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#92846 - 07/10/03 08:24 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
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Hmmm I'm still tweaking my theory of the veil. (I have a day job that gets in the way ) but, I am leaning towards an "its not really what it seems" hypothesis.
if only I can get my next class at the university to somehow let me analyze HP and get a grade on it...'heaven, I'm in heaven' (I've maxed out on lit classess ::pooh::)

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#92847 - 07/11/03 12:59 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
Brandy Osborne Offline
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yeah this whole day job thing can really be a pain but hey it pays the bills. though i graduated from the hallowed halls of college education a few years ago, i'd love to go back and heck by the time we're done in here we could teach a class on HP theory... oohhh that'd be cool!!!
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#92848 - 07/11/03 02:14 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
Kansayaku Offline
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if only I can get my next class at the university to somehow let me analyze HP and get a grade on it...

My Lit TA did his thesis on Sesame Street.

I miss the college life. It's been far, far too long. (But then so has the past week.) I had thought about going back to school to get my teaching certification and will probably do so as soon as my daughter is able to stay home alone for longer periods of time. Hopefully I can teach business courses in a junior high or high school setting and teach Lit on the side.

Off subject again I know. I once had a Lit Prof that reminds me in many ways of Snape. She and I did not get along at all during the first semester but became very good friends during the second. Guess that's why I am still holding out hope for Snape.
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#92849 - 07/11/03 02:33 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
Brandy Osborne Offline
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off subject but brings us to a good discussion... what are the hopes for a happier , nicer snape? i think something huge will happen with he and Harry, perhaps Harry will save his life or something... but honestly I wonder how long Snape can live double crossing Lord V?
i do wonder if he has a forgiving bone in his body (Snape not Lord V)?
and P.S. if i could afford to go back to school. i'd be gone in a flash... i'd love to teach as well, though theater is my back ground i came to banking the round about way...
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#92850 - 07/11/03 03:01 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
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Well I'll have to pay back all these student's loans soon when I'm done.
Teaching has crossed my mind a lot lately. I would like to teach Literature or English for high school seniors or Philosophy at a college or university. Anywho...
About Snape:
When asked about Snape "We're slowly getting the idea that maybe he is not so bad after all."
JK replied "Yes, but you shouldn't think he's too nice. Let me just say that. It is worth keeping an eye on old Severus Snape."
And, did you notice that James kept refering to Snape as "Snivellus". What is up with that? Never in the memory was he referred to as Severus or Snape. ::another hmmm::

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#92851 - 07/11/03 03:04 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
Kansayaku Offline
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I am actually hoping that Harry will end up saving Snape from Voldemort thus causing an even greater bond and conflict between the two.

As stated earlier, I am not sure how Voldemort doesn't know that Snape is no longer on his side.

As far as forgiveness and Snape are concerned, I wonder if we may be learning more about his past in the coming books to uncover other memories that may be causing his pain. From those stated in the last book, it appears that he was alone even without the torment of James and Sirius. There is definately a deeper issue there.

I loved Theatre in college as well. It helped that most of the studies and productions were of my liking as well.
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#92852 - 07/11/03 03:46 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
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I guess Snape has been real convincing to Voldemort so far.
Or, Voldemort suspects, but has found some sort of benefit from the 'information' Snape has or is privy to inside Hogwarts.
Snape is not as strong as he thinks he is. Harry was able to see Snape's thoughts during the Occulmency lessons, and that is without even trying. There lies a big chunk of Snape's resentment of Harry. Snape is intelligent, and a powerful wizard, but he had to work at it (kinda like Hermione hitting the books, but with a BAD attitude). However, Harry, doesn't really try, he is a natural.
Kinda made me think of a school situation whereas one younger student doesn't really study, listens so so in class and aces the test. Other older students, with their noses buried in the book, studying for the test from sun up to sun down, got like 70s-80s (or Poor instead of Outstanding on the O.W.L.S) and resented the younger student who was a natural. Go figure. Jealousy. Snape was jealous of the Marauders. He probably felt that he had surpassed his jealousy and was pretty successul, overcome those uhm, obstacles of the past, and was living a good (?) life. And now he has to face Harry, the boy who lived, the boy who is everything he was not. I think it is pure jealously.
Anyways, that's my 2 cents.

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#92853 - 07/11/03 04:12 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
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Near the Land of Enchantment

Teaching has crossed my mind a lot lately. I would like to teach Literature or English for high school seniors or Philosophy at a college or university.

Not to interrupt your HP discussion - but Hermione!!! Don't be saying such awful things!!! You're going to give me heart failure.
Opinions my own.

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#92854 - 07/11/03 04:24 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
Kansayaku Offline
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London England. i went in college as a part of a theater class. it was amazing. still trying to find the money to go back again. too bad i didn't get the powerball!

If I had hit the powerball, I would have tried to buy the house that was used in the first movie as #4 Privet Drive. It's up for sale you know.
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#92855 - 07/11/03 04:29 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
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That's funny Lestie. I'm sure you have thought of alternate careers. I'm not saying it'll happen. But I dream. That's what I wanted to do before entering the realm of banking. I think where I am though is parallel to those 'dreams'. I get to train people, ethics and philosophy are important to community involvement "What is the right thing?" sort of thought pattern.
People have just been asking me alot lately what I would do if I wasn't in banking, seeing as I am close to graduating. The answer is always the same.
Sorry Lestie. I'm just gonna try and call you. ::ugh::

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#92856 - 07/11/03 04:30 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
Brandy Osborne Offline
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it still amazes me how much space we as americans take for granted... even the nicest houses in London would be small by our tastes! but believe me if i hit the powerball, i've got my passport ready to go
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#92857 - 07/11/03 04:39 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
Brandy Osborne Offline
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on the topic of Snape. we never hear anything about his family life or how he came to be a death eater to begin with. did he go willingly as a way to finally be "cool" and powerful or has he been "honest" all along (i mean dumbledore trusts him)? and i wonder why he was such a pitiful kid, i mean i don't think that the Mauraders created the monster that is snape, but they didn't help . i wonder about his background? is he pure blood or is he a mud blood who was mistreated by his family for his gifts, like harry and the dursley's but with out the bonus of being talented and famous and well liked. questions questions questions but sure makes the day more fun!
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#92858 - 07/11/03 04:47 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
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Considering how alone he seemed to be in the memory, I would venture that he joined with Voldemort to have a sense of belonging. I don't really know that he was aware of what the job entailed, but he wasn't forced to work with James now was he.

We have seen from Sirius that even in all wizarding families there is not always acceptance. Perhaps too, Snape, like Sirius, was raised to be a dark wizard and did not turn out as anticipated by his family. That could have lead him to join with Voldemort in order to appease parents who were unyeilding.

Just a couple of thoughts.
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#92859 - 07/11/03 05:03 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
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Good, good theories. I like them
There is a whole lot more to the Snape story, and hopefully it will be reveiled in book 6.
Accio book 6...
FYI::my highlighter does not make a good wand::

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#92860 - 07/11/03 05:09 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
Kansayaku Offline
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You know, you can buy a wand if you really want one. However, I believe that the essence of phoenix feather or unicorn hair would most likely not be legit.

My daughter went as Hermione (the character from the books ) for her Halloween party. I made her wand. It took quite a while to find just the right piece of wood and appropriately prepare it, but it was worth the effort.

Next for me, will be to plan a Hogwarts style birthday party. Oh, the joys of parenthood. (Actually, one would be hard pressed to determine who will enjoy it more, her and her friends or her mum.)
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#92861 - 07/11/03 05:21 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
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I had a HP wand I bought that lit up, but the kids took it. Alas, I guess it is a kid's toy.
I have asked my husband to get me a quill pen for my birthday. They have some really nice ones at Barnes and Noble. He looked at me kinda funny, but he'll do it, he loves me. (Plus, I buy him any PS2 game he wants)
What a silly sight it will be when I sit at my desk, and co-workers pass by and see me writing out my new policy with a quill pen. I want to do it just for the looks! hehe
My kiddos have their birthdays 9 days apart in December. I am going to do a HP birthday party for them as well. I am going to dress my german shepard Scooby as Fluffy and my St. Bernard (Full name Shaggy Hagrid Calero) as Fang.
My little dacshund is named Molly (my husband wouldn't let me name her Ginny-he said no Harry Potter character names and he knew of Ginny from the movie I asked casually about the name Molly and he liked it! ::sneaky huh:: Shaggy-Hagrid came later )

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#92862 - 07/11/03 05:28 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
Kansayaku Offline
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I'm not alone.

I have a couple of quill pens at home. Haven't brought them to the office yet though. They aren't the kind I prefer. I saw a really nice one once. Actually had to use a bottle of ink with it too. Gotta get one of those.

Definitely sneaky with Molly rather than Ginny. Molly is one of my favorite characters. She's always good for a laugh. Especially when enteracting with Fred and George.
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#92863 - 07/11/03 05:40 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
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Yeah, this one had the bottle of ink. I used to do calligraphy alot and used the fountain pens with the separate ink. Very nice, it just adds a touch of class I think.

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#92864 - 07/11/03 05:56 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
Brandy Osborne Offline
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i've seen the ones at barnes and noble and would love to have one... but oh the mess i'd make...
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#92865 - 07/11/03 06:27 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
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They are currently getting a new Barnes & Noble ready to open not too far from me. I can't wait. I had spent a great deal of time (and money) there before I moved. Unfortunately, there has not been one close to where I live, but soon. I'll have to look for the quills.

I had caligraphy pens in the past too. It was a hobby I picked up at the same time as origamy. Haven't had much time for either lately. (Vacation time is too little in the real world. )

So what do think about the choices of Gary Oldman and Michael Gambon for the third movie?

I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#92866 - 07/11/03 06:48 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
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I know how you feel. I have very little time for any hobbies. I'ved traded in sleep for reading.
The more and more I look at Gary Oldman, I think it'll work.
Michael Gambon on the other hand has a hard job. Richard Harris was Dumbledore. He has a big hat to fill.
Have you seen any pictures or heard who is going to play Lupin?

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#92867 - 07/11/03 06:50 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
Kansayaku Offline
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David Thewlis
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#92868 - 07/11/03 07:11 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
Brandy Osborne Offline
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gary oldman as sirius... hmmm not how i pictured him... but i can kinda see it... i think the scenes with him and snape would be great. i love alan rickman!
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#92869 - 07/11/03 07:21 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
Kansayaku Offline
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i love alan rickman!

Ditto, always have. (He's always made a good slime ball. )

I still don't know about Gambon as Dumbledore. Richard Harris will be hard to replace but with all the facial hair required for Dumbledore, maybe they can pull it off. He just has to figure out the tone of voice.

The one I would hate to see replaced is Rupert. He has such entertaining facial expressions. How could they ever find another Ron. (Hopefully, they won't ever have to.)
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#92870 - 07/11/03 07:37 PM Re: Don't enter if you've not read latest Harry Po
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I agree Rupert is Ron.

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