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#493217 - 06/19/06 04:08 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List 05-30-06 update
Princess Leia Offline
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Duct tape is like the force: It has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together.

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#493218 - 06/19/06 05:22 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List 06-19-2006 update
waldensouth Offline
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Joined: Nov 2001
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FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 5-5-06 update - All conversations with Dr. Superina (the transplant surgeon) have been via Blackberry (yeah, I'm so need one) from South Carolina. So no face to face conversations have been had with him, yet. However, our "team" is in agreement with him that surgery to correct the bile duct connection is most likely not going to work. And why put her through something like that if it won't be beneficial? And a new transplant is probably the best solution. There it is though..."probably." They would like to do another squirt of the tube and then most likely they will pull it. That makes me so very nervous. After we came home we got a call from our nurse. The CT scan of the nodes looked good and they were able to see some of the bile dusts in the liver too. However, those bile ducts still looked enlarged and "sick." Even with the tube being in place. Not sure what that means or what the future holds. Like I said, no answers, only more questions. I'm praying that the answers come soon. So there it is; prayers are appreciated.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 12-30-05 update -Maintenance treatment completed at the end of November. CT Scan indicated no signs of lymphoma. In May a PET/CT Scan will be completed. If no lynmphoma at that time, another maintenance treatment will be given. Thanks for all of the prayers and good wishes.....I am truly blessed.

12-30-05 blvsinangels and husband - please pray for my husband who was just told he has colon cancer. God grant us peace and courage. 3-15-06 update - My husband just finished his round of radiation and chemo, yes he had them together. He went in to have a permanent illostomy (SP?) done to what we thought, would end his 15 year fight with Chrons and ulcerative colitis. Well suprise, we were told they found cancer. Prior to this we have no clue, cancer was never found in any of his doctor visits. From this surgery he had an open wound, the radiation has completely broken down the skin around this wound. We just got the results from an MRI, the tumor has shrunk, but they want to run some bone scans now. Please keep us in your prayers. While I do believe in angels, I want to keep my husband here on earth for a while longer. Update on my husband, please keep him in your prayers. They sent us to Mayo in Rochester MN. Once there they ran more tests and found more cancer. It has spread to his bones and bladder and they told us he is not a surgical canidate. Basically there is not much else they can do for him other than chemo. But God is good and I want so badly to believe he will be healed. We are staying positive. Our mantra is Psalms 118 v 17, "I will not die. I will live, and proclaim the glories of the Lord". We are still fighting and are a long way from giving up. I contine to pray for all of you on this list, may God grant you peace.

12-30-05 annonymous - unspoken prayer request

1-17-06 Dawnie's Son Eljay - 4-17-06 update - unfortunately Jesse has developed a hernia which we'll have to have operated on in the next week or so. 5-16-06 I just wanted to pop in with an update. We're at Fairview Childrens Hospital in Minneapolis (at the University) for a week of testing to see how well the enzymes are working for little ElJay. We're going to talk with the sleep disorder clinic while we're here. He's still not sleeping more than an hour. If anyone is in the neighborhood this week we're in 5B 231-2.

8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will. 2-6-06 update - The cancer continues to spread and has now entered the bones. Every day that she remains with her family on earth is a gift.

Ecclesiastes 3 (King James Version) as quoted on

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

2-14-06 MTnFull -If you could include me in a few of your prayers, I would appreciate it. Thank you. 5-3-06 update - If you could just say a small prayer for my continued healing, I would appreciate it.... Thank you

2-17-06 Texas Girl - Please add my brother, Jon, to the list. He was admitted to the hospital this morning for some kind of infection that has caused his face to swell and break out in blisters. He has many health problems and is on several medications, so getting his body regulated to the medicine is difficult. He his 21 years old and has many special needs so lives at home with my parents, who also need prayers while trying to work, worry, and take care of him. Thank you.

2-20-06 SoccerMomQueen - Had the first part of a stress test on Valentine's and ended up in the hospital same day. 3 days and 1 stint later and I am trying to get back on my feet. AND get the HMDA and CRA finished, examiners finished and did exit interview while I was out (including BSA) plus I am getting ready for a shareholders meeting. Like I said, all prayers appreciated, the next few days are going to be rough. Oh yea, then there's the lifestyle changes that will be implemented!!!

2-21-06 Rainbow Girl - Please say a prayer for "Nanny". She is elderly and has had some medical problems. Recently a mass (most likely cancer) was found around her breast/lung area. They are not doing a biopsy because of her age and health problems. They would not treat the cancer with chemo or radiation anyway. The Dr. says she could go at any time. please pray that she will have a painless, peaceful departure. She lived a full life and was one of the reasons we wear seat belts today because of an article she wrote back in the 70"s. Also please pray for her Daughter and Grand daughter.

2-21-06 lady croak44 -I would like to add a request for my niece Lauren. She's six months old and was admitted to the hospital yesterday with a severe kidney infection. She's doing better today, thank God. They will be running a bunch of tests over the next couple of days to determine what is causing such a young baby to get a kidney infection. Your thoughts and prayers for her, as well as my sister and brother-in-law would be so appreciated.

2-21-06 anon - My little sister had an angiogram yesterday and will find out Friday if the growth on her brain is a series of twisted blood vessels or a deep tumor. She's only 19 yrs old and is really worried. Please keep her in all your prayers. Thanks!

3-1-06 Countess Kiwi's co-worker - Can you please add my co-worker Nona to the list. She has had cancer in the past and last year it returned, the news was very grim at that point with only months to live. She has made it long beyond their expectations but the news today has her traveling to another doctor to see if they can find a different method to treat her. She is one amazing person and she really needs everyones prayers. She has never complained and has been at work every day through all of this.

3-9-06 annie732- Please pray for my boyfriend and I. The coming weeks are going to bring us much stress and I'm afraid our relationship might not withstand the upcoming events. Thank you.

3-14-06 J.L.V. - Please add my Grandpa to the list. He was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Chemo, radiation, and surgery are not options, he's currently on a medication to try and slow the spread of the cancer. But... I'm especially concerned about my Grandma. Her mental capacity has been decreasing over the last couple of years, the last stroke on Thanksgiving made it even worse. I cant imagine what she'll do without him. 6-19-06 JLV Update - I really wonder how much more I'm going to have to take??? I keep repeating a phrase that I read here on BOL a long time ago...God wont give me anything I cant handle, but I'm definitely beginning to wonder. We had lunch with Grandpa yesterday at a trout farm about an hour away, it use to be his favorite place to go. He couldnt even walk from the restaurant to the river. They've taken him off all of his cancer medication and will just try and keep him comfortable until his time with us is up. In the last week or two they've had to put him on Xanax because he's begun to have panic attacks, he has so much fluid building on his lungs he feels like he's drowning. Dad got hit by a long horn cow at work last week and spent the night in the ER, with his heart condition and medication there was a severe risk of internal bleeding. Thankfully other than being stiff and sore he's fine. Mom's got to have another hip's scheduled for next week. The prosthesis that was put in almost 6 years ago is loose.

Due to very personal matters I'd rather not discuss...I'm in the middle of a very ugly divorce after getting married in January.

With all this, I'm just trying to focus on the positive. I'm healthy, my kids are healthy, that's enough to keep me going but prayers would be greatly appreciated.

3-15-06 Search Me - Family friend had a heart attack...was in his late young... please pray for him and his family.

3-20-06 Mom of Princess Natalie Bear's Niece - Could you all please add my new little niece Greta Ann to the prayer list. She was born a little early, this weekend. At 4 pounds, even, this little peanut needs all the extra help (prayers and fat ) that she can get. Thanks!

4-1-06 Go 4 it Granny - A friend's daughter is pregnant for the first time. At first she was going to have triplets ...but one was not viable. Now it is twins. Then her doctor said that there was a problem with the children .....something about the blood going through one baby to the other....I don't know...I think she referred to it as twin to twin transfusion. They were extremely upset and confused because they said it occurred in identical twins and the doctor said that the babies were not identical. .

She was sent to a gyn for "at risk" pregnancies. This doctor said the babies were fine.....just small...but okay...Now 3 weeks down the line, and this doctor is saying that the babies have Downs...This has been a roller coaster ride for all of the people.....

4-3-06 Pizza Queen's Uncle - Please say a prayer for my uncle (godfather). He has terminal cancer and is currenly home resting comfortably. He is taking an experimental drug and can't be alone since no one really knows how it will affect him. Maybe this drug will do somthing miraculous. The family would appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

4-3-06 MagicBanker - Lynne was back in the hospital most of last week with another bout of pancreatitis. They did some tests to try to figure out what is causing the attacks, but were not able to determine. Which means she is still prone to future attacks. At least this time it did not complicate like last year. She got to come home from the hospital on Saturday. Please pray for her continued recovery and no relapses. 5-30-06 update - Well, we had our doctor appointment Friday with the specialist. God is so good and faithful. The news was just about as good as we hoped and prayed for.The osteonecrosis is not actually in her ankle, but rather is in the end of her tibia (large bone in the lower leg). In that location, he says it generally would not be expected to deteriorate further, no surgery is warranted, and really she is on no restrictions. He says she'll continue to experience pain in that area as the healthy bone tissue continues to shore up the dead part of the bone. All in all, extremely good news considering the bad things we were hearing from the internet.We both thank all of you for your faithful prayers for us.

4-4-06 CandyHart's Grandfather - can you guys pray for my grandpa's recovery, he had eye surgery to remove cataracts and he is not recovering very well his vision is still blurry, and it breaks my heart b/c he was a fighter pilot many years ago and he once told me the story of always wanting to fly airplanes and after his service he was a pilot for American Airlines and now that he's retired he bought his own plane and my grandmother and him fly in his plane wherever they need to go, but if he doesn't heal and get his vision back he won't ever be able to fly again, and that is his favorite thing to do, he lives for flying.(i'm sorry i'm getting emotional just typing this) so please put him in your prayers

4-11-06 Bliss' Mom - Could you please add my mom (real mom this time) to the list. It's a long story, but sufice it to say that she if facing physical and financial ruin. Nothing like getting hit while your down. She has been through a lot in her life and it has only made her a more kind and empathetic person. I know because of that she if very dear to Him. Please pray that He will support her through this and take it away if it be His will.

4-11-06 ssgblf - I found out a couple of weeks ago that the National Guard unit I am in is going to be in Irag by November. We are scheduled to leave in July to start our training. Will you keep my family in your prayers, and that God will protect all of us in our unit.

5-15-06 Click Here requested prayer for David Dickenson's family - I had the need to talk to David on Friday and found out that he was out of his office because his mother is very very ill. I did not get all of the details, just that she is in ICU and has not been doing well at all. I understood it was an emergency situation and that David had to jump and leave pretty quick, so it didn't sound like he had any time to request prayers. 5-17-06 update - Last Sunday (5/7) my mother stayed the night with us. She didn't wake up on Monday morning. I ended up calling an ambulance and we took her to our small town hospital (17 beds - no specialists). The next morning the Dr. recommended we transfer her to a larger, regional hospital. Her Dr. is in Council Bluffs, IA, so that's where we took her. Monday through Saturday we were told that it was not likely that she would live. They did dialysis on Wed, Thurs and Friday. No changes. On Saturday the pneumonia started to recede and the anti-biotic must have started working on her septic condition as she started talking and growing stronger. Her heart stayed around 122 beats/minute through Monday, but now it is down to around 100. She is growing stronger each day and is able to sit in a chair and do exercises for an hour or two each day.

Her kidneys are still not functioning and her heart will never repair, but they tell us she can live like that and just have a weekly dialysis. Amazing!

Now the hard part is dealing with her personally. She's being very demanding and needy. Until a week ago, she lived by herself and still worked part-time, volunteered at her church, sang in a choir, etc. Now she's facing living in a nursing home and not being independent. 5-26-06 update - I'm in Council Bluffs this morning getting ready to go visit Mom. My brother Carl is with her today. His updates say she is trying to walk and cooperate with the physical therapy. She still can't sit up in bed on her own, let alone stand or help herself with much. Very weak.

It sounds like her attitude is getting better - at least overall. Sometimes she still has anxiety attacks.

It looks like she'll get released to an Assisted Living home - in a Skilled Care unit on Tuesday. Pretty amazing considering three weeks ago they told us she wouldn't live!

5-16-06 Skittles - My husband has taken my mother-in-law to the doctor today. She'll be 94 next month and is not eating and is in a lot of pain. We don't know the test results yet, but there is some sort of a mass. That's all I know at the moment.

Also, my father is at a neurologists office today to see if he could possibly have Parkinson's Syndrome. He has not recovered as much as they thought he would from the 3 small strokes he had in February. 6-16-06 Skittles Update - My father is improving. At first they believed it was fluid on his brain that was causing his falling. After doing a couple of tests and spending 2 days in the hospital it has been determined that his diabetes is causing him to lose feeling in his feet. Therefore, he's not walking correctly. He is now undergoing physical therapy (started this week) and is already seeing some improvement. My mother-in-law celebrated her 94th birthday yesterday with us. She has improved, but still doesn't want to leave the house or even go out into the great room. She sleeps a lot and exhausts easily. I don't know if she'll get any better, but her diverticulitus (spelling) is much improved. Thanks for all of the prayers we received. You all are amazing!
5-17-06 Lawmansbabe's friend - Yesterday my lawman's best friend (he was Best Man in our wedding 12 and a half years ago) was shot in the leg while serving in Iraq. He is a Marine. He was special ops. His leg had to be immediately amputated because he was dying from the loss of blood. As of an hour ago he was still in Baghdad because they haven't been able to get him out. He was able to talk to his wife for about 2 minutes, but has been unconscious since then. They are taking him to Germany before bringing him to Bethesda. My understanding from talking to his Mom is that they still haven't got him stabilized yet. Please pray for him...Bill...and his wife, children, Dad and Mom, and his many, many friends.

5-17-06 Annie732's friend - I am very worried about my friend. She was hit in the face by a softball, and although it doesnt seem serious... she still feels 'funny'. She wont go to the hospital because she doesnt have health insurance. I just hope that it is nothing serious or worse than we think (a concussion) since a doctor wont be checking her out. Also, please pray for the family of one of our customers. He passed away last week, leaving behind a wonderful wife and a 4 year old son.

5-17-06 D2X's unborn child - I'm not one to ask for much. Frankly I'm a little uncomfortable asking you for your prayers for my unborn child. My wife is 9 weeks pregnant and has been having some issues lately. Yesterday we found out the baby has a blood clot under the placenta which can cause a miscarriage. Please keep him/her in your prayers. 5-26-06 update - I would like to thank everyone for their prayers. All is good. The blood clot was re-absorbed and is now gone. The baby is perfectly healthy and mom is doing great. He/She is about 11 weeks and we saw the ultrasound showing the beginnings of arms and legs. Great heartbeat too. So thanks to all. WoooHoooo!!!!

5-17-06 Ravenskye's Mom - I am asking for prayers for my mom.
As I type she is being sent to another hospital for surgery. I am in GA and she is in TX so all I can do is wait for updates from my sisters and dad.
She has been in constant pain since about January to the point where she cannot walk. The pain is around her abdomen. They have run numerous tests, in the past. This past Saturday she when to emergency where they referred her to OB/GYN and suggested that she might need a hestorectomy. I just got a call form my sister, the appointment is over and she needs to go right away to the other hospital for the surgery. My sister said the doctor mentioned the BIG C, which i found out is cancer, and said that 'might' be an issue.I have seen the power of prayer here on BOL. I'm stuck, can't do much from where I'm at and am lost.
Please help me pray for my Mom. Thank you. 5-23-06 update - She is doing 100% better. She did not have surgery. After being sent to that other hospital, they decided to run test. The discovered nothing wrong with her uterus but found ulcers in her stomach and colon.
Today the doctor said he discovered what the problem was. She has some type of "bug" or bacteria that is not allowing her body to get any nutrients or her food to be digested properly. They found a mass of undigested food in her stomach and intestines, that was just sitting there. This is a very uncommon condition, and was hard to find.
The treatment is 3 different types of antibiotics, and physical therapy for the muscle tone lost over the last couple of months due to this. She felt better as soon as the antibiotics were in her system.

5-18-06 Beagle Queen's grandmother - Please find the strength to pray also for my grandmother. As some of you know my maternal grandmother passed away last month. At the same time, in the hospital my paternal grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. She went in to have surgery and they ended up removing dozens of tumors as well as most of her colon, her intestines, ovaries and uterus. She is not getting any better. She is 78 years old and today was hospitalized as the pain is so bad she can not eat, drink, or find the energy to even get off the couch. She can not begin chemo if she does not get better. They don't feel they got all of the tumors out, and they had to give her a colostomy (sp?) bag which will never go away. Please pray for her strength, and the strength of my family to deal with these things so close together. It is a large strain on everyone and we could use all the prayer we can muster. 5-24-06 update -They finally got the pain my grandmother is in under control and have been able to place her in a nursing home. This is really great news as she gets to leave the hospital. She was certain she would never leave there once they admitted her last week. They are not sure yet if she will ever get to go home, but I am feeling blessed that she is still with us and in less pain. Thank you all for your prayers, it means a lot to me.

5-23-06 Corkygirl's Son - My oldest son (33) is bipolar and moved accross the country in February to San Francisco.(we live in Chicago area) To have him move so far away would have been hard enough but being a recovering alcoholic bipolar person makes it harder. He is in a major manic stage at the moment and struggling pretty bad. Ended up drinking and cutting himself Saturday and called 911 for help that day. His dr just admitted him to the hospital for 2/3 days to start him on a new, stronger medicine and monitor him until he is more stable. 6-19-06 CorkyGirl update - Corkygirl here - thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. In response to the anon posting, my son is Bipolar I, the most serious type of bipolar and without the proper medicine I have no doubt he would be dead by now. We are blessed that he is alive still today and trying very hard to live with his disorder. He has tried the no medicine route and nearly died more than once. The Dr(s) are trying very hard to find the right combination of medicine that will help him find some sort of balance between the mania and depression and having a hard time at that right now. They will be changing his meds again this week, he is out of the hospital but still pretty manic at times. He is attending a day program that will give him more help and also contacts with others with the same disorder as him, important social contacts that really understand what he lives with. But we don't baby him, we don't "do for him what he can do for himself" - the hard part is knowing what he can and can not do for himself sometimes. There have been many times in the last month I have wanted to climb on a plane and fly out to San Francisco where he lives but "Mom can't come to the rescue" right now and he is under the care of a really good Dr who will talk to me whenever I need to talk to her (he has and always gives permission). I don't know what the future holds for him, I can only pray that he keeping trying, just for today - and go visit in July as I had originally planned.

5-30-06 Jacob's Dad - I'm asking for prayers for my son Jacob. He's been in the hospital for a little over 2 weeks now. He started off with blood in his mouth with no apparent source (and no reason for it) and has just had his tonsils removed. His oxygen saturation has been low so they intubated him and put him on a ventilator which they are hoping to wean him off of this week. You can tell that he doesn't like it. The doctor says he's on enough sedative to knock me out, yet he still tries to extubate himself and was successful once. He developed pneumonia while in the hospital and is getting that fixed up as well. Getting food through an NG tube, has a central line hooked up and has received blood transfusion following the tonsillectomy. The folks at the hospital have been great. The nurses fight over who gets to take care of him during their shift. He's a fighter and we hope to have him home soon. 6-16-06 Jacob’s Dad update - Jacob is home and doing fine. 26 days in the hospital and finally getting back to normal. Thanks to everyone for their prayers & support.

5-31-06 doosmom - Her name is Shelby and she is an 8th grader in my son's class. She is having an MRI today to examine a cyst that has been found on her brain. I know many of you will pray for her as soon as you read this & I truly appreciate it.

6-2-06 doodles brother-in-law - I haven't had time to post due to lots of time in the hospital but I know the power of prayer of the BOL family and ask for prayers for my brother-in-law. He was just diagnosed with multiple myeloma and leukemia on 5/24 and is now in a hospital starting treatments. My husband and I took he and his wife to the specialist and then hospital admission on Wednesday. We found out then that he has a rather rare form that is very agressive and circulating so that is why they are acting quickly. He is facing 2-3 rounds of agressive chemo (starting today) and running continously. He will then face two different bone marrow transplants in the next 6 months. We are praying that my husband or one of his other brothers will be a match. He is a Christian that believes in the power of prayer and miracles but he is still scared. We have been trying to be strong for the whole family (it is tough at times) and trying to help with their 3 sons while they are in the hospital. The love and support of our Christian family and friends has been so wonderful and I wanted to extend a little further to the BOL family for some additional prayers. Pray that the chemo will be effective enough so they can perform the transplants and that his fears and anxiety will subside. Thanks.

6-14-06 Dlynn58 - I just received a call that my cousin's husband unexpectly passed away today. He was only 42 and leaves behind a wife, twin daughters who just graduated from high school last month, and a son. Another cousin is in the same hospital (3 doors down from where he was) going through complications from her chemo treament. I so much believe in the power of prayer and ask you for your prayers for my family. Thanks everyone. I really apreciate it!

6-15-06 Piano Man - We lost our security officer to cancer yesterday. Please pray for his family and friends during this time.

6-16-06 CEW - Please add one of my co-workers (I am his supervisor) to the prayer list. This young man was notified yesterday that he is to report to the Army and will be deployed to Iraq at the end of July. He was in the National Guard for one year over three years ago, thought he was through - had received a "general discharge", but is now being told he is being called up because of a "national emergency". He is only 23 years old, but is handling it like a man - he keeps saying that if others can do this, so can he. I am very proud of him, and ask all of you to pray for his safety while in Iraq and for his safe return.

6-16-06 Pizza Queen - My uncle (godfather) is dying. He has terminal cancer and was on experimental drugs that we thought were working. They are not and he is now not eating or drinking and is under respite care at home until he passes. This is very sad to me, he's only got a little time left b/c of his lack or food or water and his organs shut down. He's only 55 years old. 6-20-06 update - Just an update, my uncle passed away last night. While it's hard to handle, he really was suffering in a bad way. So I know his passing is a blessing and he'll always be with me.Thank you all for your kind words, prayers and thoughts.

6-20-06 Bengal’s Fan - I could really use some prayer and support right now. I just got off the phone with the doc a bit ago, and have been diagnosed as a diabetic.

Needless to say, my life is about to change, and if I do the right things; eat right, get proper rest, and exercise more, I'll be fine. I know all these things, I really do. This is hitting me hard. Sure, I've known for quite some time that it would eventually be an issue I would have to deal with, being the last holdout in the family, but despite my knowing what to do, knowing I would eventually have to do it, this still scares me.

6-21-06 Sweatpeas - Please include a former employee of our bank in your prayers. She is pregnant with her first child and at the 20 week ultra sound has been informed that her baby has multiple birth defects and possibly Downs Syndrome. She's having a rough time with all of the information.

6-21-06 ChicagoGuy - Prayers please for my 72-year old father in law. He wasn't swallowing well and went to the doctor. They discovered a tumor there and diagnosed him with cancer of the esophagus (sp?). Even with this, he's felt normal and tried to be positive about things. After some addditional tests....ct scan, pet scan, others...we found out today the prognosis is not bright. The cancer has spread to his liver and a lung. They said chemo will help prolong his life some, but are only giving him 6 to 8 months to live. He and us are very scared. We're trying to be upbeat, but it's very difficult right now. He starts his chemo regiment on Friday. I feel helpless, worried and very scared. I know my wife must be a basket case inside but she's being a trouper right at the moment.

Please keep him and the family in your prayers as we face scary, uncertain times ahead. Thank you very much.

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by the many natural disasters that have occurred recently; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the families of all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes
Last edited by waldensouth; 06/21/06 09:25 PM.
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#493219 - 06/19/06 08:18 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List 06-19-2006 update
blvsinangels Offline
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Posts: 372
Update on my husband, please keep him in your prayers. They sent us to Mayo in Rochester MN. Once there they ran more tests and found more cancer. It has spread to his bones and bladder and they told us he is not a surgical canidate. Basically there is not much else they can do for him other than chemo. But God is good and I want so badly to believe he will be healed. We are staying positive. Our mantra is Psalms 118 v 17, "I will not die. I will live, and proclaim the glories of the Lord". We are still fighting and are a long way from giving up. I contine to pray for all of you on this list, may God grant you peace.

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#493220 - 06/21/06 12:22 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List 06-19-2006 update
MichelleDawn Offline
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Please include a former employee of our bank in your prayers. She is pregnant with her first child and at the 20 week ultra sound has been informed that her baby has multiple birth defects and possibly Downs Syndrome. She's having a rough time with all of the information.
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#493221 - 06/21/06 01:33 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List 06-19-2006 update
Skittles Online
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My prayers are with her and her family. This is truly very sad. This should be the happiest time of her life.
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#493222 - 06/23/06 09:18 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List
8athome Offline
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#493223 - 07/03/06 06:28 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List 7-3-06 update
waldensouth Offline
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Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 5-5-06 update - All conversations with Dr. Superina (the transplant surgeon) have been via Blackberry (yeah, I'm so need one) from South Carolina. So no face to face conversations have been had with him, yet. However, our "team" is in agreement with him that surgery to correct the bile duct connection is most likely not going to work. And why put her through something like that if it won't be beneficial? And a new transplant is probably the best solution. There it is though..."probably." They would like to do another squirt of the tube and then most likely they will pull it. That makes me so very nervous. After we came home we got a call from our nurse. The CT scan of the nodes looked good and they were able to see some of the bile dusts in the liver too. However, those bile ducts still looked enlarged and "sick." Even with the tube being in place. Not sure what that means or what the future holds. Like I said, no answers, only more questions. I'm praying that the answers come soon. So there it is; prayers are appreciated.

12-30-05 blvsinangels and husband - please pray for my husband who was just told he has colon cancer. God grant us peace and courage. 3-15-06 update - My husband just finished his round of radiation and chemo, yes he had them together. He went in to have a permanent illostomy (SP?) done to what we thought, would end his 15 year fight with Chrons and ulcerative colitis. Well suprise, we were told they found cancer. Prior to this we have no clue, cancer was never found in any of his doctor visits. From this surgery he had an open wound, the radiation has completely broken down the skin around this wound. We just got the results from an MRI, the tumor has shrunk, but they want to run some bone scans now. Please keep us in your prayers. While I do believe in angels, I want to keep my husband here on earth for a while longer. Update on my husband, please keep him in your prayers. They sent us to Mayo in Rochester MN. Once there they ran more tests and found more cancer. It has spread to his bones and bladder and they told us he is not a surgical canidate. Basically there is not much else they can do for him other than chemo. But God is good and I want so badly to believe he will be healed. We are staying positive. Our mantra is Psalms 118 v 17, "I will not die. I will live, and proclaim the glories of the Lord". We are still fighting and are a long way from giving up. I contine to pray for all of you on this list, may God grant you peace.

1-17-06 Dawnie's Son Eljay - 4-17-06 update - unfortunately Jesse has developed a hernia which we'll have to have operated on in the next week or so. 5-16-06 I just wanted to pop in with an update. We're at Fairview Childrens Hospital in Minneapolis (at the University) for a week of testing to see how well the enzymes are working for little ElJay. We're going to talk with the sleep disorder clinic while we're here. He's still not sleeping more than an hour. If anyone is in the neighborhood this week we're in 5B 231-2.

8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will. 2-6-06 update - The cancer continues to spread and has now entered the bones. Every day that she remains with her family on earth is a gift.

2-14-06 MTnFull -If you could include me in a few of your prayers, I would appreciate it. Thank you. 5-3-06 update - If you could just say a small prayer for my continued healing, I would appreciate it.... Thank you

2-21-06 Rainbow Girl - Please say a prayer for "Nanny". She is elderly and has had some medical problems. Recently a mass (most likely cancer) was found around her breast/lung area. They are not doing a biopsy because of her age and health problems. They would not treat the cancer with chemo or radiation anyway. The Dr. says she could go at any time. please pray that she will have a painless, peaceful departure. She lived a full life and was one of the reasons we wear seat belts today because of an article she wrote back in the 70"s. Also please pray for her Daughter and Grand daughter.

3-1-06 Countess Kiwi's co-worker - Can you please add my co-worker Nona to the list. She has had cancer in the past and last year it returned, the news was very grim at that point with only months to live. She has made it long beyond their expectations but the news today has her traveling to another doctor to see if they can find a different method to treat her. She is one amazing person and she really needs everyones prayers. She has never complained and has been at work every day through all of this.

3-14-06 J.L.V. - Please add my Grandpa to the list. He was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Chemo, radiation, and surgery are not options, he's currently on a medication to try and slow the spread of the cancer. But... I'm especially concerned about my Grandma. Her mental capacity has been decreasing over the last couple of years, the last stroke on Thanksgiving made it even worse. I cant imagine what she'll do without him. 6-19-06 JLV Update - I really wonder how much more I'm going to have to take??? I keep repeating a phrase that I read here on BOL a long time ago...God wont give me anything I cant handle, but I'm definitely beginning to wonder. We had lunch with Grandpa yesterday at a trout farm about an hour away, it use to be his favorite place to go. He couldnt even walk from the restaurant to the river. They've taken him off all of his cancer medication and will just try and keep him comfortable until his time with us is up. In the last week or two they've had to put him on Xanax because he's begun to have panic attacks, he has so much fluid building on his lungs he feels like he's drowning. Dad got hit by a long horn cow at work last week and spent the night in the ER, with his heart condition and medication there was a severe risk of internal bleeding. Thankfully other than being stiff and sore he's fine. Mom's got to have another hip's scheduled for next week. The prosthesis that was put in almost 6 years ago is loose.

Due to very personal matters I'd rather not discuss...I'm in the middle of a very ugly divorce after getting married in January.

With all this, I'm just trying to focus on the positive. I'm healthy, my kids are healthy, that's enough to keep me going but prayers would be greatly appreciated.

3-15-06 Search Me - Family friend had a heart attack...was in his late young... please pray for him and his family.

3-20-06 Mom of Princess Natalie Bear's Niece - Could you all please add my new little niece Greta Ann to the prayer list. She was born a little early, this weekend. At 4 pounds, even, this little peanut needs all the extra help (prayers and fat ) that she can get. Thanks!

4-1-06 Go 4 it Granny - A friend's daughter is pregnant for the first time. At first she was going to have triplets ...but one was not viable. Now it is twins. Then her doctor said that there was a problem with the children .....something about the blood going through one baby to the other....I don't know...I think she referred to it as twin to twin transfusion. They were extremely upset and confused because they said it occurred in identical twins and the doctor said that the babies were not identical. .

She was sent to a gyn for "at risk" pregnancies. This doctor said the babies were fine.....just small...but okay...Now 3 weeks down the line, and this doctor is saying that the babies have Downs...This has been a roller coaster ride for all of the people.....

4-3-06 Pizza Queen's Uncle - Please say a prayer for my uncle (godfather). He has terminal cancer and is currenly home resting comfortably. He is taking an experimental drug and can't be alone since no one really knows how it will affect him. Maybe this drug will do somthing miraculous. The family would appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

4-3-06 MagicBanker - Lynne was back in the hospital most of last week with another bout of pancreatitis. They did some tests to try to figure out what is causing the attacks, but were not able to determine. Which means she is still prone to future attacks. At least this time it did not complicate like last year. She got to come home from the hospital on Saturday. Please pray for her continued recovery and no relapses. 5-30-06 update - Well, we had our doctor appointment Friday with the specialist. God is so good and faithful. The news was just about as good as we hoped and prayed for.The osteonecrosis is not actually in her ankle, but rather is in the end of her tibia (large bone in the lower leg). In that location, he says it generally would not be expected to deteriorate further, no surgery is warranted, and really she is on no restrictions. He says she'll continue to experience pain in that area as the healthy bone tissue continues to shore up the dead part of the bone. All in all, extremely good news considering the bad things we were hearing from the internet.We both thank all of you for your faithful prayers for us.

4-11-06 Bliss' Mom - Could you please add my mom (real mom this time) to the list. It's a long story, but sufice it to say that she if facing physical and financial ruin. Nothing like getting hit while your down. She has been through a lot in her life and it has only made her a more kind and empathetic person. I know because of that she if very dear to Him. Please pray that He will support her through this and take it away if it be His will.

4-11-06 ssgblf - I found out a couple of weeks ago that the National Guard unit I am in is going to be in Irag by November. We are scheduled to leave in July to start our training. Will you keep my family in your prayers, and that God will protect all of us in our unit.

5-18-06 Beagle Queen's grandmother - Please find the strength to pray also for my grandmother. As some of you know my maternal grandmother passed away last month. At the same time, in the hospital my paternal grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. She went in to have surgery and they ended up removing dozens of tumors as well as most of her colon, her intestines, ovaries and uterus. She is not getting any better. She is 78 years old and today was hospitalized as the pain is so bad she can not eat, drink, or find the energy to even get off the couch. She can not begin chemo if she does not get better. They don't feel they got all of the tumors out, and they had to give her a colostomy (sp?) bag which will never go away. Please pray for her strength, and the strength of my family to deal with these things so close together. It is a large strain on everyone and we could use all the prayer we can muster. 5-24-06 update -They finally got the pain my grandmother is in under control and have been able to place her in a nursing home. This is really great news as she gets to leave the hospital. She was certain she would never leave there once they admitted her last week. They are not sure yet if she will ever get to go home, but I am feeling blessed that she is still with us and in less pain. Thank you all for your prayers, it means a lot to me.

5-31-06 doosmom - Her name is Shelby and she is an 8th grader in my son's class. She is having an MRI today to examine a cyst that has been found on her brain. I know many of you will pray for her as soon as you read this & I truly appreciate it.

6-2-06 doodles brother-in-law - I haven't had time to post due to lots of time in the hospital but I know the power of prayer of the BOL family and ask for prayers for my brother-in-law. He was just diagnosed with multiple myeloma and leukemia on 5/24 and is now in a hospital starting treatments. My husband and I took he and his wife to the specialist and then hospital admission on Wednesday. We found out then that he has a rather rare form that is very agressive and circulating so that is why they are acting quickly. He is facing 2-3 rounds of agressive chemo (starting today) and running continously. He will then face two different bone marrow transplants in the next 6 months. We are praying that my husband or one of his other brothers will be a match. He is a Christian that believes in the power of prayer and miracles but he is still scared. We have been trying to be strong for the whole family (it is tough at times) and trying to help with their 3 sons while they are in the hospital. The love and support of our Christian family and friends has been so wonderful and I wanted to extend a little further to the BOL family for some additional prayers. Pray that the chemo will be effective enough so they can perform the transplants and that his fears and anxiety will subside. Thanks.

6-14-06 Dlynn58 - I just received a call that my cousin's husband unexpectly passed away today. He was only 42 and leaves behind a wife, twin daughters who just graduated from high school last month, and a son. Another cousin is in the same hospital (3 doors down from where he was) going through complications from her chemo treament. I so much believe in the power of prayer and ask you for your prayers for my family. Thanks everyone. I really apreciate it!

6-15-06 Piano Man - We lost our security officer to cancer yesterday. Please pray for his family and friends during this time.

6-16-06 CEW - Please add one of my co-workers (I am his supervisor) to the prayer list. This young man was notified yesterday that he is to report to the Army and will be deployed to Iraq at the end of July. He was in the National Guard for one year over three years ago, thought he was through - had received a "general discharge", but is now being told he is being called up because of a "national emergency". He is only 23 years old, but is handling it like a man - he keeps saying that if others can do this, so can he. I am very proud of him, and ask all of you to pray for his safety while in Iraq and for his safe return.

6-21-06 Sweatpeas - Please include a former employee of our bank in your prayers. She is pregnant with her first child and at the 20 week ultra sound has been informed that her baby has multiple birth defects and possibly Downs Syndrome. She's having a rough time with all of the information.

6-21-06 ChicagoGuy - Prayers please for my 72-year old father in law. He wasn't swallowing well and went to the doctor. They discovered a tumor there and diagnosed him with cancer of the esophagus (sp?). Even with this, he's felt normal and tried to be positive about things. After some addditional tests....ct scan, pet scan, others...we found out today the prognosis is not bright. The cancer has spread to his liver and a lung. They said chemo will help prolong his life some, but are only giving him 6 to 8 months to live. He and us are very scared. We're trying to be upbeat, but it's very difficult right now. He starts his chemo regiment on Friday. I feel helpless, worried and very scared. I know my wife must be a basket case inside but she's being a trouper right at the moment.

Please keep him and the family in your prayers as we face scary, uncertain times ahead. Thank you very much.

7-3-06 Search Me - I've a long time friend who I met in college who is from S Korea... I've not seen him in over 2 years... anyways around 11:30 today I get a phone call (it's our area so I'm thinking someone mis-dailed as I don't recognize the number) needless to say it's my friend and he's in town, of course, I'm all excited. I ask when he arrived and what brings him back to the states...sadly he informs me of the tragic news. His brother who is here studying in our junior college had a car accident last Saturday. The doctors are thinking he may never walk again due to some spinal injuries. It's really sad as these are foreign exchange students and things aren't easy here for them such as understanding the medical conditions, etc... and needing rehab and the huge expense. They are trying to get his brother stable enough so they can fly him back to S Korea where he can get treatment and it be affordable. I say all this to please ask of your prayers. I know when man says things are impossible... with much prayer and faith God makes things POSSIBLE.

6-27-06 ChicagoGuy - I took a very sad call this morning. One of our part time employees who works just one day a week called in. They buried her son-in-law yesterday. He was vacationing on a cruise with his daughter and had difficulty breathing. They were unable to revive him and he passed away. I'm not sure of his age....probably in his 40's or so. His daughter isn't even in h.s. yet. So sad. I felt so sorry for our employee (his mother-in-law). Please pray for their family and especially for that poor child.

7-2-06 Mary Beth Guard - My cousin's wife Cathie, who is 51, had a stroke a week and a half ago. It was very severe and it took them several days to get her stabilized enough to move to a bigger hospital where she could begin therapy. They haven't figured out what caused the stroke, but she has continued to have severe headaches and has been sleeping major portions (22-23 hours) of each day. Last night, she had another stroke. Today, they've been doing tests to try to figure out the extent of the damage and to try to get to the bottom of what has caused these. She flickered her eyes open briefly and looked at her husband. He thought there was a hint of recognition in her eyes, but she lapsed back into her deep sleep and, at this point, her prognosis is uncertain.

My husband's sister had surgery at Mayo this week. A virus ravaged her vocal cords two years ago and she has been unable to speak. The doctors have tried everything -- from injecting Botox into the vocal cords to speech therapy, and nothing had helped, so this latest surgery was to move the vocal cords closer together. They won't know for a while whether it was successful or not. It's very hard for her as a mother of two school age kids to not be able to utter a sound.

My brother-in-law is facing a horrible legal situation. He was supposed to have a big hearing in the case last Wednesday and his mother, grandmother, uncle, sister, and friends had flown in from all over, then it got postponed, so he's left in legal limbo.

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by the many natural disasters that have occurred recently; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the families of all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes
Last edited by waldensouth; 07/03/06 06:33 PM.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#493224 - 07/12/06 01:57 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List 7-26-06 update
waldensouth Offline
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 5-5-06 update - All conversations with Dr. Superina (the transplant surgeon) have been via Blackberry (yeah, I'm so need one) from South Carolina. So no face to face conversations have been had with him, yet. However, our "team" is in agreement with him that surgery to correct the bile duct connection is most likely not going to work. And why put her through something like that if it won't be beneficial? And a new transplant is probably the best solution. There it is though..."probably." They would like to do another squirt of the tube and then most likely they will pull it. That makes me so very nervous. After we came home we got a call from our nurse. The CT scan of the nodes looked good and they were able to see some of the bile dusts in the liver too. However, those bile ducts still looked enlarged and "sick." Even with the tube being in place. Not sure what that means or what the future holds. Like I said, no answers, only more questions. I'm praying that the answers come soon. So there it is; prayers are appreciated.

12-30-05 blvsinangels and husband - please pray for my husband who was just told he has colon cancer. God grant us peace and courage. 3-15-06 update - My husband just finished his round of radiation and chemo, yes he had them together. He went in to have a permanent illostomy (SP?) done to what we thought, would end his 15 year fight with Chrons and ulcerative colitis. Well suprise, we were told they found cancer. Prior to this we have no clue, cancer was never found in any of his doctor visits. From this surgery he had an open wound, the radiation has completely broken down the skin around this wound. We just got the results from an MRI, the tumor has shrunk, but they want to run some bone scans now. Please keep us in your prayers. While I do believe in angels, I want to keep my husband here on earth for a while longer. Update on my husband, please keep him in your prayers. They sent us to Mayo in Rochester MN. Once there they ran more tests and found more cancer. It has spread to his bones and bladder and they told us he is not a surgical canidate. Basically there is not much else they can do for him other than chemo. But God is good and I want so badly to believe he will be healed. We are staying positive. Our mantra is Psalms 118 v 17, "I will not die. I will live, and proclaim the glories of the Lord". We are still fighting and are a long way from giving up. I contine to pray for all of you on this list, may God grant you peace.

1-17-06 Dawnie's Son Eljay - 4-17-06 update - unfortunately Jesse has developed a hernia which we'll have to have operated on in the next week or so. 7-12-06 update - I just spoke to Dawn and unfortunately it does not sound like it has been good news. She is currently back in Minneapolis. They are leaving to go back to Alaska tomorrow and Dawn says she'll post more after they get back home. Eljay is still not growing and there is a new class of diseases that they are investigating now as the possible cause. I didn't catch the name of the types of disease, but Dawn did say they affect the brain and are often fatal, but can be treated with bone marrow transplant. They do have some of the cord cells so that may help too. Anyway, it sounds like they could really use continued prayer.

8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will. 2-6-06 update - The cancer continues to spread and has now entered the bones. Every day that she remains with her family on earth is a gift.

2-14-06 MTnFull -If you could include me in a few of your prayers, I would appreciate it. Thank you. 5-3-06 update - If you could just say a small prayer for my continued healing, I would appreciate it.... Thank you

2-21-06 Rainbow Girl - Please say a prayer for "Nanny". She is elderly and has had some medical problems. Recently a mass (most likely cancer) was found around her breast/lung area. They are not doing a biopsy because of her age and health problems. They would not treat the cancer with chemo or radiation anyway. The Dr. says she could go at any time. please pray that she will have a painless, peaceful departure. She lived a full life and was one of the reasons we wear seat belts today because of an article she wrote back in the 70"s. Also please pray for her Daughter and Grand daughter.

3-1-06 Countess Kiwi's co-worker - Can you please add my co-worker Nona to the list. She has had cancer in the past and last year it returned, the news was very grim at that point with only months to live. She has made it long beyond their expectations but the news today has her traveling to another doctor to see if they can find a different method to treat her. She is one amazing person and she really needs everyones prayers. She has never complained and has been at work every day through all of this.

3-14-06 J.L.V. - Please add my Grandpa to the list. He was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Chemo, radiation, and surgery are not options, he's currently on a medication to try and slow the spread of the cancer. But... I'm especially concerned about my Grandma. Her mental capacity has been decreasing over the last couple of years, the last stroke on Thanksgiving made it even worse. I cant imagine what she'll do without him. 6-19-06 JLV Update - I really wonder how much more I'm going to have to take??? I keep repeating a phrase that I read here on BOL a long time ago...God wont give me anything I cant handle, but I'm definitely beginning to wonder. We had lunch with Grandpa yesterday at a trout farm about an hour away, it use to be his favorite place to go. He couldnt even walk from the restaurant to the river. They've taken him off all of his cancer medication and will just try and keep him comfortable until his time with us is up. In the last week or two they've had to put him on Xanax because he's begun to have panic attacks, he has so much fluid building on his lungs he feels like he's drowning. Dad got hit by a long horn cow at work last week and spent the night in the ER, with his heart condition and medication there was a severe risk of internal bleeding. Thankfully other than being stiff and sore he's fine. Mom's got to have another hip's scheduled for next week. The prosthesis that was put in almost 6 years ago is loose.

Due to very personal matters I'd rather not discuss...I'm in the middle of a very ugly divorce after getting married in January.

With all this, I'm just trying to focus on the positive. I'm healthy, my kids are healthy, that's enough to keep me going but prayers would be greatly appreciated.

3-15-06 Search Me - Family friend had a heart attack...was in his late young... please pray for him and his family.

3-20-06 Mom of Princess Natalie Bear's Niece - Could you all please add my new little niece Greta Ann to the prayer list. She was born a little early, this weekend. At 4 pounds, even, this little peanut needs all the extra help (prayers and fat ) that she can get. Thanks!

4-1-06 Go 4 it Granny - A friend's daughter is pregnant for the first time. At first she was going to have triplets ...but one was not viable. Now it is twins. Then her doctor said that there was a problem with the children .....something about the blood going through one baby to the other....I don't know...I think she referred to it as twin to twin transfusion. They were extremely upset and confused because they said it occurred in identical twins and the doctor said that the babies were not identical. .

She was sent to a gyn for "at risk" pregnancies. This doctor said the babies were fine.....just small...but okay...Now 3 weeks down the line, and this doctor is saying that the babies have Downs...This has been a roller coaster ride for all of the people.....

4-3-06 Pizza Queen's Uncle - Please say a prayer for my uncle (godfather). He has terminal cancer and is currenly home resting comfortably. He is taking an experimental drug and can't be alone since no one really knows how it will affect him. Maybe this drug will do somthing miraculous. The family would appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

4-3-06 MagicBanker - Lynne was back in the hospital most of last week with another bout of pancreatitis. They did some tests to try to figure out what is causing the attacks, but were not able to determine. Which means she is still prone to future attacks. At least this time it did not complicate like last year. She got to come home from the hospital on Saturday. Please pray for her continued recovery and no relapses. 5-30-06 update - Well, we had our doctor appointment Friday with the specialist. God is so good and faithful. The news was just about as good as we hoped and prayed for.The osteonecrosis is not actually in her ankle, but rather is in the end of her tibia (large bone in the lower leg). In that location, he says it generally would not be expected to deteriorate further, no surgery is warranted, and really she is on no restrictions. He says she'll continue to experience pain in that area as the healthy bone tissue continues to shore up the dead part of the bone. All in all, extremely good news considering the bad things we were hearing from the internet.We both thank all of you for your faithful prayers for us.

4-11-06 Bliss' Mom - Could you please add my mom (real mom this time) to the list. It's a long story, but sufice it to say that she if facing physical and financial ruin. Nothing like getting hit while your down. She has been through a lot in her life and it has only made her a more kind and empathetic person. I know because of that she if very dear to Him. Please pray that He will support her through this and take it away if it be His will. Hi, just an update for the prayer list...

My mom just had surjury and is doing good. She will be able to go back to work soon. So, she can come off the list (yeah!) Thanks, Spin (used to be Bliss)

4-11-06 ssgblf - I found out a couple of weeks ago that the National Guard unit I am in is going to be in Irag by November. We are scheduled to leave in July to start our training. Will you keep my family in your prayers, and that God will protect all of us in our unit.

5-31-06 doosmom - Her name is Shelby and she is an 8th grader in my son's class. She is having an MRI today to examine a cyst that has been found on her brain. I know many of you will pray for her as soon as you read this & I truly appreciate it.

6-2-06 doodles brother-in-law - I haven't had time to post due to lots of time in the hospital but I know the power of prayer of the BOL family and ask for prayers for my brother-in-law. He was just diagnosed with multiple myeloma and leukemia on 5/24 and is now in a hospital starting treatments. My husband and I took he and his wife to the specialist and then hospital admission on Wednesday. We found out then that he has a rather rare form that is very agressive and circulating so that is why they are acting quickly. He is facing 2-3 rounds of agressive chemo (starting today) and running continously. He will then face two different bone marrow transplants in the next 6 months. We are praying that my husband or one of his other brothers will be a match. He is a Christian that believes in the power of prayer and miracles but he is still scared. We have been trying to be strong for the whole family (it is tough at times) and trying to help with their 3 sons while they are in the hospital. The love and support of our Christian family and friends has been so wonderful and I wanted to extend a little further to the BOL family for some additional prayers. Pray that the chemo will be effective enough so they can perform the transplants and that his fears and anxiety will subside. Thanks.

6-14-06 Dlynn58 - I just received a call that my cousin's husband unexpectly passed away today. He was only 42 and leaves behind a wife, twin daughters who just graduated from high school last month, and a son. Another cousin is in the same hospital (3 doors down from where he was) going through complications from her chemo treament. I so much believe in the power of prayer and ask you for your prayers for my family. Thanks everyone. I really apreciate it!

6-15-06 Piano Man - We lost our security officer to cancer yesterday. Please pray for his family and friends during this time.

6-16-06 CEW - Please add one of my co-workers (I am his supervisor) to the prayer list. This young man was notified yesterday that he is to report to the Army and will be deployed to Iraq at the end of July. He was in the National Guard for one year over three years ago, thought he was through - had received a "general discharge", but is now being told he is being called up because of a "national emergency". He is only 23 years old, but is handling it like a man - he keeps saying that if others can do this, so can he. I am very proud of him, and ask all of you to pray for his safety while in Iraq and for his safe return.

6-21-06 Sweatpeas - Please include a former employee of our bank in your prayers. She is pregnant with her first child and at the 20 week ultra sound has been informed that her baby has multiple birth defects and possibly Downs Syndrome. She's having a rough time with all of the information.

6-21-06 ChicagoGuy - Prayers please for my 72-year old father in law. He wasn't swallowing well and went to the doctor. They discovered a tumor there and diagnosed him with cancer of the esophagus (sp?). Even with this, he's felt normal and tried to be positive about things. After some addditional tests....ct scan, pet scan, others...we found out today the prognosis is not bright. The cancer has spread to his liver and a lung. They said chemo will help prolong his life some, but are only giving him 6 to 8 months to live. He and us are very scared. We're trying to be upbeat, but it's very difficult right now. He starts his chemo regiment on Friday. I feel helpless, worried and very scared. I know my wife must be a basket case inside but she's being a trouper right at the moment.

Please keep him and the family in your prayers as we face scary, uncertain times ahead. Thank you very much.

7-3-06 Search Me - I've a long time friend who I met in college who is from S Korea... I've not seen him in over 2 years... anyways around 11:30 today I get a phone call (it's our area so I'm thinking someone mis-dailed as I don't recognize the number) needless to say it's my friend and he's in town, of course, I'm all excited. I ask when he arrived and what brings him back to the states...sadly he informs me of the tragic news. His brother who is here studying in our junior college had a car accident last Saturday. The doctors are thinking he may never walk again due to some spinal injuries. It's really sad as these are foreign exchange students and things aren't easy here for them such as understanding the medical conditions, etc... and needing rehab and the huge expense. They are trying to get his brother stable enough so they can fly him back to S Korea where he can get treatment and it be affordable. I say all this to please ask of your prayers. I know when man says things are impossible... with much prayer and faith God makes things POSSIBLE.

6-27-06 ChicagoGuy - I took a very sad call this morning. One of our part time employees who works just one day a week called in. They buried her son-in-law yesterday. He was vacationing on a cruise with his daughter and had difficulty breathing. They were unable to revive him and he passed away. I'm not sure of his age....probably in his 40's or so. His daughter isn't even in h.s. yet. So sad. I felt so sorry for our employee (his mother-in-law). Please pray for their family and especially for that poor child.

7-2-06 Mary Beth Guard - My cousin's wife Cathie, who is 51, had a stroke a week and a half ago. It was very severe and it took them several days to get her stabilized enough to move to a bigger hospital where she could begin therapy. They haven't figured out what caused the stroke, but she has continued to have severe headaches and has been sleeping major portions (22-23 hours) of each day. Last night, she had another stroke. Today, they've been doing tests to try to figure out the extent of the damage and to try to get to the bottom of what has caused these. She flickered her eyes open briefly and looked at her husband. He thought there was a hint of recognition in her eyes, but she lapsed back into her deep sleep and, at this point, her prognosis is uncertain. 7-11-06 - There is good news as of this afternoon. They gave Cathie a shock treatment to her vocal cords. Today, when her husband went in, she said "Hi" -- it just floored him. She can't speak too much, just a few words, but it is awesome. He asked her "What is your daughter's name?" She said "Lauren."

My husband's sister had surgery at Mayo this week. A virus ravaged her vocal cords two years ago and she has been unable to speak. The doctors have tried everything -- from injecting Botox into the vocal cords to speech therapy, and nothing had helped, so this latest surgery was to move the vocal cords closer together. They won't know for a while whether it was successful or not. It's very hard for her as a mother of two school age kids to not be able to utter a sound.

My brother-in-law is facing a horrible legal situation. He was supposed to have a big hearing in the case last Wednesday and his mother, grandmother, uncle, sister, and friends had flown in from all over, then it got postponed, so he's left in legal limbo.

7-18-06 CowBoy Fan - The sister of a woman I went to high school with was murdered on Saturday by the boyfriend she was trying to leave. Please say a prayer for her 3 children (all lived with her) and for all people trying to escape abusive relationships.

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by the many natural disasters that have occurred recently; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the families of all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes
Last edited by waldensouth; 07/26/06 01:18 PM.
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#493225 - 07/18/06 11:07 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List 7-12-06 update
Cowboys Fan Offline
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Posts: 4,619
The sister of a woman I went to high school with was murdered on Saturday by the boyfriend she was trying to leave. Please say a prayer for her 3 children (all lived with her) and for all people trying to escape abusive relationships.

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#493226 - 07/19/06 02:47 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List 7-12-06 update
Smilzsomuch Offline
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Joined: Jun 2006
Posts: 348
Oklahoma (transplanted)
Dear Jesus~ that's horrible.
I'm so sorry.
Will remember this prayer request.
Ice Cream has no bones

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#493227 - 07/25/06 01:44 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List 06-19-2006 update
Beagles22 Offline
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Joined: Jan 2004
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State of confusion
My grandmother got to go home yesterday! Will have a nurse checking up on her and lots of family to help. We are truly blessed! She is very motivated to help herself which helps everyone!!! Thank you all again for your prayers, they are so lifting!
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.

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#493228 - 08/03/06 06:48 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List update
Kansayaku Offline
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8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will. 2-6-06 update - The cancer continues to spread and has now entered the bones. Every day that she remains with her family on earth is a gift.

The battle is over, Christy passed away yesterday morning. Although her pain is now ended, please continue to pray for her family.
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#493229 - 08/03/06 06:55 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List 7-26-06 update
CEW Offline
100 Club
Joined: Feb 2005
Posts: 122
Please add my husband, Mike, to the prayer list. He had emergency eye surgery on Monday evening to repair a detached retina. He returns to the surgeon on Monday afternoon for an exam and prognosis. Please pray that the surgery was successful and he will fully regain his sight. Thank you!

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#493230 - 08/07/06 12:34 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List -8-11-06 update
waldensouth Offline
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Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 5-5-06 update - All conversations with Dr. Superina (the transplant surgeon) have been via Blackberry (yeah, I'm so need one) from South Carolina. So no face to face conversations have been had with him, yet. However, our "team" is in agreement with him that surgery to correct the bile duct connection is most likely not going to work. And why put her through something like that if it won't be beneficial? And a new transplant is probably the best solution. There it is though..."probably." They would like to do another squirt of the tube and then most likely they will pull it. That makes me so very nervous. After we came home we got a call from our nurse. The CT scan of the nodes looked good and they were able to see some of the bile dusts in the liver too. However, those bile ducts still looked enlarged and "sick." Even with the tube being in place. Not sure what that means or what the future holds. Like I said, no answers, only more questions. I'm praying that the answers come soon. So there it is; prayers are appreciated.

12-30-05 blvsinangels and husband - please pray for my husband who was just told he has colon cancer. God grant us peace and courage. 3-15-06 update - My husband just finished his round of radiation and chemo, yes he had them together. He went in to have a permanent illostomy (SP?) done to what we thought, would end his 15 year fight with Chrons and ulcerative colitis. Well suprise, we were told they found cancer. Prior to this we have no clue, cancer was never found in any of his doctor visits. From this surgery he had an open wound, the radiation has completely broken down the skin around this wound. We just got the results from an MRI, the tumor has shrunk, but they want to run some bone scans now. Please keep us in your prayers. While I do believe in angels, I want to keep my husband here on earth for a while longer. Update on my husband, please keep him in your prayers. They sent us to Mayo in Rochester MN. Once there they ran more tests and found more cancer. It has spread to his bones and bladder and they told us he is not a surgical canidate. Basically there is not much else they can do for him other than chemo. But God is good and I want so badly to believe he will be healed. We are staying positive. Our mantra is Psalms 118 v 17, "I will not die. I will live, and proclaim the glories of the Lord". We are still fighting and are a long way from giving up. I contine to pray for all of you on this list, may God grant you peace.

1-17-06 Dawnie's Son Eljay - 4-17-06 update - unfortunately Jesse has developed a hernia which we'll have to have operated on in the next week or so. 8-13-06 8-13-06 - So an update, Jesse was cleared of the brain disease after much testing (it was Leukomyilaga...which I'm spelling terribly) or Krabbe disease. We had the final clearance on that one just the other day. Good and bad...of course I didn't want him to have that's so tough seeking a diagnosis and alwaysing coming up blank.

So the disease of the week now is...Systemic Mastocytosis. We're back in Alaska trying some medications for that disease and will start testing in a few weeks. On the good side, he's reacting very well to the medications. He took a nap on his own two days in a row, and is sleeping well after his meds wear off at night (we have to sedate him to make him sleep now...those meds last about four hours). Mystocytosis is yet another "orphan" or rare disease, so we'll have to find another doctor most likely for treatment if this is what he has. Probably at the Mayo Clinic.

8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will. 2-6-06 update - The cancer continues to spread and has now entered the bones. Every day that she remains with her family on earth is a gift. 8-3-06 update - The battle is over, Christy passed away yesterday morning. Although her pain is now ended, please continue to pray for her family.

2-14-06 MTnFull -If you could include me in a few of your prayers, I would appreciate it. Thank you. 5-3-06 update - If you could just say a small prayer for my continued healing, I would appreciate it.... Thank you

2-21-06 Rainbow Girl - Please say a prayer for "Nanny". She is elderly and has had some medical problems. Recently a mass (most likely cancer) was found around her breast/lung area. They are not doing a biopsy because of her age and health problems. They would not treat the cancer with chemo or radiation anyway. The Dr. says she could go at any time. please pray that she will have a painless, peaceful departure. She lived a full life and was one of the reasons we wear seat belts today because of an article she wrote back in the 70"s. Also please pray for her Daughter and Grand daughter.

3-1-06 Countess Kiwi's co-worker - Can you please add my co-worker Nona to the list. She has had cancer in the past and last year it returned, the news was very grim at that point with only months to live. She has made it long beyond their expectations but the news today has her traveling to another doctor to see if they can find a different method to treat her. She is one amazing person and she really needs everyones prayers. She has never complained and has been at work every day through all of this.

3-14-06 J.L.V. - Please add my Grandpa to the list. He was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Chemo, radiation, and surgery are not options, he's currently on a medication to try and slow the spread of the cancer. But... I'm especially concerned about my Grandma. Her mental capacity has been decreasing over the last couple of years, the last stroke on Thanksgiving made it even worse. I cant imagine what she'll do without him. 6-19-06 JLV Update - I really wonder how much more I'm going to have to take??? I keep repeating a phrase that I read here on BOL a long time ago...God wont give me anything I cant handle, but I'm definitely beginning to wonder. We had lunch with Grandpa yesterday at a trout farm about an hour away, it use to be his favorite place to go. He couldnt even walk from the restaurant to the river. They've taken him off all of his cancer medication and will just try and keep him comfortable until his time with us is up. In the last week or two they've had to put him on Xanax because he's begun to have panic attacks, he has so much fluid building on his lungs he feels like he's drowning. Dad got hit by a long horn cow at work last week and spent the night in the ER, with his heart condition and medication there was a severe risk of internal bleeding. Thankfully other than being stiff and sore he's fine. Mom's got to have another hip's scheduled for next week. The prosthesis that was put in almost 6 years ago is loose.

Due to very personal matters I'd rather not discuss...I'm in the middle of a very ugly divorce after getting married in January.

With all this, I'm just trying to focus on the positive. I'm healthy, my kids are healthy, that's enough to keep me going but prayers would be greatly appreciated.

3-15-06 Search Me - Family friend had a heart attack...was in his late young... please pray for him and his family.

3-20-06 Mom of Princess Natalie Bear's Niece - Could you all please add my new little niece Greta Ann to the prayer list. She was born a little early, this weekend. At 4 pounds, even, this little peanut needs all the extra help (prayers and fat ) that she can get. Thanks!

4-1-06 Go 4 it Granny - A friend's daughter is pregnant for the first time. At first she was going to have triplets ...but one was not viable. Now it is twins. Then her doctor said that there was a problem with the children .....something about the blood going through one baby to the other....I don't know...I think she referred to it as twin to twin transfusion. They were extremely upset and confused because they said it occurred in identical twins and the doctor said that the babies were not identical. .

She was sent to a gyn for "at risk" pregnancies. This doctor said the babies were fine.....just small...but okay...Now 3 weeks down the line, and this doctor is saying that the babies have Downs...This has been a roller coaster ride for all of the people.....

4-3-06 Pizza Queen's Uncle - Please say a prayer for my uncle (godfather). He has terminal cancer and is currenly home resting comfortably. He is taking an experimental drug and can't be alone since no one really knows how it will affect him. Maybe this drug will do somthing miraculous. The family would appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

4-3-06 MagicBanker - Lynne was back in the hospital most of last week with another bout of pancreatitis. They did some tests to try to figure out what is causing the attacks, but were not able to determine. Which means she is still prone to future attacks. At least this time it did not complicate like last year. She got to come home from the hospital on Saturday. Please pray for her continued recovery and no relapses. 5-30-06 update - Well, we had our doctor appointment Friday with the specialist. God is so good and faithful. The news was just about as good as we hoped and prayed for.The osteonecrosis is not actually in her ankle, but rather is in the end of her tibia (large bone in the lower leg). In that location, he says it generally would not be expected to deteriorate further, no surgery is warranted, and really she is on no restrictions. He says she'll continue to experience pain in that area as the healthy bone tissue continues to shore up the dead part of the bone. All in all, extremely good news considering the bad things we were hearing from the internet.We both thank all of you for your faithful prayers for us.

4-11-06 Bliss' Mom - Could you please add my mom (real mom this time) to the list. It's a long story, but sufice it to say that she if facing physical and financial ruin. Nothing like getting hit while your down. She has been through a lot in her life and it has only made her a more kind and empathetic person. I know because of that she if very dear to Him. Please pray that He will support her through this and take it away if it be His will. Hi, just an update for the prayer list...

My mom just had surjury and is doing good. She will be able to go back to work soon. So, she can come off the list (yeah!) Thanks, Spin (used to be Bliss)

4-11-06 ssgblf - I found out a couple of weeks ago that the National Guard unit I am in is going to be in Irag by November. We are scheduled to leave in July to start our training. Will you keep my family in your prayers, and that God will protect all of us in our unit.

5-31-06 doosmom - Her name is Shelby and she is an 8th grader in my son's class. She is having an MRI today to examine a cyst that has been found on her brain. I know many of you will pray for her as soon as you read this & I truly appreciate it.

6-2-06 doodles brother-in-law - I haven't had time to post due to lots of time in the hospital but I know the power of prayer of the BOL family and ask for prayers for my brother-in-law. He was just diagnosed with multiple myeloma and leukemia on 5/24 and is now in a hospital starting treatments. My husband and I took he and his wife to the specialist and then hospital admission on Wednesday. We found out then that he has a rather rare form that is very agressive and circulating so that is why they are acting quickly. He is facing 2-3 rounds of agressive chemo (starting today) and running continously. He will then face two different bone marrow transplants in the next 6 months. We are praying that my husband or one of his other brothers will be a match. He is a Christian that believes in the power of prayer and miracles but he is still scared. We have been trying to be strong for the whole family (it is tough at times) and trying to help with their 3 sons while they are in the hospital. The love and support of our Christian family and friends has been so wonderful and I wanted to extend a little further to the BOL family for some additional prayers. Pray that the chemo will be effective enough so they can perform the transplants and that his fears and anxiety will subside. Thanks.

6-16-06 CEW - Please add one of my co-workers (I am his supervisor) to the prayer list. This young man was notified yesterday that he is to report to the Army and will be deployed to Iraq at the end of July. He was in the National Guard for one year over three years ago, thought he was through - had received a "general discharge", but is now being told he is being called up because of a "national emergency". He is only 23 years old, but is handling it like a man - he keeps saying that if others can do this, so can he. I am very proud of him, and ask all of you to pray for his safety while in Iraq and for his safe return.

6-21-06 Sweatpeas - Please include a former employee of our bank in your prayers. She is pregnant with her first child and at the 20 week ultra sound has been informed that her baby has multiple birth defects and possibly Downs Syndrome. She's having a rough time with all of the information.

6-21-06 ChicagoGuy - Prayers please for my 72-year old father in law. He wasn't swallowing well and went to the doctor. They discovered a tumor there and diagnosed him with cancer of the esophagus (sp?). Even with this, he's felt normal and tried to be positive about things. After some addditional tests....ct scan, pet scan, others...we found out today the prognosis is not bright. The cancer has spread to his liver and a lung. They said chemo will help prolong his life some, but are only giving him 6 to 8 months to live. He and us are very scared. We're trying to be upbeat, but it's very difficult right now. He starts his chemo regiment on Friday. I feel helpless, worried and very scared. I know my wife must be a basket case inside but she's being a trouper right at the moment. 8-7-06 - It's been awhile since I posted so I thought I'd post an father in law has been going through chemo for awhile now. No real bad side effects at this point. He did get some optimistic news this morning. The chemo treatments have reduced the size of the tumors he has. The stent (sp?) has been taken out and he is able to eat more normally now. He is still sticking to a softer kind of diet. In fact he gained 3 or 4 pounds back this week. We didn't know what kind of news to expect today when he met with the doctor. We were prepared for both kinds.....but at least there is some good news in a sea of bad news. My father in law is thrilled with the latest development. We're hoping the good news and the tumor shrinking will continue. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers and please, please keep them coming along!!

7-3-06 Search Me - I've a long time friend who I met in college who is from S Korea... I've not seen him in over 2 years... anyways around 11:30 today I get a phone call (it's our area so I'm thinking someone mis-dailed as I don't recognize the number) needless to say it's my friend and he's in town, of course, I'm all excited. I ask when he arrived and what brings him back to the states...sadly he informs me of the tragic news. His brother who is here studying in our junior college had a car accident last Saturday. The doctors are thinking he may never walk again due to some spinal injuries. It's really sad as these are foreign exchange students and things aren't easy here for them such as understanding the medical conditions, etc... and needing rehab and the huge expense. They are trying to get his brother stable enough so they can fly him back to S Korea where he can get treatment and it be affordable. I say all this to please ask of your prayers. I know when man says things are impossible... with much prayer and faith God makes things POSSIBLE.

7-2-06 Mary Beth Guard - My cousin's wife Cathie, who is 51, had a stroke a week and a half ago. It was very severe and it took them several days to get her stabilized enough to move to a bigger hospital where she could begin therapy. 8-13-06 update - Her condition has continued to worsen. Last night, I got an email from my cousin. He is unbelievably strong. (This is a couple who regularly -- after 30 years of marriage -- held hands and snuggled. They were together for many years before they had their daughter and have been so very close.) Here's what he said:
"I’m sorry but I only have bad news. I met with hospice yesterday and they will be taking over Cathie’s care. A recent PET scan has shown that her cancer has returned and has been identified as the cause of her multiple strokes. She has a mass in her heart and multiple spots on her lymph nodes in the heart region. They are not sure exactly what type of cancer she has (possibly lymphoma or melanoma) but she would not tolerate the tests necessary to identify the cancer. The doctors have opted to do no further diagnostic tests or heroic measures other than to keep her comfortable. She appears to be resting comfortably and pain free. Her doctor told me today she will probably live less than a month.

My husband's sister had surgery at Mayo this week. A virus ravaged her vocal cords two years ago and she has been unable to speak. The doctors have tried everything -- from injecting Botox into the vocal cords to speech therapy, and nothing had helped, so this latest surgery was to move the vocal cords closer together. They won't know for a while whether it was successful or not. It's very hard for her as a mother of two school age kids to not be able to utter a sound.

My brother-in-law is facing a horrible legal situation. He was supposed to have a big hearing in the case last Wednesday and his mother, grandmother, uncle, sister, and friends had flown in from all over, then it got postponed, so he's left in legal limbo.

8-3-06 - CEW - Please add my husband, Mike, to the prayer list. He had emergency eye surgery on Monday evening to repair a detached retina. He returns to the surgeon on Monday afternoon for an exam and prognosis. Please pray that the surgery was successful and he will fully regain his sight. Thank you!

8-7-06 Go 4 it Granny - Please add my son and our family to the prayer list. He has temporary custody of his 2 small children. He has filed for permanent full custody. The court date is August 18th.. The mother of the children has attempted or threatened to commit suicide on three (3) occasions in the last 6 weeks. She was living in an abusive relationship, has been placed in jail and in a couple of institutions. He feels, as we do, that the children are not safe with her. However, the courts may look at it differently. She is supposed to be getting help.

8-10-06 Corky Girl's Co-worker - Would you please add my co-worker and friend in your prayers? She is pregnant, about 6 weeks and has a medical condition that is treatening the pregnancy. Dr told her it will be a miracle if she doesn't lose the baby and they have seen the baby in an ultrasound so he/she is real to them now. She miscarried about a year or so ago and she will be a wonderful mother. We all know miracles happen and it would be so wonderful if this miracle could happen for her. She hasn't told anyone at work but just a couple of us so I won't give her name but God will know who you are praying for. Thanks
Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by the many natural disasters that have occurred recently; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the families of all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes
Last edited by waldensouth; 08/14/06 09:00 PM.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#493231 - 08/11/06 06:59 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-21-06 update
corkygirl Offline
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Joined: Sep 2004
Posts: 4,241
middle of the country
Would you please add my co-worker and friend in your prayers? She is pregnant, about 6 weeks and has a medical condition that is treatening the pregnancy. Dr told her it will be a miracle if she doesn't lose the baby and they have seen the baby in an ultrasound so he/she is real to them now. She miscarried about a year or so ago and she will be a wonderful mother. We all know miracles happen and it would be so wonderful if this miracle could happen for her. She hasn't told anyone at work but just a couple of us so I won't give her name but God will know who you are praying for. Thanks
Treading water in a hurricane

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#493232 - 08/15/06 11:20 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-21-06 update
berico Offline
Gold Star
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 290
Prayers are requested for my co-worker, Michael (58). In 2003 he had a relapse from his cancer remission. Believe it or not, he's been going through radiation, chemotherapy and pain meds now for over three years. They get one area of his body under control, and another pops up. He spends about three days each month in the hospital, the rest of the time he's at home (believe it or not) caring for his 90 year old parents. Yesterday he told me the pain was so bad he takes morphine pills twice a day and liquid morphine every two hours. THREE YEARS! Yet his faith and positive outlook keep him going. He's an inspiration.

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#493233 - 08/16/06 01:37 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 8-16-06 update
waldensouth Offline
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 5-5-06 update - All conversations with Dr. Superina (the transplant surgeon) have been via Blackberry (yeah, I'm so need one) from South Carolina. So no face to face conversations have been had with him, yet. However, our "team" is in agreement with him that surgery to correct the bile duct connection is most likely not going to work. And why put her through something like that if it won't be beneficial? And a new transplant is probably the best solution. There it is though..."probably." They would like to do another squirt of the tube and then most likely they will pull it. That makes me so very nervous. After we came home we got a call from our nurse. The CT scan of the nodes looked good and they were able to see some of the bile dusts in the liver too. However, those bile ducts still looked enlarged and "sick." Even with the tube being in place. Not sure what that means or what the future holds. Like I said, no answers, only more questions. I'm praying that the answers come soon. So there it is; prayers are appreciated.

12-30-05 blvsinangels and husband - please pray for my husband who was just told he has colon cancer. God grant us peace and courage. 3-15-06 update - My husband just finished his round of radiation and chemo, yes he had them together. He went in to have a permanent illostomy (SP?) done to what we thought, would end his 15 year fight with Chrons and ulcerative colitis. Well suprise, we were told they found cancer. Prior to this we have no clue, cancer was never found in any of his doctor visits. From this surgery he had an open wound, the radiation has completely broken down the skin around this wound. We just got the results from an MRI, the tumor has shrunk, but they want to run some bone scans now. Please keep us in your prayers. While I do believe in angels, I want to keep my husband here on earth for a while longer. Update on my husband, please keep him in your prayers. They sent us to Mayo in Rochester MN. Once there they ran more tests and found more cancer. It has spread to his bones and bladder and they told us he is not a surgical canidate. Basically there is not much else they can do for him other than chemo. But God is good and I want so badly to believe he will be healed. We are staying positive. Our mantra is Psalms 118 v 17, "I will not die. I will live, and proclaim the glories of the Lord". We are still fighting and are a long way from giving up. I contine to pray for all of you on this list, may God grant you peace.

1-17-06 Dawnie's Son Eljay - 4-17-06 update - unfortunately Jesse has developed a hernia which we'll have to have operated on in the next week or so. 8-13-06 8-13-06 - So an update, Jesse was cleared of the brain disease after much testing (it was Leukomyilaga...which I'm spelling terribly) or Krabbe disease. We had the final clearance on that one just the other day. Good and bad...of course I didn't want him to have that's so tough seeking a diagnosis and alwaysing coming up blank.

So the disease of the week now is...Systemic Mastocytosis. We're back in Alaska trying some medications for that disease and will start testing in a few weeks. On the good side, he's reacting very well to the medications. He took a nap on his own two days in a row, and is sleeping well after his meds wear off at night (we have to sedate him to make him sleep now...those meds last about four hours). Mystocytosis is yet another "orphan" or rare disease, so we'll have to find another doctor most likely for treatment if this is what he has. Probably at the Mayo Clinic.

2-14-06 MTnFull -If you could include me in a few of your prayers, I would appreciate it. Thank you. 5-3-06 update - If you could just say a small prayer for my continued healing, I would appreciate it.... Thank you

2-21-06 Rainbow Girl - Please say a prayer for "Nanny". She is elderly and has had some medical problems. Recently a mass (most likely cancer) was found around her breast/lung area. They are not doing a biopsy because of her age and health problems. They would not treat the cancer with chemo or radiation anyway. The Dr. says she could go at any time. please pray that she will have a painless, peaceful departure. She lived a full life and was one of the reasons we wear seat belts today because of an article she wrote back in the 70"s. Also please pray for her Daughter and Grand daughter.

3-1-06 Countess Kiwi's co-worker - Can you please add my co-worker Nona to the list. She has had cancer in the past and last year it returned, the news was very grim at that point with only months to live. She has made it long beyond their expectations but the news today has her traveling to another doctor to see if they can find a different method to treat her. She is one amazing person and she really needs everyones prayers. She has never complained and has been at work every day through all of this. 8-22-06 update - Nona passed away this evening after a very courageous fight. She never complained and many did not realize the gravity of her current situation until just this weekend. She was a strong woman in all areas and we will miss her dearly.

3-14-06 J.L.J. - Please add my Grandpa to the list. He was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Chemo, radiation, and surgery are not options, he's currently on a medication to try and slow the spread of the cancer. But... I'm especially concerned about my Grandma. Her mental capacity has been decreasing over the last couple of years, the last stroke on Thanksgiving made it even worse. I cant imagine what she'll do without him. 8-24-06 update - Sometimes life is really unpredictable even when you are aware of what's coming. After grandpa's doctor visit last week, the doctor insinuated approximately 3 months. Grandpa passed Saturday...3 days after the visit. I'm trying hard to focus on the fact that he's no longer suffering and that as hard as it is on grandma, she can get back to some type of active life that she's missed out on the last few months. It's hard on us all...

3-15-06 Search Me - Family friend had a heart attack...was in his late young... please pray for him and his family.

3-20-06 Mom of Princess Natalie Bear's Niece - Could you all please add my new little niece Greta Ann to the prayer list. She was born a little early, this weekend. At 4 pounds, even, this little peanut needs all the extra help (prayers and fat ) that she can get. Thanks!

4-1-06 Go 4 it Granny - A friend's daughter is pregnant for the first time. At first she was going to have triplets ...but one was not viable. Now it is twins. Then her doctor said that there was a problem with the children .....something about the blood going through one baby to the other....I don't know...I think she referred to it as twin to twin transfusion. They were extremely upset and confused because they said it occurred in identical twins and the doctor said that the babies were not identical. .

She was sent to a gyn for "at risk" pregnancies. This doctor said the babies were fine.....just small...but okay...Now 3 weeks down the line, and this doctor is saying that the babies have Downs...This has been a roller coaster ride for all of the people.....

4-3-06 Pizza Queen's Uncle - Please say a prayer for my uncle (godfather). He has terminal cancer and is currenly home resting comfortably. He is taking an experimental drug and can't be alone since no one really knows how it will affect him. Maybe this drug will do somthing miraculous. The family would appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

4-3-06 MagicBanker - Lynne was back in the hospital most of last week with another bout of pancreatitis. They did some tests to try to figure out what is causing the attacks, but were not able to determine. 8-15-06 update - She is continuing to improve slowly, but I think will always have issues with pain management (she has 4 abdominal hernias, but understandably doesn't want to risk any more surgery at this point) and stamina, as well as minor issues with memory and recall related to the stroke she had when she was so sick in 2005. But her ankle is continuing to do better from the osteonecrosis. And she hasn't had any more pancreatitis flareups since March, so that is positive too.

4-11-06 ssgblf - I found out a couple of weeks ago that the National Guard unit I am in is going to be in Irag by November. We are scheduled to leave in July to start our training. Will you keep my family in your prayers, and that God will protect all of us in our unit.

5-31-06 doosmom - Her name is Shelby and she is an 8th grader in my son's class. She is having an MRI today to examine a cyst that has been found on her brain. I know many of you will pray for her as soon as you read this & I truly appreciate it.

6-2-06 doodles brother-in-law - I haven't had time to post due to lots of time in the hospital but I know the power of prayer of the BOL family and ask for prayers for my brother-in-law. He was just diagnosed with multiple myeloma and leukemia on 5/24 and is now in a hospital starting treatments. My husband and I took he and his wife to the specialist and then hospital admission on Wednesday. We found out then that he has a rather rare form that is very agressive and circulating so that is why they are acting quickly. He is facing 2-3 rounds of agressive chemo (starting today) and running continously. He will then face two different bone marrow transplants in the next 6 months. We are praying that my husband or one of his other brothers will be a match. He is a Christian that believes in the power of prayer and miracles but he is still scared. We have been trying to be strong for the whole family (it is tough at times) and trying to help with their 3 sons while they are in the hospital. The love and support of our Christian family and friends has been so wonderful and I wanted to extend a little further to the BOL family for some additional prayers. Pray that the chemo will be effective enough so they can perform the transplants and that his fears and anxiety will subside. Thanks.

6-16-06 CEW - Please add one of my co-workers (I am his supervisor) to the prayer list. This young man was notified yesterday that he is to report to the Army and will be deployed to Iraq at the end of July. He was in the National Guard for one year over three years ago, thought he was through - had received a "general discharge", but is now being told he is being called up because of a "national emergency". He is only 23 years old, but is handling it like a man - he keeps saying that if others can do this, so can he. I am very proud of him, and ask all of you to pray for his safety while in Iraq and for his safe return.

6-21-06 Sweatpeas - Please include a former employee of our bank in your prayers. She is pregnant with her first child and at the 20 week ultra sound has been informed that her baby has multiple birth defects and possibly Downs Syndrome. She's having a rough time with all of the information.

6-21-06 ChicagoGuy - Prayers please for my 72-year old father in law. He wasn't swallowing well and went to the doctor. They discovered a tumor there and diagnosed him with cancer of the esophagus (sp?). Even with this, he's felt normal and tried to be positive about things. After some addditional tests....ct scan, pet scan, others...we found out today the prognosis is not bright. The cancer has spread to his liver and a lung. They said chemo will help prolong his life some, but are only giving him 6 to 8 months to live. He and us are very scared. We're trying to be upbeat, but it's very difficult right now. He starts his chemo regiment on Friday. I feel helpless, worried and very scared. I know my wife must be a basket case inside but she's being a trouper right at the moment. 8-7-06 - It's been awhile since I posted so I thought I'd post an father in law has been going through chemo for awhile now. No real bad side effects at this point. He did get some optimistic news this morning. The chemo treatments have reduced the size of the tumors he has. The stent (sp?) has been taken out and he is able to eat more normally now. He is still sticking to a softer kind of diet. In fact he gained 3 or 4 pounds back this week. We didn't know what kind of news to expect today when he met with the doctor. We were prepared for both kinds.....but at least there is some good news in a sea of bad news. My father in law is thrilled with the latest development. We're hoping the good news and the tumor shrinking will continue. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers and please, please keep them coming along!!

7-3-06 Search Me - I've a long time friend who I met in college who is from S Korea... I've not seen him in over 2 years... anyways around 11:30 today I get a phone call (it's our area so I'm thinking someone mis-dailed as I don't recognize the number) needless to say it's my friend and he's in town, of course, I'm all excited. I ask when he arrived and what brings him back to the states...sadly he informs me of the tragic news. His brother who is here studying in our junior college had a car accident last Saturday. The doctors are thinking he may never walk again due to some spinal injuries. It's really sad as these are foreign exchange students and things aren't easy here for them such as understanding the medical conditions, etc... and needing rehab and the huge expense. They are trying to get his brother stable enough so they can fly him back to S Korea where he can get treatment and it be affordable. I say all this to please ask of your prayers. I know when man says things are impossible... with much prayer and faith God makes things POSSIBLE.

7-2-06 Mary Beth Guard - My cousin's wife Cathie, who is 51, had a stroke a week and a half ago. It was very severe and it took them several days to get her stabilized enough to move to a bigger hospital where she could begin therapy. 8-16-06 update - Cathie passed away at 8:15 this morning, California time.

The doctor had said late last week that she probably would not live a month, but I am just stunned that she is gone less than a week later.Her husband, Mike, daughter Lauren and my aunt Hazle really need your prayers now.

My husband's sister had surgery at Mayo this week. A virus ravaged her vocal cords two years ago and she has been unable to speak. The doctors have tried everything -- from injecting Botox into the vocal cords to speech therapy, and nothing had helped, so this latest surgery was to move the vocal cords closer together. They won't know for a while whether it was successful or not. It's very hard for her as a mother of two school age kids to not be able to utter a sound.

My brother-in-law is facing a horrible legal situation. He was supposed to have a big hearing in the case last Wednesday and his mother, grandmother, uncle, sister, and friends had flown in from all over, then it got postponed, so he's left in legal limbo.

8-3-06 - CEW - Please add my husband, Mike, to the prayer list. He had emergency eye surgery on Monday evening to repair a detached retina. He returns to the surgeon on Monday afternoon for an exam and prognosis. Please pray that the surgery was successful and he will fully regain his sight. Thank you!

8-7-06 Go 4 it Granny - Please add my son and our family to the prayer list. He has temporary custody of his 2 small children. He has filed for permanent full custody. The court date is August 18th.. The mother of the children has attempted or threatened to commit suicide on three (3) occasions in the last 6 weeks. She was living in an abusive relationship, has been placed in jail and in a couple of institutions. He feels, as we do, that the children are not safe with her. However, the courts may look at it differently. She is supposed to be getting help.

8-10-06 Corky Girl's Co-worker - Would you please add my co-worker and friend in your prayers? She is pregnant, about 6 weeks and has a medical condition that is treatening the pregnancy. Dr told her it will be a miracle if she doesn't lose the baby and they have seen the baby in an ultrasound so he/she is real to them now. She miscarried about a year or so ago and she will be a wonderful mother. We all know miracles happen and it would be so wonderful if this miracle could happen for her. She hasn't told anyone at work but just a couple of us so I won't give her name but God will know who you are praying for. Thanks 8-21-06 Update on prayer request for my co-worker with the difficult pregnancy, she went to the Dr for her checkup today and will have a D&C on Thursday to terminate. I don't have details but I have to assume that the baby did not survive. It will be very hard on her emotionally, this is her second miscarrage and even though she has a strong faith to fall back on, it will be a difficult time for her. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

8-15-06 Berico - Prayers are requested for my co-worker, Michael (58). In 2003 he had a relapse from his cancer remission. Believe it or not, he's been going through radiation, chemotherapy and pain meds now for over three years. They get one area of his body under control, and another pops up. He spends about three days each month in the hospital, the rest of the time he's at home (believe it or not) caring for his 90 year old parents. Yesterday he told me the pain was so bad he takes morphine pills twice a day and liquid morphine every two hours. THREE YEARS! Yet his faith and positive outlook keep him going. He's an inspiration.

8-23-06 Skittles' Aunt - Please add my Aunt to your prayers. She fell last December and broke her hip and it's been all downhill from there. In April she was put into assisted living and seemed to be doing well. She fell a few times about 6 weeks ago or so and things aren't looking so good. Her mind is going rapidly. So rapidly they think she might have had a stroke. They have now moved her into the 'Alzheimers' wing and taken away her phone priviledges. She keeps telling my mother that my uncle is mad at her (her husband who passed away May 2005) for driving.

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by the many natural disasters that have occurred recently; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the families of all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes
Last edited by waldensouth; 08/25/06 01:37 PM.
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- Frederick Douglass

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#493234 - 08/16/06 03:55 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 8-16-06 update
RR Jen Offline
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RR Jen
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An update...I'm glad to say that I have more positive things to report than negative. My divorce is over, I'm back to J.L.J. and doing very well considering the circumstances. Mom's recovering from her hip replacement and is already better than she was before she went in, everyone is very pleased with her progress. The rest of my family is doing well...including a brand new nephew who was born last week. Grandpa is deteriorating, but seems to be making the best out of his last few months of life. I try every day to be more like anyone can be that positive and unselfish while suffering the way he has been is beyond me. It's doubtful that he'll be with us at Christmas now. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!
I don't need any more negativity in my positive and helpful people or I will kick you in the shins!!!

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#493235 - 08/21/06 04:30 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 8-16-06 update
corkygirl Offline
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Update on prayer request for my co-worker with the difficult pregnancy, she went to the Dr for her checkup today and will have a D&C on Thursday to terminate. I don't have details but I have to assume that the baby did not survive. It will be very hard on her emotionally, this is her second miscarrage and even though she has a strong faith to fall back on, it will be a difficult time for her. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.
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#493236 - 08/23/06 03:29 AM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 8-16-06 update
Countess Kiwi Offline
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3-1-06 Countess Kiwi's co-worker - Can you please add my co-worker Nona to the list. She has had cancer in the past and last year it returned, the news was very grim at that point with only months to live. She has made it long beyond their expectations but the news today has her traveling to another doctor to see if they can find a different method to treat her. She is one amazing person and she really needs everyones prayers. She has never complained and has been at work every day through all of this.

Nona passed away this evening after a very courageous fight. She never complained and many did not realize the gravity of her current situation until just this weekend. She was a strong woman in all areas and we will miss her dearly.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
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#493237 - 08/23/06 01:07 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 8-16-06 update
Skittles Online
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Please add my Aunt to your prayers. She fell last December and broke her hip and it's been all downhill from there. In April she was put into assisted living and seemed to be doing well. Went through therapy and was walking well and was in good spirits when I was up there visiting over Memorial Weekend. I went and picked her up and took her to a cookout at my sister's house. She had a great time and kept talking about what a wonderful family she had.

She fell a few times about 6 weeks ago or so and things aren't looking so good. Her mind is going rapidly. So rapidly they think she might have had a stroke. They checked for a urinary tract infection (can cause major mental problems in the elderly if you didn't know) and that is negative. They have now moved her into the 'Alzheimers' wing and taken away her phone priviledges. She keeps telling my mother that my uncle is mad at her (her husband who passed away May 2005) for driving. She told my mom yesterday that she had been driving and hadn't been that happy in a long time. She was 86 in July and now the family has gotten permission to allow her to smoke - supervised of course. She was stealing them anyway and why the heck not? She still remembers who everyone is, but doesn't know where she is sometimes and doesn't want to get out of bed. It's all so sad and I dread my visit next week, although I really do need to see her.

Thanks for listening - or reading.
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#493238 - 08/24/06 06:31 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 8-16-06 update
RR Jen Offline
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RR Jen
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An update...I'm glad to say that I have more positive things to report than negative. My divorce is over, I'm back to J.L.J. and doing very well considering the circumstances. Mom's recovering from her hip replacement and is already better than she was before she went in, everyone is very pleased with her progress. The rest of my family is doing well...including a brand new nephew who was born last week. Grandpa is deteriorating, but seems to be making the best out of his last few months of life. I try every day to be more like anyone can be that positive and unselfish while suffering the way he has been is beyond me. It's doubtful that he'll be with us at Christmas now. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!

Sometimes life is really unpredictable even when you are aware of what's coming. After grandpa's doctor visit last week, the doctor insinuated approximately 3 months. Grandpa passed Saturday...3 days after the visit. I'm trying hard to focus on the fact that he's no longer suffering and that as hard as it is on grandma, she can get back to some type of active life that she's missed out on the last few months. It's hard on us all...
I don't need any more negativity in my positive and helpful people or I will kick you in the shins!!!

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#493239 - 08/24/06 06:39 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 8-16-06 update
Skittles Online
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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.
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#493240 - 08/24/06 07:20 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 8-16-06 update
deppfan Offline
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I'm sorry for your loss also, but glad that he's not suffering. It's those of us left behind to heal that need prayer. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#493241 - 08/28/06 07:20 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 8-16-06 update
Quadspapa Offline
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JLJ, sorry to hear about your grandpa. It is evident that you loved him very much and that he was a great example. You and your family will be in my prayers.
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