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Compliance Action, Volume 17, Number 2

February 29, 2012

Compliance & the President's Housing Plan (4 Action Steps)

By Lucy Griffin

President Obama's housing plan brings hope to responsible struggling homeowners by providing them refinancing options at lower interest rates, special forbearance measures, and more. Fortunately for us compliance folks, it provides a heat map for mortgage lending and servicing.

CRA: Implications & Opportunities in President's Housing Plan (4 Action Steps)

By Lucy Griffin

CRA has evolved from a focus on mortgage financing to address many aspects of economic development. Several components of the President's housing plan go to the core of CRA by focusing attention on neighborhoods.

Action Training
Credit Decision Notices (Chart)

By Lucy Griffin

Credit decision notices have been a large part of the lending process for years. But changes and tweaks along the way have turned these simple disclosures into complicated ones.

Compliance Notes

Compliance Calendar

In the Editor's Opinion
Balancing Responsibility

By Lucy Griffin

"If you send them, they will read them" doesn't always apply to disclosures. Lenders can prepare disclosures in the most organized, easy-to-read format possible, but the responsibility of reading them lies with consumers.

Compliance Q & A

Executive Editor:
Lucy H. Griffin, Esq.
Board of Advisors:
Patti Blenden
John S. Byrne, Esq.
David Battle
Robert P. Chamness
David Dickinson
Phillips G. Gay, Jr.
Barbara Hurst
Robert G. Rowe, III, Esq.
Michael D. Maher
Andy Zavoina

Compliance Action

Bankers' Hotline

Compliance Action