can't see HP killing V. If he does, he will be no better than V. Also, I'm not sure Harry has the true desire to use Avada Kadavra, so it wouldn't be effective.

My guess, V will end up trying something and killing himself, or someone else will try to kill HP and end up killing V. Curious on y'all's thoughts.
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#386764 - 07/21/05 03:42 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
LaLaChaser Offline
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I finished the book last night, and I have to admit that I cried as well. I do feel though that maybe Dumbledore knew what was coming. He made Harry promise to keep is word to follow his orders, and I wonder if he did the same with Snape. Why else would Snape be so upset about being called a coward? Also, Harry repeatedly told Dumbledore about Draco and Snape planning something, but Dumbledore consistantly said he had given Snape his trust. I'm ready for the next book for sure.. don't know if I can wait!

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#386765 - 07/21/05 03:49 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
tahdah Offline
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ZD, I do think that HP could kill V, he hates him that much. He said so in this book and others. V was responsible for the deaths of so many people that Harry cared about. I just can't imagine how JKR will wrap all this up in just one book. JKR has so many twists and turns that I don't even want to think about how she will end this series. I hope that Harry, Ron and Hermione will survive and V dies, but who knows?

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#386766 - 07/21/05 04:59 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Brandy Osborne Offline
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1: while i think DD was weak after the cave incident, i don't think he was helpless in anyway... remember some wizards can cast with our wands or even words... he allowed himself to be killed. i also think he knew what was coming and that is why he froze Harry. so that harry could do nothing to interfere.

i think harry will kill LV, perhaps at the cost of his own life. After DD's death Harry has no qualms about ending this situation... he will destroy LV.
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#386767 - 07/21/05 05:20 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
Raiderette Offline
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What do ya'll think about Professor McGonagall becoming the new head mistress?? She just doesn't fill Dumbledore's shoes.
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#386768 - 07/21/05 05:39 PM Re: HP6** SPOILER WARNING**
gone Offline
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I read on another board about the possibility of Harry being the 6th horcrux, that it could have happened when Voldemort tried to kill him. That is why their connection is so strong.
2-the ring
5-Nagini (snake)
6-? (Harry)

Any thoughts?

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