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#605718 - 08/28/06 03:09 PM Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing to do
corkygirl Offline
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I'd appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.

My 8 year old LassaPoo dog has had a bladder infection with blood in his urine that the vet has been trying to cure for nearly 6 months and I am at my wits end. He started peeing in the house in February, not at all like him and we just thought it was a behavioral thing since we had our son's dog for a couple of months while they moved to Ca. In late April, early May the vet determined he had a bladder infection with blood in the urine and put him on an antibiotic. He was better after 48 hours but within days of the last pill it started again. Now he doesn't even finish the antibiotic before it starts again. He pees in the house, doesn't really eat well, is progressively more listless and very clingy (if he could crawl under my skin I think he would) 4 different medicines later and we still have the same problem. They have xrayed the bladder and seen no mass, done blood work etc . For the last two mornings I have gotten that faint smell and he doesn't wake us up or want to go out, it's starting again, after 7 days on the latest medicine. Now they say maybe his prostate is enlarged or he has cists/small masses in the bladder that don't show up on the xray. The tests for the later is an ultrasound, who knows how much $$ that costs. I hate to see him in this condition and what they are now suggesting does not seem to be "fixable" I really don't know what to do but I hate to see him so ill.
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#605719 - 08/28/06 03:22 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing to do
Truffle Royale Offline

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Corky, do you think your vet has been doing a good job or not? If not, get your dog's records and try another vet. Is there a vet school that you could take him to? Here in Madison, the vet school has the latest and best and will often reduce cost so that students can gain first hand experience working on a sick animal.

I love my animals but can't stand to see them hurting either. When it came to the point that my last dog and cat were visably embarrassed at letting me down by having accidents, etc., and the vet had done her best, I knew it was time to let them go. Life could have been prolonged by fancy expensive surgeries but the quality of life and the suffering from recovery would not have been worth the cost to me or my animals.

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#605720 - 08/28/06 03:23 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing to do
Darkhorse Offline
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I absolutely love our vet, but I wouldn't hesitate to get a second opinion in this case. Of course, our dogs ARE our children so that also plays into my perspective but I look at it this way - if it was me instead of the dog, I'd be going to another doc to see if the 1st doc was missing something. Can't really hurt anything, right? By the way, could he be getting into a plant or something slightly poisonious (sp?)? When we first brought our puppy home, he started peeing blood after a couple of days. Thankfully it was just an infection, but that was the other thing the doctor said it might be.

Hope your baby is feeling better soon.
I'm gonna show him what a lil girl's made of: Gunpowder & Lead!


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#605721 - 08/28/06 03:24 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing to do
MadisonCali Offline
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I'm sure your vet has checked for this, but...

A few years back our family dog has almost exact symptoms as you described above, and it turned out to be kidney problems. In her case (she was older), it was complete kidney failure. We put her on a special diet and some medication to make her comfortable, which seemed to help, but in the end we decided her quality of life was too poor (this was after almost two years, she got pretty bad).

I don't mean to be a downer, but the symptoms and your dog's behaviors are so similar that I just thought I'd just mention the diagnosis we got in a similar situation...

On a side note, you and your pet are in my thoughts. I know this is a terribly hard thing to go through. Pets really become a member of the family, and I know how helpless you feel when you can't ask them what's wrong when they're sick...
The beatings will continue until morale improves...

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#605722 - 08/28/06 04:24 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing to do
Sing A Little Offline
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If I were you, I'd get a second opinion just to cover all of your bases. Way back when before I was a banker, I managed a dog grooming stop, and I've seen many family pets that have no quality of life because their owners couldn't make the tough decision to let them go. It's very hard to make that decision, but if your dog is suffering and there isn't a way to help him it is the right thing to do. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your doggie, and I hope that you are able to find a cure for him.
He who sings scares away his woes. ~Cervantes

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#605723 - 08/28/06 04:27 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing to do
Countess Kiwi Offline
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You may want to look at my post for cushing's disease. Sounds very much like what we have been through, although she was never tested for a bladder infection. Cushings is treatable if there aren't other major issues. Also search the internet. We matched up this information with information from our vet. Feel free to PM me.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
~Theodore Roosevelt~

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#605724 - 08/28/06 05:05 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing to do
hmdagal Offline
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I had a dog with similar symptoms, and the biggest part of the problem was his kidneys. They were able to do blood tests to check for this. A special diet helped, and he did spend a lot of time on antibiotics (he had a bunch of other problems, too). If that is the problem, there is prescription food you can buy (it's not cheap), or you can make your own (much more reasonably priced - the recipe I used was mostly potatoes). Let me know if you would like the recipe - I probably still have it somewhere.

I've also had ultrasounds done on 2 dogs (at 2 different facilities) in the last month or so - up here they run about $350.

Good luck!

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#605725 - 08/28/06 06:13 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing to do
poppy Offline
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Corkygirl, my dog has a litany of medical problems that my vet tried to treat and I finally gave up on him. My dog was six so I decided to get another opinion. I called the vet school in my state, and made an appointment with their internal medicine/urology group. I took a day off from work and drove him 3 1/2 hours. It was the best thing I've done! They kept him for a week to perform all sorts of tests from ultrasound to blood and urine work, an MRI and x-rays. Since it's a teaching hospital, the costs are really minimal - the week of boarding, food, and tests was less than $500 and I didn't have to go get him. He came home on their mobile veternary clinic bus. The one ultrasound I had done on him locally, with the office visit cost over $600.

I think vet schools tend to think outside the box instead of the narrow view your vet and mine seem to have, i.e., your dog presented with these symptoms, therefore your dog has this. He didn't have a bladder infection, he had a kidney and e-coli infection that required over a month of two different kinds of antibotics and a special dog food low in protein.

I'd go with a vet teaching hospital if you have one. If a school isn't possible, I agree with hmdagal, change your dog's food to bland - go by your vet's and pick up a can or two of "k/d" it's for dogs with kidney and bladder problems and start from there. Good luck.

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#605726 - 08/28/06 07:48 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing to do
Rie A Offline
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Rie A
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I am sorry to hear about your dog. I also agree with Poppy. I really like the veterinarian clinic I go to but my little one was sick when I got her, and they tested her for all sorts of things. After two months I finally figured out that of all things, she is allergic to chicken and of course chicken is in almost all dog food so no matter what I did or gave her I was still giving her chicken! As soon as I switched her to an all lamb and rice diet she perked right up and almost doubled her size. (Good thing she was only 3 lbs to start with!)

Anyway, my point is that a veterinarian school is a really good idea because they try all sorts of new things and ideas and really do tend to think outside the box. They probably would have caught the chicken allergy much quicker than the my vet did. Actually, she saw three different veterinarians and they were ALL positive it was some sort of parasite that they just were not detecting in their tests.

I hope you litte guy is feeling better soon.
God made the world in only 7 days... but he didn't have any paperwork.

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#605727 - 08/29/06 04:04 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing to do
KAT Offline
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I am starting to go through kidney failure with my dog. He is 14 and we have discussed what to do. We spent a week giving him an IV at home to try to flush the kidneys. Even though it didn't hurt him it killed me to do it. That didn't work so we are sure of the diagnosis. The vet wants to keep him comfortable so he is on Hill's kd food which is a RX. I pay the same that I pay for other can food at the pet store. I do have him on 2 antibiotics. They take care of a respiratory problem, his arthritis and the kidneys. We will keep this up until he is in pain and then reevaluate. This is the 3rd dog we have had and I can't make this decision any more so I won't have any more pets. It is to hard to do. On top of this my father was very ill at the same time.

I would get a second opinion where your dog is so young. Good luck

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#605728 - 08/29/06 08:10 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing to do
corkygirl Offline
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Thanks guys, I knew I could count on you all. We have been going to this vet practice for years and I do trust them. I talked to the vet yesterday. They have already tested for kidney disease, that was ok. At this point most of what they would be looking for is some form of cancer, bladder, prostrate etc and I'm not sure I'm willing to put him thru all that. He had a decent day yesterday with a little more energy so at this point we are just going to take it day by day and when it's time - - - we will do what is best for him. And KAT, yes it is d**m hard. He cuddles up and looks at me with those big brown eyes
Treading water in a hurricane

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#605729 - 08/29/06 11:31 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
MichelleDawn Offline
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Thanks guys, I knew I could count on you all. We have been going to this vet practice for years and I do trust them. I talked to the vet yesterday. They have already tested for kidney disease, that was ok. At this point most of what they would be looking for is some form of cancer, bladder, prostrate etc and I'm not sure I'm willing to put him thru all that. He had a decent day yesterday with a little more energy so at this point we are just going to take it day by day and when it's time - - - we will do what is best for him. And KAT, yes it is d**m hard. He cuddles up and looks at me with those big brown eyes

It is hard (I've been there), but I also think it's one of the most loving things we can do for our pets when they reach a certain point. You will know in your heart when/if it's time. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

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#605730 - 08/30/06 01:08 AM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
Countess Kiwi Offline
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Try the cushings test. It is just a blood test and cushings can cause tumors. At least you could rule it out.

It is very hard. We have recently been through the hard part with one of our doxies.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
~Theodore Roosevelt~

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#605731 - 08/30/06 03:19 AM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
Dollye7 Offline
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CG - Wish I had an idea of what is wrong with your baby, but I don’t. It is so hard to look into those little eyes and make the hardest decision you will ever have to make. I have done it several times, and my heart goes out to you. Only you will know when the time is right. These beautiful little beings come into our lives and leave all too quickly.

Rudyard Kipling wrote (as best I can remember):
“Brothers and sisters I bid you beware
of giving your heart to a dog to tear.”

However, a house is not a home with out a dog! God bless.

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#605732 - 08/30/06 04:19 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
Nanwa Offline
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How old is your pupple? I have heard friends of mine with old dogs have similar problems, with the same results you are getting.

No matter how much you respect your vet, I would try another because nothing is being resolved and poor pupple is in pain.

I hope you can find some relief for your friend.
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#605733 - 09/01/06 12:25 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
MichelleDawn Offline
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How is your puppy doing? Any better?
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

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#605734 - 09/05/06 03:11 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
corkygirl Offline
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Thanks for asking, I sure wish I could give a positive response but no, he isn't any better. The vet practice I go to has 5 or 6 vets working there and they had a short meeting to discuss my Buddy last week. They all agree that any futher tests would just be to find cancer in the baldder, liver ect. And, they can't really do anything about it when the find it. There is blood in his urine and has been for 6 or more months now. He is 8 years old now, should live for 11 to 15 years, if he were healthy.

He is on prednisone (spelling ????) and that is our last try. Even my youngest son (31 & married), who has been sort of questioning what we have been telling him, sees now what we are seeing. Even on this new medicine he is still has to go out OFTEN and can't hold it long, he peed right in front of my husband and son in the house yesterday!! He gets little bursts of energy but it doesn't last long. We will take it day by day for now and when the time is right, we will do what we need to, what is best for Buddy (even if it's hard on us).
Treading water in a hurricane

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#605735 - 09/05/06 03:38 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
MichelleDawn Offline
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Thanks for asking, I sure wish I could give a positive response but no, he isn't any better. The vet practice I go to has 5 or 6 vets working there and they had a short meeting to discuss my Buddy last week. They all agree that any futher tests would just be to find cancer in the baldder, liver ect. And, they can't really do anything about it when the find it. There is blood in his urine and has been for 6 or more months now. He is 8 years old now, should live for 11 to 15 years, if he were healthy.

He is on prednisone (spelling ????) and that is our last try. Even my youngest son (31 & married), who has been sort of questioning what we have been telling him, sees now what we are seeing. Even on this new medicine he is still has to go out OFTEN and can't hold it long, he peed right in front of my husband and son in the house yesterday!! He gets little bursts of energy but it doesn't last long. We will take it day by day for now and when the time is right, we will do what we need to, what is best for Buddy (even if it's hard on us).

My heart goes out to you. I know your pain and uncertainty; but also know from your posts that your love for your dog will lead you to be strong and do what's best. Hang in there.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

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#605736 - 09/05/06 04:54 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
thomasj Offline
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I've been there having to make that decision, and you will know when it is time. Our 14 year old cocker spaniel had exactly the same symptoms - couldn't hold his urine. It was kidney failure. We tried the diets and everything, but nothing worked, within a week he had gotten much worse. He hated not being able to make it outside since he had never had accidents in the house before that. You will know when it is time. Our dog totally withdrew from us. He would go to the farthest corner of our fenced in yard and wanted nothing to do with us (totally uncharacteristic for him). I stayed up with him most of the night before he was put down and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was suffering. It didn't make it any easier, but I knew it was best for him.
Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.

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#605737 - 09/05/06 05:37 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
Countess Kiwi Offline
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So sorry to hear he isn't better. Our Tia suddenly had problems with going in the house. Before we ended up putting her down due to the Cushings and heart murmur I was using the little green machine 10+ times a day(just about every hour she was outside of her bed). If she even moved it seemed like she went. She was very listless. Did they look at his blood test results to rule out cushings? Thoughts and prayers, it is very difficult because they are your family.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
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#605738 - 09/05/06 07:01 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
corkygirl Offline
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"the little green machine" is my most loved appliance right now. Not sure if my neighbors like the noise but at least I can tolerate the mess if I can clean it up right away. I have gone thru soooooo much spot cleaner!!
Treading water in a hurricane

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#605739 - 09/05/06 07:32 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
Skittles Offline
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About 6-8 months ago my sister's older female dog (she turned 14 in May), started leaking urine. It was awful and my sister said her house smelled. She has hardwood floors and the dog is long-haired, so the dog smelled also. She took her to the vet (and the groomer to get her fur shaved off of her belly) and got some sort of prescription that the vet said may or may not work. Fortunately, they worked. The dog is still with us, although she moves very slowly and stays off by herself most of the time. She's still sweet, but we all know her time is limited. It's very, very sad.
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#605740 - 09/06/06 04:45 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
Nanwa Offline
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Spot Shot is especially good on pet stains and odors. I know, because cat barf is very caustic.
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#605741 - 09/06/06 04:49 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
Skittles Offline
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Nanwa - I use something called Natures Miracle when my cats (actually it's only one of them) get sick on the carpet. It seems to work very well. We also have Spot Shot for other things - like when the dog has an accident downstairs. It works well for that.
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#605742 - 09/06/06 07:20 PM Re: Sick Dog and not sure what's the right thing t
hmdagal Offline
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I love my Spot Bot - just fill it up, put it on the spot, push the 'on' button and let it clean up the mess. Sometimes I still need Natures Miracle to help with the odor. When the foster dog in my avatar arrived a couple of months ago, she wasn't house trained. It's a bit harder to break a 9 year old of bad habits than a puppy, so we had a bunch of accidents in the beginning.

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