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#283589 - 12/02/04 09:39 PM Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!

I'm over 55. I've had a hysterectomy about 10 or 11 years ago...never had any problems....took harmones for years...forget to take them now...most of the time....I still go for annual physicals....but I'm not sure why. I means there is nothing left to examine....its gone.....I don't feel like taking those harmones anymore, because I've had several cysts in my breasts over the years. They found a lump yesterday......I am concerned that it may be caused by the harmones and all my gyn says is they do more good than harm.....


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#283590 - 12/02/04 09:55 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!

I am not an expert, so my first advice would be to go to one. But also the thought occurs that this is the time in your life when your hormone levels would naturally be decreasing, so I don't see why you would have to take the same dosage. There are a lot of studies on the risks & benefits of hormone replacement, but the decision should be between you & your doctor. Just make sure to follow up on the lump, don’t assume it’s a cyst just because you have had them before.

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#283591 - 12/02/04 10:24 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
TTC Queen Offline
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I had a hysterectomy over 25 years ago. One year after my surgery, my doctor told me to assume the position on the table for the annual "pap". I said the same thing (among others,You have GOT to be kidding!, etc)--Why? There isn't anything left. He told me the test is to look for cervical cancer, which is very quick spreading. Every year, I tell the doctor--I got gypped. I thought I was not supposed to have to do this anymore!!

No matter how you feel--TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR about your hormone replacement therapy and the cysts. Please do not try to self medicate or diagnose yourself.

Good luck and I will be praying for you.
Blessed are the cracked, for it is they who let in the light. (Boy is it bright around me!)

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#283592 - 12/02/04 10:41 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
Truffle Royale Offline

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If you're not satisfied and/or comfortable with your doctor and his answers, go to a different doctor. But do confirm that it's just a cyst.

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#283593 - 12/03/04 01:56 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
Nanwa Offline
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I agree. See another doctor for a fresh opinion. Different hormones work differently. Maybe you only need supplements like the over the counter Estroven. One of my friends swears by it. I still take low dose birth control pills, because that combination works best for me. In fact, I am afraid to stop taking them, because I feel so good, but I have been on them a long time, so I probably should be considering getting off them and letting my body go into its natural aging state.
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#283594 - 12/03/04 02:46 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!

I'm 51 and went into early menopause like 5 years ago. My gyn wanted me to take hrt. I didn't, I felt that we go into our cycles normally as young girls, why medicate on the way out. It was the right choice for me. 2 years ago I had heart problems. My cardiologist said had I been on Hrt, I would have had a stroke or heart attack! My mother in law is 84 and still takes HRT everyday. We cannot convince her that she needs to stop. She says it makes her feel young. (She briefly went off). We've tried to convince her doctor to give her a placebo, but she's a quack. Research on the internet, talk to medical people and come to your own conclusion. It just doesn't seem natural to me to take hormones.

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#283595 - 12/03/04 04:17 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
Nanwa Offline
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Anon, what works for one person doesn't always work for another. I never had a regular cycle in my life! I would flow so bad, I could not leave the house some days. And the PMS was so bad, I would have committed suicide if I didn't know it would pass in a day or two. And don't even mention the migraines! The hormones have made my cycles regular, periods manageable and pretty much deep sixed the PMS. That is why I hesitate to go off of them. My gyn is not concerned as long as I keep coming in for annual exams, paps, and mammograms, which I do, besides my monthly self exams.

I have friends who have expressed concern, but I tell them, yes I want to live a long healthy life, but if I hadn't taken the hormones, my life would have been so miserable, I wouldn't want to live it. I am happy for the life I have had so far, and hope and pray I don't get complications later in life. But even if I do, it has been worth all the good years the hormones have given me.
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#283596 - 12/29/04 07:24 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
La. Lady Offline
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I'm the anon who originally posted. I wanted to give you all an update.

The cyst was not a cyst at all, but lymphoma. The type that I have is not common, but not unheard of. The doctor that I saw has only seen 2 cases in 15 years....mine and another person. The good point is that it is treatable.....with Chemo and Radiation.

I've of course had the blood tests, scans, bone marrow biopsy and bone chip biopsy.....and yesterday the PET scan. I will get the final results tomorrow. Those will tell me the grade and stage that I am in.

Needless to say, we spent a miserable Christmas....until the Sunday, when I decided that I was no longer going to spend the days until the results were received simply crying....I hit my knees and prayed....not for a cure...but for the strength to handle whatever is coming my way. Almost immediately, I began to feel stronger....mentally.

I just wrote to a very good friend of mine...I told her that the first thing I was going to do was to find a wig...or a couple of wigs. If I'm going to lose my hair, I want to stay as cute as any 56 year old can.....and bald women aren't cute at least I don't think I could be cute being bald...........(no offense intended to any out there).

So...I'm asking that you join your prayers with mine to strengthen myself and my family for the road ahead....


The virtual pin cushion.....
Riding the waves of change.....2014

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#283597 - 12/29/04 07:27 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
Kathleen O. Blanchard Offline

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Well, that is bad news but it sounds like you are getting the right attitude and as research has shown that goes a long way in cancer treatment! Best of luck in your treatment and I will remember you in my prayers.
Kathleen O. Blanchard, CRCM "Kaybee"
HMDA/CRA Training/Consulting/Mapping
The HMDA Academy

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#283598 - 12/29/04 07:27 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
Viking Princess Offline
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Virtual hug -my prayers and many more are on the way.
"For with God NOTHING shall be impossible."

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#283599 - 12/29/04 07:31 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
Busy Bee, CRCM Offline
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I pray that the Lord will give you and your family an extraordinary amount of strength while you face this condition head-on. I also pray that God's healing hands will be upon you.

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#283600 - 12/29/04 07:42 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
waldensouth Offline
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FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
You and your family will be in our prayers. I had a friend who bought a different wig for every day of the week - different styles, different colors. She chose depending on her mood. We had to watch out if she wore her red wig to work!
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#283601 - 12/29/04 07:49 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
HRH Dawnie Offline
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You are in our prayers! Today there are so many options for a cure. While your news isn't good, the timing, in today's medical world is. Read and explore everything! Try everything and see the very best doctors out there. We'll hope to hear good news soon

I have a dear friend who has lukemia. Her outlook is dificult. She recently celebrated her 4th anniversary of diagnosis. I asked her why she celebrated verses ignoring the date, which seemed to make more sense to me, and she told me that every year of life after diagnosis is another year of successful fighting. She's healthier now than she was when diagnosed due to new treatments developed in these last four years. She celebrates the stregnth she's found and the love of her friends each year and plans to until she's 90. It's an interesting way to look at bad news, but when she explained it to me, it was just typical Sondra. We'll hope to celebrate your stregnth in 50 or 60 years as well
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#283602 - 12/29/04 08:28 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
Retired DQ Offline
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My ex-MIL also had breast cancer and chemo and radiation, about 6 years ago, she just passed her 5th year clean and safe. God bless, I wish you the same.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#283603 - 12/29/04 08:52 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
Beagles22 Offline
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God bless, and best wishes from me! Stay strong in your faith!
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.

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#283604 - 12/29/04 08:58 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
Patsy Cline Offline
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I will keep you in my prayers. Stay strong physically and mentally. You can fight and win!
Michelle CRCM

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#283605 - 12/29/04 09:57 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
corkygirl Offline
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I will keep you in my prayers. I am a 6 year breast cancer survivor and I remember the feelings you discribed and I also remember finally praying and getting the peace of mind I needed. Keep your thoughts positive and laugh as often as possible and keep praying!!!!
Treading water in a hurricane

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#283606 - 12/29/04 10:21 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!


I'm the anon who originally posted. I wanted to give you all an update.

The cyst was not a cyst at all, but lymphoma. The type that I have is not common, but not unheard of. The doctor that I saw has only seen 2 cases in 15 years....mine and another person. The good point is that it is treatable.....with Chemo and Radiation.

I've of course had the blood tests, scans, bone marrow biopsy and bone chip biopsy.....and yesterday the PET scan. I will get the final results tomorrow. Those will tell me the grade and stage that I am in.

Needless to say, we spent a miserable Christmas....until the Sunday, when I decided that I was no longer going to spend the days until the results were received simply crying....I hit my knees and prayed....not for a cure...but for the strength to handle whatever is coming my way. Almost immediately, I began to feel stronger....mentally.

I just wrote to a very good friend of mine...I told her that the first thing I was going to do was to find a wig...or a couple of wigs. If I'm going to lose my hair, I want to stay as cute as any 56 year old can.....and bald women aren't cute at least I don't think I could be cute being bald...........(no offense intended to any out there).

So...I'm asking that you join your prayers with mine to strengthen myself and my family for the road ahead....


The virtual pin cushion.....

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. And have fun with the wigs...I think your attitude towards that aspect of the treatment is perfect.

I don't usually wear wigs unless it's Halloween, but I DO have a really cool one when I was Cher and a nice red one from this year when we did Gilligan's Island (I was Ginger). They also have wigs specifically for ladies with hair loss. I looked at a couple before I realized they were too pricey for Halloween, but they looked great. Much better than my own hair looks even on a good hair day.

Also, sometimes insurance will help pay for the cost of a wig necessitated by you may want to check into that. It varies based on the plan.

Please keep us updated. I have read (and I believe it) that a positive attitude is one of the best things you can have going for you as you begin treatment...

"virtual hugs!!!"

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#283607 - 12/29/04 11:13 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
juliad Offline
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I'm the anon who originally posted. I wanted to give you all an update.

The cyst was not a cyst at all, but lymphoma. The type that I have is not common, but not unheard of. The doctor that I saw has only seen 2 cases in 15 years....mine and another person. The good point is that it is treatable.....with Chemo and Radiation.

I've of course had the blood tests, scans, bone marrow biopsy and bone chip biopsy.....and yesterday the PET scan. I will get the final results tomorrow. Those will tell me the grade and stage that I am in.

Needless to say, we spent a miserable Christmas....until the Sunday, when I decided that I was no longer going to spend the days until the results were received simply crying....I hit my knees and prayed....not for a cure...but for the strength to handle whatever is coming my way. Almost immediately, I began to feel stronger....mentally.

I just wrote to a very good friend of mine...I told her that the first thing I was going to do was to find a wig...or a couple of wigs. If I'm going to lose my hair, I want to stay as cute as any 56 year old can.....and bald women aren't cute at least I don't think I could be cute being bald...........(no offense intended to any out there).

So...I'm asking that you join your prayers with mine to strengthen myself and my family for the road ahead....


The virtual pin cushion.....

Thoughts and prayers are with you, Go For It!! It will be a long journey, but you can do it one step at a time.

Lymphoma is scary, but other posters are right - the treatments available these days are amazing. we have a friend with non-Hodgkins Lymphoma who's original prognosis was very dreary - he's survived for over 15 years and really surprised everyone, even his doctors! Keep hope.
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#283608 - 12/30/04 05:40 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
La. Lady Offline
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I've received some results.....

PET scan ------clear
Bone/Bone Marrow-----clear
Lungs, Heart, Liver----clear

"Something that can't be ruled out" is located on the small bowel, under the arms and on the head of the pancreas. I'm still required to have a biopsy of the right breast to remove "suspicious" activity. Though the lump already removed from my left breast did not result in breast cancer, the right breast may be something different according to the oncologist.

My Chemo will start after that and the Radiation will follow.

All in all, though not a clean bill of health, it certainly could be a lot worse.........

Thanks for the good wishes and the support.

One more thing before I close.....
You have heard (I know I have) of a survivor's guilt. Well, this is probably QUITE different, but let me just say something, because I NEED to say it........There is a young girl (12 years old) from my community who was diagnosed with lymphoma about 4 days before I was. By the time it was found in this child, it invaded all parts of her body. It is everywhere. I'm not sure it is guilt that I am feeling, but it certainly is difficult for me to understand why I (56 years old) should have so much of a better prognosis than this precious 12 year old child.......I KNOW that I am not suppose to question God. He knows what is best for all of us.......but I am so-o-o-o-o sorry for her and her family. When I think of my results, my gratitude is often clouded by what I think they must be going through............Does that make sense....?????
Riding the waves of change.....2014

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#283609 - 12/30/04 05:41 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
Bengals Fan Offline
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This may sound stupid Go 4 It, but look into finding a dog that can sniff it out!

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#283610 - 12/30/04 05:54 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
La. Lady Offline
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This may sound stupid Go 4 It, but look into finding a dog that can sniff it out!

What? It doesn't sound stupid, but I'm not understanding these things.....
Riding the waves of change.....2014

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#283611 - 12/30/04 06:38 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
corkygirl Offline
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You will drive yourself crazy if you start the "Why me's" or "What if's". None of us know why things happen the way they do, just take care of yourself and pray for that young girl and her family. Besides the breast cancer 6 years ago, I have had many other things happen in my life I would not have wanted, if I had a choice, but I have always found that my experience benefited someone else, when I least expected it. Good luck with the biopsy on the other breast and the start of chemo.
Treading water in a hurricane

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#283612 - 12/30/04 07:07 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
HRH Dawnie Offline
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Go 4 It, When I went with Sondra for her stem cell transplant I went up to the treatment ward. There were SO MANY children in there. Their prognosis was mostly bad, where as Sondra is doing very well. I wondered the same thing and Sondra and I talked about it. She had the same thoughts as you also, but her doctor said she was seeing the worst cases, who happened to be spending more time there, and were more often seen when she visited. There are many more children who survive. Unfortunately, this isn't the case for everyone, but there are also mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers in the same boat. You may just not have seen them.

Second guessing God is always a challenge Maybe you are being challenged so you will be a stronger person, and maybe that poor child is being challenged to provide inspiration to someone else? No one knows but God.

I mentioned your situation to Sondra last night when I saw her. She sends her prayers your way, and said "be strong girlfriend"!
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#283613 - 12/30/04 07:14 PM Re: Ok...I'm Embarrassed..... But here goes!
Bengals Fan Offline
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This may sound stupid Go 4 It, but look into finding a dog that can sniff it out!

What? It doesn't sound stupid, but I'm not understanding these things.....

It's still mostly experimental, but they are training dogs to find cancerous cells just like they do drugs, explosives, etc. So far as I know, the only thing they are extremely successful with now is skin cancer, but they are trying to train them even more carefully.

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