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#581517 - 07/10/06 05:54 PM Here we go again...
MelissaAnn Offline
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Washington State
I know all I ever post is pregnancy questions, but that is what my whole life revolves around right now... so....
I am curious about when women started showing with their first pregnancies. I have only gained 3 pounds, but I can't wear any of my pants anymore, and I have been told by many people that I look 5-6 months along. I am only 13 weeks. I am a heavier person to begin with, so I thought it would take me a lot longer to show.
I have also had many people suggest that maybe I am having twins, but they don't run in either side of our families.
I don't go to the Dr again until the 20th, where I will be able to ask my Dr all these questions, but I thought I would get your thoughts first.

"Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't be mean when you say it."

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#581518 - 07/10/06 06:02 PM Re: Here we go again...
Countess Kiwi Offline
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Each person is different. I was in maternity pants by the time I was 3 months along at the latest. I always showed right away. With number 3 I was showing before I even had my first appt. I was about 6 months when a person asked me if I was due real soon. I had an ultrasound to check for twins also with the last one because I was mearsuring so far ahead early on.

You will have to let us know what the doctor measures you at when you go in. I was always 2 weeks ahead of the due date, but I had a lot of amniotic fluid.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
~Theodore Roosevelt~

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#581519 - 07/10/06 06:31 PM Re: Here we go again...
MyKidsMom Offline
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I think its more that you can't stand anything tight on your stomach more than getting big. That's how it was for me.

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#581520 - 07/10/06 08:12 PM Re: Here we go again...
RebekahL CRCM Offline
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RebekahL CRCM
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I'm 10 weeks along, and I definitely feel "thicker" around the waist. Early in the spring, I lost 15 lbs and had just reached my ideal weight right about the time I got pregnant (figures! ). I've since gained back about 3 lbs. Several of my clothes that had become loose around the waist now fit again, but some items are definite no-goes anymore -- they're too blasted uncomfortable!

According to some of the books I've been reading, it is common for women begin to pooch out this early, but apparently it is more from bowel distension than the uterus! I don't know if that is supposed to make one feel better or worse!

It could just be that you are going to be a forward-carrier. Congratulations, by the way! When is your due date?
Me, Type A? Maybe - I'm not done analyzing it yet.

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#581521 - 07/10/06 09:01 PM Re: Here we go again...
Kara R. Offline
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Racine, WI
Check out differnt websites, like It will provide you with a lot of great information. Plus you can register and get free weekly updates as to where you are.

I am 26 weeks pregnant and started to show between weeks 18 & 19. At my 6 month appointment I had only gained 9 pounds.

Each person is going to be completly different in the way that they show, when they show, how much weight they gain, etc. Alwasy bring up any concerns that you have with your doctor.

Also, don't listen to what other people say. I'm sure that you look great and within the next 5 weeks, your belly will pop out and you will look wonderfully pregnant! The "thick stage" is the worse stage to go through because you can feel your body going through a bunch of changes, but noone else can see it.

Oh, the joys of pregnancy!
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#581522 - 07/10/06 09:13 PM Re: Here we go again...
MelissaAnn Offline
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Washington State
Thanks guys! I have been reading quite a bit, and everyone recommended to get "what to expect when you're expecting" and to be honest, I haven't been very happy with it.
RebekahL- My due date is January 14th. How about you?
"Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't be mean when you say it."

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#581523 - 07/10/06 09:29 PM Re: Here we go again...
Kara R. Offline
Joined: Apr 2005
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Racine, WI
I would highly suggest buying "A Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy: What every doctor won't tell you." It has some great advice and is very funny. My husband doesn't always get a kick out of it, but I do!
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#581524 - 07/10/06 09:43 PM Re: Here we go again...
RebekahL CRCM Offline
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RebekahL CRCM
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Big Sky Country
Kara, thanks for the reference ideas, and congrats to you too! When's your date?

Melissa, you're due nearly on my birthday -- January 15. It is a great time for a birthday -- the Martin Luther King Jr holiday is always around that time! I'm close behind you with a due date of February 5th.
Me, Type A? Maybe - I'm not done analyzing it yet.

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#581525 - 07/10/06 09:46 PM Re: Here we go again...
Smilzsomuch Offline
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It's been quite sometime, but to share my experience.... I was a 'heavier type person', as well. However, I didn't start showing til I was 4.5 months along.
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#581526 - 07/10/06 09:52 PM Re: Here we go again...
Kara R. Offline
Joined: Apr 2005
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Racine, WI

Kara, thanks for the reference ideas, and congrats to you too! When's your date?

I'm due on October 18th. About 14 weeks and 8 doctor appointments away. In two weeks I will officially be in the third trimester. Enjoy every minute, even the uncomfortable ones, it goes by so fast!
The opinions expressed are mine and they are not to be taken as legal advice.

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#581527 - 07/10/06 11:25 PM Re: Here we go again...
MelissaAnn Offline
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Washington State
Oh Rebekah, that is great to hear. We were a little worried about the birthdate since it is so close to Christmas and all. I am just happy I won't be super huge in the summer and will have my baby to keep me warm in the winter!
"Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't be mean when you say it."

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#581528 - 07/11/06 02:08 PM Re: Here we go again...
NY2004 Offline
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Posts: 84
If you're unhappy with "What to Expect..." try the series of books by Dr. Sears. He has everything from "the Pregnancy Book" to "The Baby Book" to "the Breastfeeding Book" and others. They have been very valuable to me through my first dd and through my second pregnancy (due in Aug).

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#581529 - 07/11/06 02:54 PM Re: Here we go again...
gillysgrl Offline
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I am currently 6 months pregnant and I have gained about 13 pounds. I didn't really start showing until month 3, but like everyone else has said...everyone develops differently. is another good site. Congrats to everyone who is expecting.

Mine should be here around October 28.

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#581530 - 07/14/06 09:22 PM Re: Here we go again...
RebekahL CRCM Offline
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RebekahL CRCM
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Big Sky Country
Well, I had my second appointment today, and hubby was with me to hopefully hear the heartbeat. Unfortunately, the little bugger developed stage fright, so we weren't able to hear it. I know this is common at only 10-11 weeks, but I was really wanting to hear it! My Dr assured me we'd hear it at the next appointment. At least everything else went well -- apparently I'm healthy as can be!

Melissa, I know you are looking forward to hearing the heartbeat with your husband, too! It is probably just as well that you waited for him.

Are any of you considering banking the cord blood in one of the national registries, for the preservation of the baby's stem cells? Hubby and I are seriously considering it (his sister survived leukemia), but boy is it pricy. Like nearly $2,000 pricy , plus a storage fee of $125/yr.
Me, Type A? Maybe - I'm not done analyzing it yet.

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#581531 - 07/17/06 02:07 PM Re: Here we go again...
KAT Offline
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Where there is a family history of need will the insurance company help? I know someone who they did help with. It was some sort of rare genetic thing.

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#581532 - 07/17/06 04:48 PM Re: Here we go again...
MelissaAnn Offline
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Washington State
My Dr. and co-worker's Dr said that it isn't worth it. That the chances of it actually matching someone other than the baby is very rare.
"Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't be mean when you say it."

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#581533 - 07/17/06 09:57 PM Re: Here we go again...
Kara R. Offline
Joined: Apr 2005
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Racine, WI
My husband and I considered it, but decided it wasn't worth the price. It can only be saved for a certain amount of time and normally one cord blood isn't enough to save a life. I was told that you have a better chance with a bone marrow transplant than with using the cord blood. Its a great idea, but imho still too new of an idea.
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#581534 - 07/21/06 05:05 PM Re: Here we go again...
MelissaAnn Offline
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Washington State

Melissa, I know you are looking forward to hearing the heartbeat with your husband, too! It is probably just as well that you waited for him.

So, we went to the appt, and finally got to hear the heart beat. It was exciting. My husband was more impressed that my Dr was able to measure my uterus from the outside. When I asked him what he thought about the appt, he was like "the heartbeat was kind of boring, but Dr is really cool! Did you see the way he measured you? How did he do that???"
It was pretty funny. Men and Women sure do think differently!
"Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't be mean when you say it."

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#581535 - 07/21/06 06:36 PM Re: Here we go again...
Search_Me Offline
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Melissa, I know you are looking forward to hearing the heartbeat with your husband, too! It is probably just as well that you waited for him.

So, we went to the appt, and finally got to hear the heart beat. It was exciting. My husband was more impressed that my Dr was able to measure my uterus from the outside. When I asked him what he thought about the appt, he was like "the heartbeat was kind of boring, but Dr is really cool! Did you see the way he measured you? How did he do that???"
It was pretty funny. Men and Women sure do think differently!

Oh... how sweet.. but the way you've typed his words...mixed with my imagination... I just can't stop giggling... and you're right... men and women... see things totally different...
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#581536 - 07/21/06 08:24 PM Re: Here we go again...
Peacock Offline
Joined: Nov 2005
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I haven't been on here in a while, but I thought I would still put my 2 cents in. I am 24 weeks pregnant, and I started wearing maternity clothes when I was 15 weeks along. I just couldn't stand tight clothes, and I had only gained about five pounds at this point.
I have been enjoying the book Your Pregnancy Week by Week. The first few chapters are depressing because they talk about miscarriage, but the later chapters are easy to read and informative. And you have to read Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. It was hilarious! Good luck to everyone with your pregnancies!

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