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#972019 - 06/10/08 12:11 AM Congress, get off your gas, and drill!
Bimmer Offline
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Congress, get off your gas, and drill!
by Chuck Norris

Last Thursday oil prices increased $5.50 per barrel in one day. Last Friday marked the biggest single-day surge in oil price history, rocketing $11 more to $138 on the New York Mercantile Exchange. In just two days, oil costs increased 13 percent.

Average Americans are literally driving to the poor house on financial fumes. With gas at more than $4 per gallon, roughly two cars in every household, and the average annual gas usage at 700 gallons, you do the math. Americans are being forced to use their hard-earned money that once put food in their stomachs to now put petroleum into their tanks, but to drive the exact same distances they drove a decade ago for four-to-five times the price.

As oil and gas prices skyrocket, Congress continues to play the blame game. In April 2006, with the Democrats poised to take over Congress with Nancy Pelosi at the helm, she released a statement saying, "With skyrocketing gas prices, it is clear that the American people can no longer afford the Republican Rubber Stamp Congress." She followed that with the commitment, "Democrats have a common sense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging." So has the Democrat's commonsense plan worked? Average gas prices were about $2.50 a gallon at the time. Now they're $4 a gallon and rising. Some crack-down plan.

Meanwhile, in the Senate, they are going to discuss this week a cap-and-trade system, something that Obama and MCain both support. The main problem is official estimates say that it will increase gas by another $1.50 a gallon. Or as Newt Gringrich said in an interview recently with Glenn Beck, "It should be called 'Raise prices and destroy jobs' because that's what it will do. It's going to raise the price of gasoline; it's going to raise the price of diesel fuel for truckers. It's going to raise the price of aviation fuel for an already ailing airline industry. It's going to raise the price of heating oil. It's going to raise the price of natural gas, and it's going to raise the price of coal."

From the steady decline in the value of our dollar, to trade deficits and oil dependency, our sovereignty is being sold out from underneath us. Might I remind the federal government what one of their original and primary charges is: to protect the American public from the tyranny of foreign powers – which is exactly what is happening through others' financial rule over us. It is sucking the life out of our economy. And Congress is virtually standing by and watching it happen.

Look at the energy chaos that our government has allowed. While we remain at the mercy of oil companies, cartels and OPEC, our government has tied the hands of states and citizens to tap even temporary energy relief from our own land. Here are a few key vistas on the oil and energy landscape at the moment:

* Though we have more oil in the shale of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming than combined in the Middle East (800 billion barrels), liberals and environmentalists have made it illegal to touch it.
* It's illegal to drill in northern Alaska (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge), or off the coasts of Florida or California.
* Oil fields in Colorado are being shut down.
* We won't develop shale oil fields in the Western states
* It's illegal to explore in the Atlantic.
* It's illegal to explore in the Pacific
* It's illegal to explore in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
* We're not receiving any more leases to drill in the Gulf of Mexico, while China, Venezuela and Cuba are.
* We haven't built an oil refinery in 25 years and reduced in half those we have
* There's enough natural gas beneath America (406 trillion cube feet) to heat every home in America for the next 150 years, but we can't tap it all.
* We have the largest supply of coal in the world, but it's Germany who is planning to build 27 coal-fired electrical plants by 2020.
* American airlines are in danger of going out of business.
* American truckers are being stranded on the sides of the road.
* American commuters are going bankrupt trying to travel back and forth to work, and are being forced to work locally for lower wages.

If there isn't a conspiracy going on here, someone needs to make a movie about one!

Bill Clinton once said, "We just have to slow down our economy and cut back our greenhouse emissions because we've got to save the planet for our grandchildren." That is the type of mentality that got us in this trouble. I'm all for doing our best to preserve our planet, but not at the price of losing our nation in the process. Bill's words just might come true, but not as he or Al Gore might expect. We might save the planet for our grandchildren, and lose America at the same time, unless we turn around this energy crisis now.

Instead of whining and blaming, Congress needs to take some practical steps now to stop the insanity at the pumps, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, open up some temporary energy production avenues for economic relief (like shale development) and focus more of their taxpayer work time into establishing further alternative ways of producing energy for everything (from coal, electrical, natural gas, hydrogen, solar, nuclear, wind, etc.) Being the wealthiest nation on Earth, there is simply no reason or justification for us to be dependent on fuels that we can't produce in our country.

If you're sick and tired of giving away $2 of every gallon of gas to foreign dictators, making other oil-producing countries, cartels and tycoons rich beyond their imagination, and watching the federal government flail for energy solutions and bow to international powers –all of whom are sucking the very life out of the American people, economy and threatening national security – I implore you to sign and pass along the petition, "Drill here, drill now, pay less" at Newt Gingrich's American Solutions website. We're hoping to send millions of signatures to Congress demanding an immediate emergency session and resolution to our economic and national security crisis revolving around soaring oil and gas prices.

Our message: It's time to drill here and drill now! The petition is simple. It states: "We therefore the undersigned citizens of the United States petition the U.S. Congress to act immediately to lower gas prices by authorizing exploration of proven energy reserves and reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries."

Speaking of unstable countries, did I mention that the Iraq oil minister just reported that oil production is at pre-war levels (2.5 million barrels a day), yielding earnings for Iraq of $28.5 billion in just the first five months of this year? What that means is, we'll likely soon be dependent and in debt to yet another Middle Eastern oil-producing country that we've helped stabilize and become wealthy while ours is going straight down the tubes.

Congratulations Congress – you're completely failing us.
My silence doesn't mean that I agree with you. It's just that your level of ignorance has rendered me speechless.

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#972021 - 06/10/08 12:55 AM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Bimmer
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
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For how many years would the price of crude oil have to remain at $100/bbl or more to make oil shale economically feasible?

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#972022 - 06/10/08 01:02 AM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Bimmer
TheManofSteel Offline
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Some of these ideas were attempted by congress last year. Almost every democrat responded on the floor of congress by standing up, pumping their fists in the air, and chanting with one voice, "SHAME, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!"
"Beneath an ever watchful eye...the angels of the temple fly"

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#972025 - 06/10/08 01:14 AM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! TheManofSteel
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Maybe President Elect Obamessiah will CHANGE that.....
Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

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#972026 - 06/10/08 01:15 AM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Hrothgar Geiger
Bimmer Offline
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Originally Posted By: AML-Barbarian

For how many years would the price of crude oil have to remain at $100/bbl or more to make oil shale economically feasible?

Royal Dutch Shell has announced that its in situ extraction technology in Colorado could become competitive at prices over $30 per barrel, while other technologies at full-scale production assert profitability at oil prices even lower than $20 per barrel. To increase the efficiency of oil shale retorting, several co-pyrolysis processes have been proposed and tested.,1299,DRMN_86_4051709,00.html
My silence doesn't mean that I agree with you. It's just that your level of ignorance has rendered me speechless.

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#972027 - 06/10/08 01:16 AM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Bimmer
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
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That would be after about 12 years of operation.

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#972032 - 06/10/08 01:57 AM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Hrothgar Geiger
Bimmer Offline
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Oh gee thanks!

It made no mention of that in TFA, so appreciate you clearing that up for me!

It is interesting that out of all the possible solutions that were mentioned in TA, the only one you seem to have a problem with is the Oil Shale.

So, does Barbie think that we should drill in ANWR? Montana? The Gulf of Mexico???
My silence doesn't mean that I agree with you. It's just that your level of ignorance has rendered me speechless.

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#972034 - 06/10/08 02:03 AM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Bimmer
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
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Does Buffy believe that we're not drilling in the Gulf of Mexico?

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#972037 - 06/10/08 02:13 AM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Hrothgar Geiger
Bimmer Offline
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Originally Posted By: AML-Barbarian
Does Buffy believe that we're not drilling in the Gulf of Mexico?

Well now someone would have to be stupid to think that!

What he said was that we are not allowed to do anymore exploration for oil in the Gulf.

Oh and he also said that the US has not been allowed to sign anymore leases for drilling in the Gulf, but China, Venezuela and Cuba are.
My silence doesn't mean that I agree with you. It's just that your level of ignorance has rendered me speechless.

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#972038 - 06/10/08 02:23 AM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Hrothgar Geiger
GuitarDude Offline
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Originally Posted By: AML-Barbarian
That would be after about 12 years of operation.

And if we had started production a mere 12 years ago...

But it's not an easy or overnight fix, so liberals and environmentalists aren't interested. Plus, there would be one less source of fuel for the Obamessiah's smokescreen of "change."
I've just writed a wrong.

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#972053 - 06/10/08 11:47 AM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Bimmer
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
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Originally Posted By: Bimmer
Originally Posted By: AML-Barbarian
Does Buffy believe that we're not drilling in the Gulf of Mexico?

What he said was that we are not allowed to do anymore exploration for oil in the Gulf.

Oh and he also said that the US has not been allowed to sign anymore leases for drilling in the Gulf, but China, Venezuela and Cuba are.

That would come as quite a surprise to the US petroleum industry.
Offshore 2008 Gulf of Mexico Map

You can also search new permits, leases and applications at Not that you will....

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#972056 - 06/10/08 11:53 AM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! GuitarDude
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
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Originally Posted By: GuitarDude
Originally Posted By: AML-Barbarian
That would be after about 12 years of operation.

And if we had started production a mere 12 years ago...

But it's not an easy or overnight fix, so liberals and environmentalists aren't interested. Plus, there would be one less source of fuel for the Obamessiah's smokescreen of "change."

Uh huh. Actually, oil shale projects were started in the 70's during the last oil scare. Companies invested a lot of money, and lost a lot of money when oil prices declined.

There are currently 10 'pilot' or 'testing' sites scattered throughout Colorado and Utah.

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#972305 - 06/10/08 04:01 PM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Hrothgar Geiger
straw Offline
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The fundamentals put oil at an inflation neutral price of about $80 per barrel, which is high but not an economic drag on the economy.

If the dollar was to return to historically normal trading levels, oil would return to more normal levels.

That and the fact that the US economic slowdown will ease demand both here and in China, and the whole world is ending scenario will clear up.

Of course, even if oil goes down, gas might not follow suit, as refining capacity is at maximum, no new refineries are scheduled, at all, anywhere in the country (and haven't been since the 70's) and gas supply will remain tight, increasing to scare over the next decade.

When oil prices ease, the next wave of the fight will be over refineries.

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#972320 - 06/10/08 04:11 PM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! straw
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
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You know we import about a third of our gasoline from Canada, the U.K., the Netherlands, Aruba and Russia, right? US refining capacity (South Dakota just approved zoning for a new refinery, by the way.) is *an* issue, but not *the* issue.

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#972330 - 06/10/08 04:16 PM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Hrothgar Geiger
straw Offline
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It will become the issue when oil prices recede. And no, I didn't know about the SD refinery. How they slip that one past the greens?

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#972331 - 06/10/08 04:16 PM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! straw
B_F Offline
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Did Chuck Norris really write that? I didn't know he could spell anything that didn't end in KO.

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#972353 - 06/10/08 04:40 PM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! B_F
Bimmer Offline
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Originally Posted By: Bengalsfan
Did Chuck Norris really write that? I didn't know he could spell anything that didn't end in KO.

Yup he really did. Click on the link at the bottom, it will take you to the actual column.

I guess it would have a bigger impact with this group if Bob Barker wrote it though.
My silence doesn't mean that I agree with you. It's just that your level of ignorance has rendered me speechless.

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#972433 - 06/10/08 05:52 PM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Bimmer
Pale Rider Offline
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we will increase production and capacity to refine after November, the democrats are stalling everything so they can take credit for the solution

a windfall profits tax will increase the price and consumers will pay more just as we did in the 70's

and we need permits to drill for the easy to reach natural gas off Florida's coast, don't you agree AML- B ?
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#972454 - 06/10/08 06:02 PM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Pale Rider
Sound Tactic Offline
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Sound Tactic
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It is sad that we have become this partisan.
If your tagline references disclaimers regarding the nature of political posts, then you should just hit notify.

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#972464 - 06/10/08 06:07 PM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Hrothgar Geiger
Pale Rider Offline
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under the Lone Star
Originally Posted By: AML-Barbarian
You know we import about a third of our gasoline from Canada, the U.K., the Netherlands, Aruba and Russia, right? US refining capacity (South Dakota just approved zoning for a new refinery, by the way.) is *an* issue, but not *the* issue.

before we scream with delight, lets remember the unholy hords of enviro lawyers lining up to tie up the permiting process for untold years to come on this new refinery - I am thinking I will assume room temperature before this plant goes into production
Last edited by Pale Rider; 06/10/08 06:07 PM.
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.

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#972469 - 06/10/08 06:08 PM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Pale Rider
MB Guy Offline
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I emailed Crist today about his opposition to allow off-shore drilling in FL.
Giddy up.

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#972501 - 06/10/08 06:27 PM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! MB Guy
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
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good for you.

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#972510 - 06/10/08 06:36 PM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! Hrothgar Geiger
MB Guy Offline
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Thanks buddy!
Giddy up.

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#973418 - 06/11/08 08:26 PM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! MB Guy
TheManofSteel Offline
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Just saw on Fox news that the Dummocrats voted down yet anohter proposed legislation by the Repubs to drill offshore. Y'all know who you have to thank for your high gas prices.
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#973427 - 06/11/08 08:31 PM Re: Congress, get off your gas, and drill! TheManofSteel
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Y'all know who you have to thank for your high gas prices.

yes. china and india.

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