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#496792 - 02/10/06 03:24 PM Bush is a Failure
steven1950 Offline
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San Francisco
Based on the current AP-Ipsos poll, even Bush's supporters must agree that he's not getting the job done, and citizens are not happy with the direction of our country (yes, even liberals are part of the USA).

Results of Poll on Public Attitude on Bush By The Associated Press
Fri Feb 10, 4:35 AM ET

The Associated Press-Ipsos poll on public attitudes about President Bush and Congress, conducted Feb. 6-8, is based on telephone interviews with 1,000 adults from all states except Alaska and Hawaii.

Results were weighted to represent the population by demographic factors such as age, sex, region, race and income.

No more than one time in 20 should chance variations in the sample cause the results to vary by more than plus or minus 3 percentage points from the answers that would be obtained if all Americans were polled.

There are other sources of potential error in polls, including the wording and order of questions. Results may not total 100 percent because of rounding. An X signifies less than 1 percent.


(Early January results are in parentheses)

1. Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are heading in the right direction, or are they off on the wrong track?

_Right direction, 35 percent (32)

_Wrong track, 61 percent (65)

_Not sure, 4 percent (3)

2. Overall, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?

_Approve, 40 percent (40)

_Disapprove, 57 percent (59)

_Mixed feelings, 2 percent (1)

_Not sure, X percent (X)

3. And when it comes to handling the economy, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?

_Approve, 40 percent (39)

_Disapprove, 58 percent (59)

_Mixed feelings, 2 percent (2)

4. And when it comes to domestic issues like health care, education and the environment, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?

_Approve, 39 percent (35)

_Disapprove, 58 percent (62)

_Mixed feelings, 2 (2)

_Not sure, X percent (X)

5. When it comes to handling foreign policy issues and the war on terrorism, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?

_Approve, 47 percent (44)

_Disapprove, 50 percent (54)

_Mixed feelings, 2 percent (1)

_Not sure, 1 percent (X)

6. When it comes to handling the situation in Iraq, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?

_Approve, 38 percent (39)

_Disapprove, 60 percent (58)

_Mixed feelings, 1 percent (1)

_Not sure, 1 percent (X)

7. When it comes to Social Security, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?

_Approve, 36 percent (35)

_Disapprove, 60 percent (60)

_Mixed feelings, 3 percent (2)

_Not sure, 1 percent (3)

8. Overall, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way Congress is handling its job?

_Approve, 35 percent (34)

_Disapprove, 61 percent (63)

_Mixed feelings, 2 percent (2)

_Not sure, 1 percent (1)

9. And if the election for Congress were held today, would you want to see the Republicans or Democrats win control of Congress?

_Republicans, 37 percent (36)

_Democrats, 47 percent (49)

_Neither (VOLUNTEERED), 13 percent (12)

_Not sure, 3 percent (3)

10. Should the Bush administration be required to get a warrant from a judge before monitoring phone and Internet communications between American citizens in the United States and suspected terrorists, or should the government be allowed to monitor such communications without getting a warrant?

_Should be required to get a warrant, 50 percent (56)

_Should be allowed to monitor without a warrant, 48 percent (42)

_Not sure, 2 percent (2)

Copyright © 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information contained in the AP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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#496793 - 02/10/06 03:26 PM Re: Bush is a Failure

steven, all you are going to hear is that his numbers are way up since january

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#496794 - 02/10/06 03:28 PM Re: Bush is a Failure
~~~izzo~~~ Offline
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IMO, Bush failed when he went to war with the wrong country. All down hill from there. 'Nuff said.
Fake it. ~~~fur is dead~~~

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#496795 - 02/10/06 03:28 PM Re: Bush is a Failure
CompDat Offline
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Another totally bias post by Steve

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#496796 - 02/10/06 03:29 PM Re: Bush is a Failure
Bimmer Offline
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I am really interested to know who exactly they poll. I have never been polled, neither has anyone that I know. How about you?
My silence doesn't mean that I agree with you. It's just that your level of ignorance has rendered me speechless.

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#496797 - 02/10/06 03:31 PM Re: Bush is a Failure

I have been polled.

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#496798 - 02/10/06 03:31 PM Re: Bush is a Failure


Another totally bias post by Steve

only as biased as the people polled by ap/ipsos, you imbecile

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#496799 - 02/10/06 03:32 PM Re: Bush is a Failure

Why is Steve biased for stating his opinion, but the conservatives aren't biased when they state theirs?

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#496800 - 02/10/06 03:33 PM Re: Bush is a Failure

I know this poll is in some way false. In January Bush's approval rating went back over 50%.

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#496801 - 02/10/06 03:35 PM Re: Bush is a Failure


I know this poll is in some way false. In January Bush's approval rating went back over 50%.

i saw the same foxnews/national review poll

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#496802 - 02/10/06 03:35 PM Re: Bush is a Failure

Different people were polled. Why don't you assume his approval rating is false?

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#496803 - 02/10/06 03:36 PM Re: Bush is a Failure

Stevie Boy this is your buddy from San Francisco. I agree with your post 100%. We are both from San Fran, The San Francisco Treat.

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#496804 - 02/10/06 03:37 PM Re: Bush is a Failure
Bimmer Offline
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I always assume that approval ratings a false. Frankly I really don't care how everyone else thinks that the President is doing. I only worry about how I feel he is doing.
My silence doesn't mean that I agree with you. It's just that your level of ignorance has rendered me speechless.

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#496805 - 02/10/06 03:39 PM Re: Bush is a Failure
Bimmer Offline
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Stevie Boy this is your buddy from San Francisco. I agree with your post 100%. We are both from San Fran, The San Francisco Treat.

Isn't that the Land of Fruit's and Nut's???
My silence doesn't mean that I agree with you. It's just that your level of ignorance has rendered me speechless.

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#496806 - 02/10/06 03:39 PM Re: Bush is a Failure


I always assume that approval ratings a false. Frankly I really don't care how everyone else thinks that the President is doing. I only worry about how I feel he is doing.

but what if you are moron, which is what i assume you are if you think bush is doing a good job?

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#496807 - 02/10/06 03:41 PM Re: Bush is a Failure


Stevie Boy this is your buddy from San Francisco. I agree with your post 100%. We are both from San Fran, The San Francisco Treat.

how can you agree or disagree with a poll you (_dumb_)? it is what it is: a poll

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#496808 - 02/10/06 03:47 PM Re: Bush is a Failure
Bimmer Offline
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Ok it is a Poll! Who is it a poll of? Certainly not me or anyone I know
My silence doesn't mean that I agree with you. It's just that your level of ignorance has rendered me speechless.

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#496809 - 02/10/06 03:53 PM Re: Bush is a Failure


Ok it is a Poll! Who is it a poll of? Certainly not me or anyone I know

i agree, i have never been polled. but professional pollsters owe their credibility to scientific polling methods.

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#496810 - 02/10/06 03:56 PM Re: Bush is a Failure



I always assume that approval ratings a false. Frankly I really don't care how everyone else thinks that the President is doing. I only worry about how I feel he is doing.

but what if you are moron, which is what i assume you are if you think bush is doing a good job?

I guess you are calling the majority of American morons as well because HE WAS RE-ELECTED. The majority does not side with you, moron. Get over it. Your party leader in the Senate was defeated as well. That's how terrible your party truly is!

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#496811 - 02/10/06 03:58 PM Re: Bush is a Failure




I always assume that approval ratings a false. Frankly I really don't care how everyone else thinks that the President is doing. I only worry about how I feel he is doing.

but what if you are moron, which is what i assume you are if you think bush is doing a good job?

I guess you are calling the majority of American morons as well because HE WAS RE-ELECTED. The majority does not side with you, moron. Get over it. Your party leader in the Senate was defeated as well. That's how terrible your party truly is!

Parties fall in and out of favor all the time. Just because your party is in power now dosn't mean it's going to stay that way. I wonder if you will be so brutally honest with your own party when it's on the outside looking in?

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#496812 - 02/10/06 03:58 PM Re: Bush is a Failure



Ok it is a Poll! Who is it a poll of? Certainly not me or anyone I know

i agree, i have never been polled. but professional pollsters owe their credibility to scientific polling methods.

It was a poll of Steven and all the rest of his San Francisco cronies like the one above. "San Francisco Treat", how gay does that post sound.

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#496813 - 02/10/06 04:01 PM Re: Bush is a Failure
Bimmer Offline
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Joined: Jan 2006
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Wherever the plane lands


Ok it is a Poll! Who is it a poll of? Certainly not me or anyone I know

i agree, i have never been polled. but professional pollsters owe their credibility to scientific polling methods.

Is that so? How is it then that two different polling agencies can come up with drastically different results? I mean, if it is based on Scientific Methods, they should at least be close, no?
My silence doesn't mean that I agree with you. It's just that your level of ignorance has rendered me speechless.

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#496814 - 02/10/06 04:02 PM Re: Bush is a Failure




I always assume that approval ratings a false. Frankly I really don't care how everyone else thinks that the President is doing. I only worry about how I feel he is doing.

but what if you are moron, which is what i assume you are if you think bush is doing a good job?

I guess you are calling the majority of American morons as well because HE WAS RE-ELECTED. The majority does not side with you, moron. Get over it. Your party leader in the Senate was defeated as well. That's how terrible your party truly is!

what makes you think i am a "party" guy like you are? can't i just be someone who doesn't like bush?
let's see, a lot has happened since he was reelected, no? perhaps people can change their opinions. are you going to babble on about "political capital" next?

also, i will call people morons if they voted for bushie for some of the reasons i have heard people voted for him. what sort of trump card did you think you were throwing down by saying "are you calling americans morons"? moronic is moronic,...uh... moron.

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#496815 - 02/10/06 04:04 PM Re: Bush is a Failure




Ok it is a Poll! Who is it a poll of? Certainly not me or anyone I know

i agree, i have never been polled. but professional pollsters owe their credibility to scientific polling methods.

Is that so? How is it then that two different polling agencies can come up with drastically different results? I mean, if it is based on Scientific Methods, they should at least be close, no?

are you referring to the foxnews/nationalreview poll of their viewer/readers?

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#496816 - 02/10/06 04:04 PM Re: Bush is a Failure




Ok it is a Poll! Who is it a poll of? Certainly not me or anyone I know

i agree, i have never been polled. but professional pollsters owe their credibility to scientific polling methods.

Is that so? How is it then that two different polling agencies can come up with drastically different results? I mean, if it is based on Scientific Methods, they should at least be close, no?

They are asking different people. Have you ever studied polling? It depends on how the questions are phrased and who you ask and when you ask. You can get different results if you do the same poll every six months.

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