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#1753534 - 10/30/12 07:02 PM Couch to 5K
ComplianceGirl42 Offline
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Hi everyone!

I'm new to BOL land (although I've been reading the threads for a while) and just thought that I would get some feedback on a topic that I've started.

Recently, a friend and I have been doing the Couch to 5K in preparation for a few upcoming runs that I've really been looking forward to doing (Run for Your Lives Zombie Race, Color Run, and Warrior Dash).

So my question is this.... Have any of you done this and how was your experience and do you have any tips for us while in the training process? Keep in mind that we are on our first week of training.

Thanks so much!

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#1753544 - 10/30/12 07:17 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
Matt_B Offline
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First of all, welcome! Hopefully you've read some of the weight watchers and push-up threads (though there is a ton to read, I know), we have a lot of runners and aspiring runners in this crowd! (myself included as an aspiring runner)

I've not completed the program myself, but I know quite a few people that have gone through it, with varying agrees of success. It's all about commitment. Having a friend working with you is awesome, the positive support/peer pressure can do a lot for you when it would otherwise be easy to take a day off that will quickly become a month. Stick with it, follow the program as best you can.

That being said, don't ever be discouraged if you're not to the level you expect yourself to be at. It's a process, and not an especially easy one, so take it at your own pace. You'll probably have lovely aches and pains come up, try to figure out why and address them as they come so they don't develop to something more. Shin splints will probably happen, read up on them and prepare to use ice packs/frozen veg and ibuprofen! Also, look into shoes if you haven't already. No better way to knock you down with injuries than having bad shoes!

There's a lot of information out there, don't be overwhelmed though. Ask questions as they come up, there is a ton of experience around here that come from all levels of fitness and can share lots of great stories and strategies.

Finally, good for you! I wish you the best of luck, though it's not really about luck at all. smile
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#1753557 - 10/30/12 07:31 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
ComplianceGirl42 Offline
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Thanks Matt_B! Absolutely! I'm lucky enough to have my best friend doing this with me. We're both fairly athletic so it shouldn't be too difficult to get into the swing of things. We'll see how things work out when we have to start running for more than 2 minutes at a time. That should be interesting, LOL!

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#1753582 - 10/30/12 08:02 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
QCL Offline
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I have done the Couch to 5K app and I LOVE it. It is all about commitment. Commit to stick to it, even through week 4 and 5 and you'll find that week 6 is doable. smile

Have you run before?
When I first started someone recommended that I also read "No Need For Speed" by John "The Penguin" Bingham. It was fantastic advice and helped me to wrap my head around running, in a way that I never had before.

One more thing, I have actually done the Couch to 5K app twice. I stopped running for a year or so, and it really helped me to commit to moving. The app that I used is now called Ease to 5K or something like that.

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#1753591 - 10/30/12 08:20 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
ComplianceGirl42 Offline
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I have never run just for the sake of running like we have been. It has always been running during softball, basketball, and other sports. I've always made the comment that I would never run unless something is chasing me, lol. I think the Zombie 5k satisfies that requirement. I would like to make it a habit in the near future. I've done quite a bit of research on running and the only problem that I'm running into is getting my breathing right to avoid the "side stitches".

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#1753607 - 10/30/12 08:41 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
manimal Offline
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How are you warming up? I find that if I take lots of deep breaths while warming up (warming up = walking briskly), I breathe a lot better once the running starts. It's like I'm prepping my lungs for deeper breaths.

And shoes, shoes, shoes. Make sure you get fitted for a pair of running shoes. We all have horror stories about running in the wrong shoes and the effects it has on our feet, ankles, knees, hips, back, etc.

And congratulations on starting to run and welcome to the threads! smile
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#1753613 - 10/30/12 08:55 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
TXBSA Offline
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I have been lurking around the threads for a while and have read the Weight Watchers and Push-up challenge threads! Talk about motivation. My 2 boys have also decided to joing the running club at the school so therefore it has put mom on the fast track to getting fit again so I can run with them. I have looked at the Couch to 5k program but have not actually committed to it. The boys running club is set to run a 5k December 5 and that does not get us through the program in time. Thoughts on a training program I can use for myself and an 8 and 9 year old?

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#1753618 - 10/30/12 09:01 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
ComplianceGirl42 Offline
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Thanks manimal!

Starting out with a brisk 5-10 minute walk to get warmed up. Before I came into the banking world I was an Asst. Manager at Hibbett Sports for about 5 yrs so I am very familiar with running shoes and such. Im an Asics and Nike freak and I have at least 35 pairs to choose from.

Thank you guys for all the feedback! This is great!

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#1753632 - 10/30/12 09:13 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
ComplianceGirl42 Offline
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My biggest problem was/is making myself go even when I don't feel like it. It's so much easier when you have someone else to be accountable to.

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#1753643 - 10/30/12 09:49 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
MyBrainHurts Offline
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Good luck to you KD. Once you run the first race, it's addictive.

I started walking on a treadmill in January, then mixed in a little running, and then ran my first 5K in July.

Unfortunately, I've now hurt my knee. It started to hurt after running a leisurely 5k around the neighborhood a few weeks ago. I rested it, only doing elliptical for a while until it felt better. I ran a few times on a treadmill without a problem, until, BAM, one day it came back. Again I rested it, and Sunday I was sure it felt good as new. I made it about 200 yards down the street before I couldn't run another step. ARRRGGHHH!!!!

I was really enjoying running. I've got an appt with my doctor for a scheduled check-up in a couple weeks and I'll ask him about it. Once it feels good, I'll go get fitted for shoes.

I really do not want to give it up. I signed up for a 5K this Saturday, before the knee pain started. I signed up for another in a few weeks.

KD, I don't mean to discourage you with my knee story. It's really a great feeling when somewhere in mile one, you realize "I'm running in race!" For a non-athlete like me, just being in the event feels like a victory. Of course, somewhere after the two mile mark, you start questioning your sanity.

At first, I started breathing too quickly and shallowly. I tried to focus on deep breathing in the first half mile. Pretty soon it becomes second nature. It helps to calm you, too, because you will be nervous when you line up at the start.

And then you get to wear those cool race shirts all over town, so everyone knows you're a runner.

"My biggest problem was/is making myself go even when I don't feel like it"

Signing up for a race and having that date on the calendar will make you get up and run.
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#1753646 - 10/30/12 10:00 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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Hey KD and Star! Welcome to crazy world of runners. You may not think of yourself as "A Runner", but if you run, you are. smile
There is a lot very useful hints in here and all of them are good!
I encourage both of you to look at and implemant as many as you may feel are useful to where you are in your running. We have lifelong athletes and people that spent most of their lives staring at the bottom of an empty potato chip bag. All have done well.
Consider finding a local running store and having your stride analyzed. They can recommend shoes that are appropriate. Looks dont account for much in shoes. Only if they work on your feet. And before you gasp too much at the cost of them, think of what they protect. There are also ways to find shoes on the internet at substantial savings!
The other thing is try not to overthink everything and just enjoy and be totally amazed by the fact that you are doing something that relatively few people do! Enjoy!!!
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#1753648 - 10/30/12 10:17 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
manimal Offline
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Whenever I'm feeling unmotivated, I tell myself: Start out running a mile. If you finish and you still feel like carp, then okay, you gave it your best. But usually once you're going, you don't want to stop. smile smile smile
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#1753708 - 10/31/12 01:50 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
ComplianceGirl42 Offline
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Right now I'm slowly working up to running a solid mile every other day. I figure as long as I'm consistantly working my way toward longer distances then I should be fine by March 30th which is when the first race is. This race isn't flat pavement racing like most. It's running across fields and through streams and around obstacles. I figure we'll have to start training on some good ole MS Delta turnrows before long.

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#1753736 - 10/31/12 02:08 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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One thing about obstacle races is that there tend to be bottlenecks at all of the obstacles (unless you are at the front), so you get a bit of a breather.
You might want to work on some upper body strength. (hint, hint) smile
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#1753739 - 10/31/12 02:10 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
ComplianceGirl42 Offline
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I just said that last night. May have to alternate the gym and the track to build up my arm strength.

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#1753746 - 10/31/12 02:19 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
*W*W* Offline
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I did Couch to 5k and loved it.

My advice: Stick to the schedule! Don't try and speed up the process by adding in an extra run or extending your workout. You'll get burned out and may have a set back which will then get you discouraged.

I did Couch to 5k, Jillian Michaels 30 day shred 3x a week and a healthier diet. I lost 20 lbs in a few months and kept it off for a year before I got pregnant.
Last edited by *W*W*; 10/31/12 02:24 PM.
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#1753750 - 10/31/12 02:23 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
Matt_B Offline
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Originally Posted By: KDCOA8813
I just said that last night. May have to alternate the gym and the track to build up my arm strength.

Definitely. Endurance and being able to move from one activity to another is going to be pretty key to success in those kinds of races. The ability to run a 5k itself is actually pretty minor compared to the rest of it, in my opinon. It's all about being able to jump over things and such when you're already beat!
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#1753756 - 10/31/12 02:27 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
HappyGilmore Offline
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the worst problem with any "training" app is it doesn't take into consideration real advice I can provide (as someone who has run since he was 12) if you feel good one day, run further, if you hurt, stop running...let your body dictate your mileage
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#1753760 - 10/31/12 02:27 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
ComplianceGirl42 Offline
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Has anyone ever done any of the obstacle course races like I mentioned above?

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#1753767 - 10/31/12 02:31 PM Re: Couch to 5K HappyGilmore
ComplianceGirl42 Offline
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Originally Posted By: ZombieGilmore
the worst problem with any "training" app is it doesn't take into consideration real advice I can provide (as someone who has run since he was 12) if you feel good one day, run further, if you hurt, stop running...let your body dictate your mileage

That's what happened last night. We got halfway through the training and neither one of us were feeling very well so we only go through a mile and ahalf before we quit. Oddly enough, the side stitches weren't as bad as before. I guess I'm starting to focus more on my breathing.

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#1753776 - 10/31/12 02:42 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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Several of us have. They are way too much fun!!!
Hints, find some disposable shoes for the mud races. They have a check in area where you can store a bag (or if you have non racing friends that go, they can hold it). Take some flip flops to change into. I usually take some spare shorts and and towel. Clean up after is usually communal in nature.... a bunch of big fire hoses sprayed on the racers to take off the mud. smile
If you have good upper body strength, good. If not, get some. Its not tragic if you cant do a pull up or two, but its easier if you can.
Wear sunglasses, cheap ones. Dont wear anything that streatches out when it gets wet or you will do part of the race half naked. smile
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity. wink

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#1753780 - 10/31/12 02:48 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
Matt_B Offline
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^^ All great advice. I've done a couple so far as well, the shortest being about 3 miles, the longest being 12ish. Comfortable clothes that won't retain water are very helpful, dri-fit type stuff works well and the mud/other stuff generally washes out too.

Don't drink until after the race! Ignore the people that take a tailgating approach to these races, though it does look like they have a lot of fun... laugh
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#1753781 - 10/31/12 02:48 PM Re: Couch to 5K Bankbb1, PITA
ComplianceGirl42 Offline
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Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA

Dont wear anything that streatches out when it gets wet or you will do part of the race half naked. smile

Haha! My boyfriend would appreciate that!

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#1753783 - 10/31/12 02:51 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
Matt_B Offline
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Generally this rule violation occurs when you see men (often not in great shape) wearing just a pair of tighty-whities. Nobody is happy about it!

I've never seen it as a "major" issue for females, I think they're just smarter about it. I've seen shorts lost though...
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#1753791 - 10/31/12 03:02 PM Re: Couch to 5K ComplianceGirl42
ComplianceGirl42 Offline
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I'll be sure to keep that in mind. I'll be sure to keep a yellow penalty flag in my shorts and throw it at the first behemoth I see wearing his underwear. Sorry, I've got college football on the brain.

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