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Bankers' Hotline, Volume 28, Number 1

January 30, 2018

Open Banking: Window of Opportunity or Pandora's Box?

by Teri Wesley

Whether the implementation of the PSD2 open banking rules in Europe and movement by some U.S. banks to provide third-party access to customer data opens up windows of opportunity or opens Pandora's Box remains to be seen.

Proposed Revised Section 19 SOP

by Teri Wesley

The FDIC is soliciting comments on proposed revisions to Section 19's Statement of Policy (SOP) that are designed to reduce regulatory burden.

In The News

Statistics, Facts, & Such

Tech Update
BSA/AML Compliance Solution

Training Page
Are Your Safe Deposit Procedures Ready for a Subpoena?

by David P. McGuinn

Adopting and implementing a Safe Deposit Procedures policy and procedures manual and training program will be a vital part of your defense against any claim of negligence in a safe deposit disappearance case.

Global Center for Cybersecurity

A new cybersecurity center has been formed with a focus on global cybersecurity information sharing.

Cyber Defense Bill

A cyber defense bill that would give individuals and companies the power to fight back against hackers is in the works.

Focus on Fraud

From the editor's desk
Defense Wins

by P. Kevin Smith, CPP

As the old adage goes, "the best offense is a good defense." A strong defensive strategy that changes in response to evolving threats can help mitigate losses.

War Stories

Questions & Answers

Other Bankers

Copyright © 2018 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline Vol. 28, No. 1, 1/18

Executive Editor:
P. Kevin Smith, CPP
Contributing Editor:
Teri Wesley
Board of Advisors:
John S. Burnett
Mary Beth Guard, Esq.
Barbara Hurst
David McGuinn
Robert G. Rowe, III, Esq.
Barry Thompson
Andy Zavoina

Bankers' Hotline

Bankers' Hotline

Compliance Action