Showing "DBA" on Account Records
Minnie Mouse DBA Minnie's Dresses, POD Mickey Mouse, or Minnie Mouse POD Mickey Mouse, DBA Minnie's Dresses, or something else?
We have a LLC wanting to open a DBA under the LLC. The TIN number and the Article of Organization only has the LLC's name.
1. Does the LLC need to get an Certificate of Assumed Name filed with the Secretary of State?
2. Will they have to file the DBA at the county also? (We know at this time the DBA is filed under someone else's name at the county currently.)
We have a Corporation customer that opened a new wedding event center. He wants the checks to be made out to the event center name but wants to deposit into his corporate account. Is there a document that we can use that states his corporation operates the following businesses?
Smith Enterprise is the Corporation
Smith Event Center
Smith Catering
Smith Restaurant Equipment
Can an LLC with a Series that does not have a separate EIN be linked to the account as an assumed name (DBA)? We have an LLC customer that does have a Series without an EIN. The customer wants the Series attached to the checking account as an assumed name. I was told years ago that an LLC that has a Series would either have the Series with its own EIN and linked to the account as primary without the LLC name, or the Series would be added as a subtitle on the account and not linked as a DBA.
What are other banks doing to track beneficial ownership documentation?
I thought if a bank found out a consumer was doing business from home, it was the banks responsibility to require they have a DBA. For instance; we have a consumer that deals in junk cars and scraps the metal. He brings in checks from scrap yards on a weekly basis made to him personally however we know that is how he makes a living. What is the ruling on that? Is there a reg that discusses this type of customers??
I thought if a bank found out a consumer was doing business from home, it was the banks responsibility to require they have a DBA. For instance; we have a consumer that deals in junk cars and scraps the metal. He brings in checks from scrap yards on a weekly basis made to him personally however we know that is how he makes a living. What is the ruling on that? Is there a reg that discusses this type of customers??
What is the proper way of reporting the beneficiaries of the following cash
in deposits in a CTR. The TIN number for all is the same #11-1111111.
XYZ Corporation (6 accounts*) $11100
XYZ Corporation dba Café,LLC (Acct 9999) $1000
XYZ Corporation dba Bake LLC (Acct 888) $600
* There is no dba in the title of the 6 accounts.
Do I need to report 3 beneficiaries to show the actual amount of cash deposited to the accounts?
Is it okay to report XYZ Corp dba Café LLC (6 accounts including acct #9999) $12100 and XYZ Corp dba Bake LLC (acct #888) $600?
If a customer has a sole proprietorship along with a Fictitious name certificate, does the account still need to include their full name? Example: John Doe is the sole prop. He has a certificate to do business as Doe Technologies. Can the account be titled Doe Technologies or must it be titled John Doe DBA Doe Technologies?