We are trying to find specific regulations on training requirements for security officers. Is this spelled on in the regs? Does anyone have a list of security officer training recommendations?
Is there an IRS or other regulatory penalty for a bank not having a proper EIN for a business account on "pre-CIP" accounts? If so, where can this information be found?
When we have a deceased customer with sole ownership of an interest bearing account and are unable to locate the administrator or executor and have to hold the account in accordance with the State's abandoned property regulations, do we continue to report interest income on form 1099-INT in the name and social security number of the deceased individual?
Red Flag Regs Alert:
It's Time to Start Planning
John S. Burnett, BOL Guru
I am looking for the rules and Regs on annual security reporting to the board of directors. Where can I find this information?
When an applicant does not qualify and the lender advises they need a co-signer or guarantor, does the co-signer/guarantor need to sign the intent to apply for joint credit? Where can I find this in the Regs because in my search I can not find anything. Also, can someone provide a good definition for co-signer and guarantor?
If a bank files a SAR for structuring and the transactions continue, where in the Regs does it say how often that a bank must file additional SARs?
Please provide a comprehensive list of the regulations that have "required training" stated, within the regulation. Also, I am looking for a suggested/required training list that would be applicable to ALL bank staff: So far I have sexual harassment, workplace violence, privacy, robbery, CIP, and BSA.
I'm the Internal Auditor of a community bank and will really appreciate your help with this. I'm working on the BSA Internal Audit and was trying to see if the FDIC/State requires for all employees to complete their BSA training, regardless of their department? We have a very good compliance program and training but it seems that some of the Loan department has not finish or even started with their online BSA training. Should I include as a recommendation to make sure that all employees complete their BSA training or should I write it up as violation? If you advise me to write it as a violation, give me good arguments because I have a stubborn Compliance Officer. Once again I would like to thank you for your time and assistance.
When a SAR is filed and you report it to the board, should you list the name of the person on whom the SAR is filed or just give a synopsis?